Inhalant Anesthetics Flashcards
Why use inhalant anesthetics?
- Predictable effects
- Rapid adjustment of anesthetic depth
- Minimal metabolism
- Economical
Nitrous oxide
- Low blood gas PC (0.47)
- Mild analgesic
- Accumulation in closed gas spaces
Expensive, used mostly experimentally
Anesthetic vapors dissolve in liquids and solids
Equilibrium is reached when the PP of the anesthetic is the same in each phase (pressure, not number of molecules)
Partition coefficient
Expression of solubility
Concentration ratio of an anesthetic in the solvent and gas phases, describes the capacity of a given solvent to dissolve an anesthetic
Blood-gas partition coefficient
Most clinically useful number
Describes amount of anesthetic in the blood vs. alveolar gas at equal partial pressure
What does the pressure of anesthetic in the alveolar gas represent?
Brain concentration- location of effect
T/F: Anesthetic in blood is pharmacologically active?
Most to least soluble anesthetics
Halothane= 2.54 Isoflurane= 1.46 Sevoflurane= 0.68 Desflurane= 0.42
Low blood-gas PC
- Less anesthetic dissolved in the blood at an equal PP
- Shorter time required to attain PP in brain
- Shorter induction and recovery
Clinically more useful
High blood-gas PC
- More anesthetic dissolved in the blood at an equal PP
- Longer time required to attain PP in brain
- Longer induction and recovery
Not very clinically useful
Effect of solubility on recovers
The lower the solubility, the faster the recovery
Order of inhalant uptake
Vaporizer > breathing circuit > alveoli > arterial blood > brain
Partial pressure in the brain is roughly equal to…
Partial pressure in the alveoli
Ways to increase partial pressure in the alveoli
- Increase anesthetic delivery to alveoli
2. Decrease removal from the alveoli
Increased alveolar delivery
- Increase inspired anesthetic concentration
2. Increase alveolar ventilation
How do you increase inspired anesthetic concentration?
- Increase vaporizer setting
- Increase fresh gas flow
- Decrease breathing circuit volume
How do you increase alveolar ventilation?
- Increase minute respiration
2. Decrease dead space ventilation
Decrease removal from alveoli
- Decrease blood solubility of anesthetic
- Decrease cardiac output
- Decrease alveolar-venous anesthetic gradient
Concentration effect
The higher the inspired pressure the more rapidly alveolar pressure approachs inspired pressure
As uptake into blood decreases, inspired pressure can…
be decreased
A ____ inspired pressure is required at the beginning of gas anesthesia to quickly increase____
High, alveolar pressure
Anesthetic elimination
Requres decrease in alveolar concentraions
Anesthetic elimination is most effected by:
- Anesthetic solubility
- Alveolar ventilation
(same that effect alveolar concentration)
How do you quickly decrease alveolar concentration?
- Turn off vaporizer
- Disconnect patient and flush O2
- Turn up O2 rate- dilutes the circuit
- Increase ventilation (IPPV)- increase fresh gas to alveoli
Definition: Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC)
Minimum alveolar concentration of an anesthetic that prevents movement in 50% of patients exposed to noxious stimulus
Relationship between MAC and potency of an anesthetic
Inversely proportional
High MAC = low potency
T/F: Alveolar concentration is NOT the same as the vaporizer setting
How is MAC measured?
Percent of agent in expired gas
MAC: Halothane
Dog- 0.9%
Cat- 1%
Horse- 1%
MAC: Iso
Dog- 1.3%
Cat- 1.3-1.6%
Horse- 1.3-1.6%
MAC: Sevo
Dog- 2.3%
Cat- 2.6%
Horse- 2.3-2.8%
MAC: Desflurane
Dog- 7.2%
Cat- 9.8-10.3%
Horse- 7-8%
Dog- 188%
Cat- 255%
Horse- 205%
Increase in MAC
Drugs causing CNS stimulation
Decrease in MAC
Hypothermia Hyponatremia Drugs causing CNS depression MAP 95mmHg Pregnancy Increasing adult age
What is MAC multiples?
Used to describe dose of gas in relaiton to pharmacologic and physiologic effect
What multiple of MAC ensure immobility in 95% of patients?
Is MAC additive?
Why is the additive effect of MAC important?
