Informal sources of presidential power Flashcards
Define informal powers?
Powers that are political rather than constitutional
What two things do we mean when we refer to informal powers?
- Sources of power that are not mentioned in the constitution
- External factors that can affect a president’s chances at success
Why is article II of the constitution not comprehensive in outlining the powers of the president?
Because it only outlines the constitutional powers held by the president, not all of their actual powers
How did informal powers come to be?
They were created by the president and confirmed by the courts
How is the cabinet an informal source of presidential power?
Not mentioned in the constitution, it is an advisory group set up by the president to aid in making decisions and coordinating the work of the federal government
How is EXOP an informal source of presidential power?
Contains the top staff agencies in the White House that assist the president in carrying out the major responsibilities of the presidential office
How is the White House Office (WHO) an informal source of presidential power?
It is the personal office of the president within EXOP, containing the staff who facilitate presidential communication with Congress, department and agency heads, the press and the public
How is the National Security Council (NSC) an informal source of presidential power?
Part of EXOP, it is the president’s official forum for deliberating national security and foreign policy
How is the OMB an informal source of presidential power?
An office within EXOP that reviews budget requests, legislative initiatives and the proposed rules and regulations from the executive agencies and departments
How are powers of persuasion an informal source of presidential power?
The president uses personal influence, authority of office and political capital to make deals and convince key political actors to support him
How are executive orders an informal source of presidential power?
Issues as a form of direct authority. Often issued by presidents frustrated by Congressional resistance to their agenda as an alternative to legislation
How are executive agreements an informal source of presidential power?
These are agreements reached by the president and a foreign nation and are often used as alternatives to formal treaties in order to avoid the difficult process of getting a treaty ratified by Congress
How are signing statements an informal source of presidential power?
Statements made by presidents when signing a bill which they may challenge the provisions of, often on constitutional grounds
How is the electoral mandate an informal source of presidential power?
The larger the president’s margin of victory in the last election, the greater their chances of implementing their legislative agenda. This is because a greater share of the vote will mean greater legitimacy for the president
How is public approval an informal source of presidential power?
Elections measure popularity in a snapshot on election day, the president’s public approval rating can be therefore more important in getting things done in the long term
How are national events an informal source of presidential power?
National events can enhance or weaken the president’s position in relation to Congress, the states and their personal approval ratings