Influence of Early Attachment on Later Relationships Flashcards
What did Hazan and Shaver (1987) do?
They conducted a “Love quiz” in the local newspaper, asking people about their childhood attachments and views on romantic love
What did Hazan and Shaver (1987) find?
- Strong correlation between childhood attachment and ideas on romantic love/success in adult relationships
- Secure = good and longer lasting romantic relationships.
Our first experience of attachment act as an….
Internal working model
What does the continuity hypothesis say about effect of attachment on later relationships?
The type of attachment is reflected later on (Based on internal working model)
Does Hartup (1993) support the influence of early attachment on later relationships?
What did Hartup (1993) find?
Children with a secure attachment type are more popular at nursery and engage more in social interactions with other children
What occurs to relationships during childhood if you had a secure attachment?
Form the best quality friendships while insecurely attached infants struggle
What did Myron-Wilson and Smith (1998) find?
Insecure-avoidant infants are most likely to be bullied
-Insecure-resistant infants are most likely to be bullies
Does Myron-Wilson and Smith (1998) support or hinder the research into the influence of early attachment on later life?
Who else found research to support of relationships in adulthood?
-McCarthy (1999)
People tend to base their internal working model on their…
parenting style
How found support in the internal working model and parenting styles?
Bailey (2007)
Does Zimmerman (2000) support or hinder the continuity of attachment?
Why did Zimmerman (2000) limit the continuity of attachment?
Found little relationship between quality of infant and adolescent attachment
What are the findings of Hazan and Shaver (1987)?
- 56% secure
- 25% insecure-avoidant
- 19% insecure-resistant
Limitations of assessing relationships and attachments by interviews and questionnaires:
- Participants have to honest
- Social desirability bias increase (possibly)
- Relies on recognition of earlier relationships
What is the alternative explanation for continuity in relationships?
Temperament hypothesis
What does the temperament hypothesis argue?
Infants temperament affects the way a parent responds and so may be a determining factor in infant attachment type.
What is the theoretical problem with research related to the internal working model?
- They are unconscious
- Hard to get direct evidence
- Self-report methods give indirect conscious notions of relationships
The temperament factor may act as a …
third force