Influence of Childhood Flashcards
Who came up with the theory for the influence of parent-child relationships?
Shaver (88)
Outline Shaver (88) for parent-child relationships
Claimed what we experience as romantic love in adulthood is an integration of 3 behavioural systems acquired during infancy: attachment, caregiving and sexuality systems
What are the 3 behavioural systems in the theory regarding parent-child relationships?
1) Attachment
2) Caregiving
3) Sexuality
Outline the attachment system for parent-child relationships
Related to the concept of internal working model - later relationships are likely to be a continuation of early attachement styles as behaviour of the infants’ primary attachment figure promotes an internal working model of relationships which leads to the infant to expect the same in later relationships
Outline the caregiving system for parent-child relationships
It is knowledge about how one cares for others, learned by modelling the behaviour of the primary attachment figure
Outline the sexuality system for parent-child relationships
It is learned in relation to early attachment - for example those with avoidant attachment are more likely to hold the view that sex without love is pleasurable
Name 4 pieces of evidence supporting parent-child relationships
1) Springer (07)
2) Research suggests many victims of sexual abuse during childhood experience difficulties in forming healthy relationships in adulthood
3) Alpert (98)
4) van der Kolk & Fisler (94)
Outline Springer (07)
Those who have experienced physical abuse in childhood are more likely to report increased rates of depression, anger and anxiety than non-abused individuals
Outline Alpert (98)
Individuals who have experienced both forms of abuse during childhood develop a damaged ability to trust people and a sense of isolation from others - distancing and isolation can inhibit the development of romantic relationships during adulthood
Outline van der Kolk & Fisler (94)
Found individuals who suffered childhood abuse also had difficulty in forming healthy attachments and formed disorganised attachments instead - these disorganised patterns of attachment lead to a difficulty in regulating emotions, a key aspect in forming and maintaining healthy relationships
Name a negative evaluative point about parent-child relationships
Fraley (98)
Outline Fraley (98)
Carried out a meta-analysis and found correlations from .10 and .50 between early attachment type and later relationships - low correlations
What is an important point about Fraley (98)?
Suggested reason for the low correlations may be because insecure-anxious attachment is more unstable but it could be that an individual’s attachment type is determined by the current relationship as there is evidence which has found that relationship break-ups are associated with a shift from secure to insecure attachment
Name a positive evaluative point about parent-child relationships
Research support for the influence of childhood abuse - Berenson & Anderson (06)
Outline Berenson & Anderson (06)
Found adult women abused in childhood later displayed negative reactions towards another person - but only with people who reminded them of their abusive parent so concluded this process of transference could lead to individuals abused in childhood to use inappropriate behavioural patterns learned from their relationship with an abusive parent in their subsequent interpersonal relationships
Outline childhood friendships in interaction with peers
Children learn from experiences with other children - a way a child thinks about themselves and others is determined by specific experiences which then become internalised - so develop a sense of own value as a result of interactions with other which in turn determine how they approach adult relationships - it has been suggested that children’s friendships are training grounds for important adult relationships
Outline adolescent relationships in interaction with peers
Attachment usually shift from parents to peers and romantic relationships at this time serve a number of purposes
Name 2 purposes of adolescent relationships
1) They help to achieve the goal of separation from parents
2) They can allow adolescents to gain a type of emotional and physical intimacy that is quite different from that experienced with parents
Name 2 negative evaluative points of interaction with peers
1) Gender differences
2) Negative effects - Haynie (03), Neeman (95) & Madson
Outline Richard & Schneider (05)
Found girls have more intimate friendships than boys and are more likely to report care and security in their relationships - boys’ relationships tend to be more competitive and girls tend to engage in cooperative and sharing activities
What is the study which suggests gender differences for interaction with peers
Richard & Schneider (05)
What was suggested against gender differences for interaction with peers
These sex differences have been over-emphasised and many similarities have been overlooked
Outline Haynie (03)
Found romantic involvement increased some forms of deviance in adolescents by as much as 35%
Outline Neemann (95)
Found romantic involvement in early to middle adolescence associated with decreases in academic achievement and increase in conduct problems however in late adolescence romantic involvement is no longer related to these negative outcomes, suggesting it is the timing of romantic relationships that determines what influence, if any, they will have