Injuries of Ankle and Foot Flashcards
what are the lateral ligaments of the ankle
what are the medial ligaments of the ankle
Deltoid ligament (MCL) and spring ligament
what actions does tibialis posterior do?
plantar flexion and inversion
what does flexor digitorum longus do?
plantar flexion and toe flexion
what does flexor hallicus longus do?
plantar flexion and big toe flexion
what does tibialis anterior do?
dorsiflection and inversion
what does peroneous longus do?
what does peroneous brevis do
platar flexion and eversion ``
where does Achilles attach?
medial calcaneus
what action does achilles allow calf muscles to do?
plantar flexion
what is the functional movement of the tibilias anterior
to eccentrically lower longitudinal arch - this allows us to slow the foot as it comes down
what is the functional movement of the tibilias posterior?
to stabilize the longitudinal arch
what is the functional movement of the plantar fascia?
NB for dynamic longitudinal arch support
what is the functional movement of the anterior talus?
sets up anatomy for the rest of the chain
what is the range of motion of the toes?
flexion, extension, abduction, adduction
In the ankle, what does the tibiotalar joint allow for?
dorsiflexion (extension) and plantarflexion (flexion)
In the ankle, what does the subtalar jont allow for?
pronation and supination
what is the method of injury for turf toe?
hyperextension of the big toe - this leads to sprain fo the 1st metatarsal phalngeal joint
what are the signs and symptoms for turf toe?
swelling, bruising, pain, loss of toe dorsiflection and ROM, weak hallux flxion
what is treatment for turf toe?
ice (within first 24 hours), rest, compression, and immobilization
what is MOI for runner’s toe
repeat trauma to end of toes
what are signs to symptoms of runners toe?
pain and pressure under the nail, discoloration of the nail
what is the MOI for sesamoiditis
repeat trauma to the ball of the foot
what is sesamoiditis
sesamoiditis is when tendons become inflamed in the ball of the foot (the bones embedded here become inflammed along with the tendons)
what are the signs and symptoms of sesamoiditis
pain over sesamoids, swelling, limited big toe extension, weak/painful flexion
what is the MOI for plantar faciitis?
poor biomechanics and overuse
what are the signs and symptoms of plantar fasciiitis?
pain along med calcaneus and longitudinal arch, pain with 1st steps in morning, ankle/toe DF stretch pain
what is the MOI of bunions?
genetics, poor foot mechanics, tight/narrow footwear
what are the signs and symptoms of bunions?
big toe aligns with 2nd toe, tender bump under big toe
what is the MOI for tendonitis and shin splints?
poor mechanics, overuse
what are some common structures affected by tendonitis and shin splints
peroneal tendons, tibias anterior, achiles
what are some signs adn symptoms of shin splints?
over inflamed tissues, pain with running and walking, pain with resisted muscle testign or stretch of affected structure, warm
what is MOI for lateral ankle spain?
ankle inversion
what are S and S for lateral ankle sprain?
hearing a pop, giving out, swelling, bruising, limpinh
what is MOI for medial ankle sprain?
ankle eversion
what are some signs and symptoms of medial ankle sprain?
hearing a pop, giving out, swelling, bruising, limping
what is MOI for talus fracture?
severe ankle sprain, land from heigh, forced DF
what are S and S for talus fracture?
pain with weight bearing, loss of ROM
what is MOI for calcaneus fracture
fall/jump from height
what are some S and S for calcaneus fracture
extreme pain, unable to weight bear
what does drawer sign st test?
anterior talofibular ligament
what does talar tilt st test?
calcaneofibular ligament
what does eversion talar tilt st test
deltoid ligament
what does wedge st test
anterior inferior taibiofibular ligament
how do you do a drawer sign test
test fot ATFL
athelete has flex knee, slight plantae flexion, foot off table
stabilize tib fib
hand cusping heel (calcaneus) and draw the calceneus and talus forward and up
should not see any movement in the dimple medial to the fibula
how do you do a talar tilt test?
for CFL (or medial ankle sprain if you evert it)
have leg hanging over edge of table
stabilzie tib fib
cusp hand over calcaneus and turn foot into plantarflexion and inversion
if joint gaps or if pain - + test
how do you do a wedge test?
this is a test for AITFL
athelete foot in neutral, stabilzie tib fib
othert hand presses talus (heel) up superiorly into joint
pain = positibe test