Inflammation (Ex2) Flashcards
What are the roles of inflammation?
- dilute, contain, and isolate injury
- destroy invading microorganisms and/or inactivate toxins
- achieve healing and repair
What are the outcomes of inflammation?
- Return to normal: elimination of source of injury
- Intense inflammatory response: isolate inflammatory process, formation of wall/capsule
- Failure to eliminate insult: persistence of inflammatory cells, scar formation
What is Exudation?
- escape of fluid, proteins, and blood cells from the vascular system into interstitium or body cavities
- implies alteration of permeability of vessels
What is exudate?
- inflammatory extravascular fluid
- has a high protein concentration
- much cellular debris
- has a high specific gravity
What is transudate?
- an ultrafiltrate of blood plasma
- results from hydrostatic imbalances across vascular endothelium
- has a low protein content
- has a low specific gravity
What is pus?
an inflammatory exudate rich in leukocytes and parenchymal cell debris
General features of Peracute Inflammation
time, vascular involvement, cells, signs
Time: begins in 0-4 hours
VI: hyperemia, slight edema, hemorrhage
Cells: not many, few leukocytes
Signs: shock, sudden death
General features of Acute Inflammation
time, vascular involvement, cells, signs
Time: begins in 4-6 hours
VI: active hyperemia, edema, fibrin thrombi within vessels
Cells: neutrophils predominant, leukocytes variable, sometimes mononuclear cells
Signs: typical inflammation
What is Lymphadenitits?
reactive inflammation of lymph nodes
What is subacute inflammation?
- a gradual change between acute and chronic
- does not include repair responses
General features of Subacute Inflammation
vascular involvement, cells
VI: less hemorrhage, hyperemia, and edema than acute inflammation
Cells: mixed or pleocellular infiltrate
- primarily neutrophils, but infiltration by lymphocytes, macrophages, and plasma cells
What is Chronic Inflammation?
- result of persistent inflammatory stimulus in which the host has failed to eliminate the causative agent
- usually accompanied by an immune response
- characterized by host tissue response in terms of repair
General features of Chronic Inflammation
vascular involvement, host involvement, cells
VI: proliferation of capillaries and small vessels resulting in hemorrhage and congestion
HI: parenchymal regeneration or repair by fibrosis
C: primarily mononuclear cells, lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells, fibroblasts
Describe suppurative/purulent exudation
consists of, or contains pus; associated with the formation of pus
What is suppuration?
the process by which pus is formed
- implies neutrophils and proteolytic enzymes are present, and that necrosis of host tissue has occurred
What is an Abscess?
Gross appearance?
a circumscribed collection of pus
- yellow-white to gray-white and varies from watery to viscous