injury by drugs Flashcards
1) four rings bound together
2) inhibit protein synthesis of bacteria
3) discoloration of teeth
- staining dentin during tooth development
4) discoloration of bone
- due to bone remodeling
1) binds to metal (chelating ability)
2) binds to iron
oral contraceptive
1) decrease endometrial and ovarian cancers
2) increase risk of cervical cancer
1) chronic aspirin toxicity
- hormone like actions
- vomiting, prolonged bleeding
2) reye’s syndrome
- serious complication in pediatrics
3) also acidic
- erosion and ulceration
chronic aspirin toxicity
2) non selective oxygenase inhibitor
- COX-1 inhibition is BAD!!! (normal platelet and gastro protective lipids)
- COX-2 inhibition is good (inflammation)
reye’s syndrome
1) after flu or chicken pox
2) ammonia passes the blood brain barrier causing encepalopathy
3) do not give children aspirin
tylenol (acetominophen)
1) is not NSAID
- works in CNS
2) helps with pain
3) large does may produce hepatic necrosis
- via ROS
1) methamphetamine
- rampant caries
1) vasoconstriction
2) loss of nasal septum
- cocaine snorting and intranasal abuse of oxycodone and hydrocodone
3) palatal perforation
thermal food burn
1) epithelial necrosis due to hot food
herpetic lesion
1) travels unilaterally
electrical burn
1) electrical arc burn
1) abrasion
- scraping and rubbing
- superficial layer
1) bruise
2) rupture of blood into tissue without rupture of surface
1) irregular cut into underlying tissue
2) vessels may not be completely torn