Influence of Culture Flashcards
What are the 4 areas in which romantic relationships vary between cultures?
1) Arranged marriages
2) Individualism Vs collectivism
3) The importance of love
4) Continuity & discontinuity
Outline arranged marriages in Western cultures
Predominantly urban settings with relatively easy geographical and social mobility so larger pool of availables as voluntarily interact with a large number of people (Filter Theory) - so there tends to be a high degree of choice in relationships
What are the figures for arranged marriages in Western Cultures?
1063 reports of forced marriage in the UK in 2009
This is only 0.0017% of the population
85% of these were women/girls
Outline arranged marriages in non-Western cultures
Fewer urban centres so less geographical and social mobility so less choice about who they interact with on a daily basis - relationships frequently tied to other factors like family or economic resources
In which continent are arranged marriages more prevalent?
Name a country in which a lot of arranged marriages occur
What has happened to arranged marriages in China?
They have declined from 70% to 10% over the last 50 years
What is the rate of arranged marriages in India?
90% of all marriages are arranged
In terms of arranged marriages, what happens in Surma (Ethiopia)?
99% of marriages are arranged and in their culture, men pay cattle for the young girls and the amount of cattle paid is determined by the size of a clay ring in the woman’s lip
Outline Rockman (94)
In cultures practising arranged marriages, families often use similar criteria as to what individuals themselves would use if they had choice - this contradicts the assumption that those in arranged marriages are unhappy with the choice of partners and have no influence in the process
Name 2 studies associated with arranged marriages
1) Rockman (94)
2) Umadevi (92)
Outline Umadevi (92)
Looked at female student preferences for love marriages and arranged marriages in India - found arranged seen as positive as long as the 2 partners consented and also found love marriages positive as long as parental approval which demonstrates the importance of opinions of entire family in Indian society
Outline individualism Vs collectivism
Individualist tend to focus on the individual rather than the group and collectivist see the group as primary concern (interdependent not independent) - this tends to mean relationships in individualist are based on freedom of choice whereas those in collectivist tend to have more to do with the concerns of family or group
Name the 2 studies associated with individualism Vs collectivism
1) Li (06)
2) Heine (02)
Outline Li (06)
Compared attitudes towards various types of relationships for people from individualist societies like Canada and collectivist cultures like China & India - found very few differences between Canadians and Chinese but found more differences between Chinese and Indian results
What is a big disadvantage of Li (06)
The lack of cultural differences could be due to methodological issues
Outline Heine (02)
Suggested a ‘reference-group effect’ which means people tend to evaluate themselves by comparison with members of their reference group - individual members of a collectivist culture may think they are not particularly interdependent when comparing themselves to other more collectivist members of their culture
What is the main study associated with the importance of love?
Levine (93)
Outline Levine (93)
Asked young people from 11 countries if they would marry someone they didn’t love, provided they had all the qualities desired in a marriage partner - more people in collectivist than individualist cultures said yes - 49% of Indians said yes, 3.5% Americans and 7% of English which suggests people from traditionalist cultures marry for reasons other than romantic love, whilst Western cultures idea of marriage is that it is symbolic of love
Outline the role of divorce in cultures for continuity & discontinuity
Almost all cultures have provision for divorce but there is greater stigma attached to divorce in cultures with traditional arranged marriages
What is the divorce rate in the UK?
42% of marriages end in divorce (2013)
What is the divorce rate in South Korea & Japan?
30-33% of marriages end in divorce
What is the divorce rate in India?
About 1 in 1,000 marriages end in divorce
Name 3 studies associated with the continuity & discontinuity
1) Betzig (89)
2) Mckenry & Price (95)
3) Huang (05)