Breakdown Flashcards
Name the 3 reasons Duck came up with to explain the breakdown of relationships
1) Lack of skills
2) Lack of stimulation
3) Maintenance difficulties
Further explain lack of skills as a reason for the breakdown of relationships
Lack of interpersonal skills and social skills so poor conversationalists and poor at indicating their interest
Further explain lack of stimulation as a reason for the breakdown of relationships
The social exchange theory states that we look for rewards in relationships, and one is stimulation
Further explain maintenance difficulties as a reason for the breakdown of relationships
Partners cannot see each other enough so the relationship becomes strained
Name the main model for the breakdown of relationships
Rollie & Duck’s model (2006)
What does Rollie & Duck’s model of relationship breakdown do?
It describes the stages which people go through when they realise they’re unhappy in their relationship
How many stages are there to Rollie & Duck’s model of relationship breakdown?
Name the stages of Rollie & Duck’s model of relationship breakdown
1) Intrapsychic processes
2) Dyadic processes
3) Social processes
4) Grave dressing processes
5) Resurrection processes
Outline the intrapsychic processes with 6 points
1) One partner privately perceives dissatisfaction with the relationship
2) Rumination occurs - consider the rewards and costs of leaving the relationship
3) May look for alternative partners
4) Say nothing but often make hints and indirect communication of unhappiness
5) May end it without discussing
6) Re-evaluate the relationship
Outline the dyadic processes with 4 points
1) Dissatisfaction is discussed
2) Relationship can be saved if it is re-negotiated
3) Others may be involved for advice or support
4) May be terminated
Outline the social processes with 3 points
1) Close social network are aware of the situation
2) Negotiation over assets, children and finances
3) Some support can be helpful but may also take sides
Outline the grave dressing processes with 3 points
1) Post-relationship view of the breakup is established
2) Will often put themselves in the best possible light
3) May suggest they are pleased the relationship has been terminated
Outline the resurrection processes with 3 points
1) Prepare themselves for new relationships
2) May redefine themselves
3) May attempt to re-establish their own individual sense of identity and self-esteem
Name 3 positive evaluative points about Rollie & Duck’s model of relationship breakdown
1) Tashiro & Frazier (2003)
2) Face validity as we can relate to our own and others experiences
3) Ideas can be used for marriage counselling
Outline Tashiro & Frazier (2003)
Surveyed undergraduates recently broken up - typically reported that they had experienced emotional distress and personal growth, given them insights into themselves and clearer idea about future
Name 6 negative evaluative points about Rollie & Duck’s model of relationship breakdown
1) Culturally bias - based on Western relationship (arranged marriages?)
2) Gender differences
3) Individual differences
4) Research is socially sensitive
5) Model is descriptive rather than explanatory so also important to consider reasons for relationship breakdowns
6) Ethics
Explain the gender differences associated with Rollie & Duck’s model of relationship breakdown
Kassin found women are more likely to stress unhappiness and incompatibility as reasons for breakup while men tend to blame lack of sex - women want to remain friends while men want a clean break - model does not consider these differences
What does the research being socially sensitive mean for Rollie & Duck’s model of relationship breakdown?
The research is subject to biases so it has low validity
Explain the ethical issues of Rollie & Duck’s model of relationship breakdown
It is a sensitive area raising issues of vulnerability with distressed caused, privacy and confidentiality - even more important with those involved in abusive relationships
Name and explain an IDA point for Rollie & Duck’s model of relationship breakdown
Couples coping enhancement training (CCET) come from this research - aims to sensitise couples to issues of equity and respect within relationship by increasing communication - Cina (2003) compared 50 couples who received CCET to control group and found they reported much higher marital quality after