- Changing gasses in the middle of a case
- Using N2O
- Using partial intravenous anesthesia (PIVA)
Cardiovascular effects of volatile anesthetics
Decrease: CO, BP, vasculara resistance, contractility
No change in HR
Respiratory effects of volatile anesthetics
Decrease ventilation- depress chemoreceptors and response to CO2
Irritating odor
Respiratory arrest at 1.5-3MAC
Neurologic effects of volatile anesthetics
Increase ICP @ >1MAP
Decrease cerebral metabolic rate
Acts on brain and spinal cord to produce immobility
Suppress seizure activity (except enflurane)
Renal effects of volatile anesthetics
Decrease GFR- decreased CO
Renal failure- methoxyflurane
What anesthetic produces compound A?
What is compound A?
A compound produced from sevoflurane breakdown in CO2 absorbant
What species is compound A nephrotoxic in?
Higher concentrations of compound A are formed in:
- Prolonged anesthesia
- Low fresh gas flows
- Desiccated absorbent
Hepatic effects of volatile anesthetics
Reduce liver blood flow and O2 delivery
Halothane- hepatotoxicity
Halothane hepatitis
Immune mediated, often fatal
Malignant hyperthermia
Myopathy occuring in genetically predisposed pigs, dogs cats, and horses with exposure to halothane especially
Cllinical signs of malignant hyperthermia
Rapid increase in EtCO2
Uncontrolled muscle contraction, severe hyperthermia, death
Treatment of malignant hyperthermia
- Discontinue volatile anesthetic, flush line, switch to a new anesthetic
- Provide 100% O2
- Administer dantrolene
- Fluids and active cooling
Usually still fatal
Nitrous oxide
Mostly humans
max 75%, low solubility, minimal CV/resp depression, mild analgesia
Diffusion hypoxia
When N2O is stopped, it diffuses quickly out of the blood and displaces O2 in the alveoli
Must continue 100% O2 after discontinuing N2O for 5-10min to prevent
Reducing gas exposure
- Scavenging system
- Minimize leaks
- Avoid mask or chamber induction
- Keep patient attached to circuit after anesthetic gas is turned off
- Minimize exposure to exhaled gas from patient
- Maximize ventilation
- Monitor waste gas concentrations
Anesthetic related complications
Machine related complications
Closed pop-off
Stuck inspiratory-expiratory valves
Exhausted soda lime
Inadequate O2 flow in non-rebreathing system
Human error complications
Improper intubation
Anesthetic overdose
Evaluating hypotension
Turn down the vaporizer if patient is too deep (often resolves issue)
Consider adding MAC sparing drug and then turn down the vaporizer if patient is appropriately deep
MAC sparing drugs
Opiods, benzodiazapines, lidocaine, ketamine, etc.
If still hypotensive after turning down vaporizer:
Evaluate underlying cause and treat
- Hypovolemia- crystalloid/colloid bolus
- Vasodilation- give vasopressor
- Decreased contractility- give inotrope
PaCO2>40mmHg or EtCO2>45mmHg
Turn down the vaporizer and perform IPPV (manual or mechanical)
T/F: Inhalant anesthesia abolishes the normal vascular compensatory mechanisms to conserve heat.
Causes peripheral vasodilation which increases heat loss
Treatment for hypothermia
Prevention easier
Heating blankets, warm water blankets, warm room, keep patient covered etc.
What happens when the pop-off/APV valve is closed?
Resevoir bag fills, breathing system pressure increases, pressure transmitted to patient lungs/throracic cavity
Decreased CO and potential for pneumothorax
Clinical signs of a closed pop-off
Apnea, bradycardia, fading doppler signal
Treatment for closed pop-off
- Pull reservoir bag
- Start CPR is patient has arrested
- Evaluate for pulmonary injury
Stuck inspiratory-expiratory valves
Signs: rebreathing capnograph and hypercarbia
Treatment: dry and clean valves and replace as needed
Exhausted Soda lime
Signs: rebreathing capnograph and hypercarbia
Looks the same as stuck valves
Rebreathing capnograph
Waveform does not return to baseline between breaths- build up of CO2
Causes of rebreathing capnograph/hypercarbia
- Stuck insp/exp valves
- Exhausted soda lime
- Inadequate O2 flow in a non-rebreathing system
Tracheal tears
Associated with over filling the cuff
Not uncommon in cats
Signs of tracheal tears
Subcutaneous emphysema
Pneumomediastinum and pneumoretroperitoneum
Treatment of tracheal tears
Supportive care
May need surgical repair
Anesthetic overdoses
Very low therapeutic index- overdosing not uncommon and can happen very quickly
If there is any doubt in patient status, turn the inhalant down or off while evaluating
Indications of anesthetic overdose
Very low BP (MAP
Do sick patients often need more or less anesthetic?
Often less, usually the sicker the patient the less inhalant you will need
MAC sparing drugs should be used in these patients to offset inhalant needs