Infertility, Contraception, Breast disorders Flashcards
Infertility (Subfertility) definitions ?
Failure to conceive after 1 year of unprotected intercourse
Sterility definition ?
intrinsic inability to conceive
Fecundability definition ?
chance of conceiving per month (normal couples ~25%)
Infertility prevalence ?
Average of 15% of couples
Range is 7-28% by female age
Infertility RF ?
Weight gain
Infertility female ovulatory etiologies ?
Infertility male etiologies ?
Sperm abnormality
Sexual dysfunction
Infertility female pelvic etiologies ?
Infertility female cervical etiologies ?
Infertility Hx ?
Ask about sexual practice (coitus)
Infertility PE ?
Usually normal
Findings depending on cause
- metabolic syndrome
Infertility DS - typical males ?
Semen analysis
Infertility DS - typical female ?
Basal body temperature
Progesterone levels
Luteinizing hormone
Infertility DS consider ?
Sperm penetration assay Sperm antibody Post-coital sperm survival LH level FSH levels Prolactin TSH Luteal phase endometrial biopsy Hysterosalpingography Laparoscopy Pelvic ultrasound Hysteroscopy
Infertility DS - Semen analysis ?
Excludes most male factors if normal
Checks for counts and mobility
Infertility DS - Sperm penetration assay ?
Watch capability of sperm to penetrate a hamster egg with the zona pellucida removed
Infertility DS - Sperm antibody ?
Immunobeads may be seen in lab coating sperm
see if the sperm has an AB towards itself
Infertility DS - Post-coital sperm survival ?
Check amount of sperm in the cervical fluid 6-8 hours after
Less than 10 sperm per hpf is abnormal
should occur before ovulation but not after
Infertility DS - Progesterone levels ?
Used with basal body temperature to confirm ovulation
Checked mid-luteal phase
Should be elevated (above 3ng/mL)
Infertility DS - Luteinizing hormone ?
Will surge
Ovulation occurs 24-36 hrs after initiation and 10-12 hrs after peak
Urinary kits available
Infertility DS FSH levels ?
Often elevated with ovarian causes
Infertility DS - Antral follicle count (AFC) ?
TVUS during early follicular phase, day 2-4 of menstrual cycle
Low < 4 – 10 antral follicles
Infertility DS - Anti mullerian hormone (AMH) ?
Indicator of declining ovarian function
level correlates with # of follicles you have and declines with age
Infertility DS - Prolactin ?
Evaluate for pituitary disorder
Infertility DS - TSH ?
Evaluate for thyroid (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism)
Infertility DS - Pelvic ultrasound (#1 imaging choice) ?
Often first imaging choice
Can identify ovarian cysts, endometriosis, structural abnormalities
Infertility DS - Luteal phase endometrial biopsy ?
Checks the maturation of the endometrial tissue
Infertility DS - Hysterosalpingography ?
Determines patency of Fallopian tubes and identifies uterine abnormalities
contrast material with steady beam of XRAY
Infertility DS - Laparoscopy with chromotubin ?
Gold standard to identify tubal abnormalities
Performed in conjunction with hysteroscopy
GS for any tubal abnormalities
Infertility DS - Hysteroscopy
Identify structural abnormalities such as adhesions
Infertility Tx. typical patient ?
Other ovulatory agents
-Letrozole – aromatase inhibitor
Infertility Tx. if abdnormal postcoital test ?
Artificial insemination
Infertility Tx. consider ?
Other ovulatory induction agents
- Post-menopausal gonadotropin
- Recombinant FSH
In vitro fertilization
- Gamete intrafallopian transfer
- Zygote intrafallopian transfer
Surrogate options
Selective estrogen receptor modulator ?
Infertility Tx. patient education ?
Could be male or female causes
Treat structural or other underlying causes
Infertility Tx. pharmacology ?
Clomiphene (Clomid)
- Best first choice for anovulatory
- Promotes ovulation
- 50-100mg for 5 days on day 5 of menstrual cycle
Post-menopausal gonadotropin
Recombinant FSH
Infertility Tx. Artificial insemination ?
Best choice for abnormal post coitus testing
Highly motile sperm selected
Transcervically injected in uterus
Infertility Tx. Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) ?
Ova retrieved from mature follicle with laparoscopy
Ova placed in fallopian tube
Sperm placed in Fallopian tube
Infertility Tx. Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) ?
Ova removed
Fertilized with sperm
Zygotes placed in fallopian tube within 24 hours
Infertility Tx. consider ?
Surrogate options
Contraception methods ?
Traditional Barrier Oral hormonal Injected, implanted, transdermal hormonal Intrauterine devices Abortion Sterilization
Contraception method - traditional - symptothermal ?
Most reliable of the abstinence methods
Combines mucus and basal body temperature
Contraception method - traditional - cervical mucus ?
Daily evaluation
Fertile mucus looks like egg white
Contraception method - traditional - body temperature ?
Slight increase in body temperature indicates ovulation
Contraception method - traditional - calendar ?
Predicts day 14 for ovulation
35% failure rate
Contraception method - traditional - lactational amenorrhea ?
May be effective for up to 6 months
Must continuously breast feed and anovulatory
Contraception method - traditional - postcoital douching ?
Ineffective and unreliable
Contraception method - traditional - Coitus interrupt us ?
Ineffective and unreliable
Contraception method - barrier ?
Male condom
Female condom
Cervical caps
-May contain spermicidals
Nonoxynol-9 or oxtoxynol-3
Contraception method - oral hormones - Most effective reversible means ?
Theoretical failure rate 1%
Actual failure rate 4-6%
Contraception method - oral hormones - Contain combinations of estrogen and progesterone ?
Typically 21 days of active hormones with 7 days of placebo or no pill
Bleeding often occurs 3-5 days after last active pill
Contraception method - oral hormones - Additional benefits ?
Less benign breast disease, iron deficiency anemia, DUB, and PID
Reduced ovarian and endometrial cancer
Ectopic pregnancy protection
Improves hirsutism, acne, and endometriosis
Contraception method - oral hormones - Disadvantages ?
Increased thromboembolic disease
Abnormal lipids
Increase in ovarian, endometrial and cervical cancer
No STI protection
Contraception method - IM injection ?
Medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera) -IM injection every 90 days
Failure rate only 0.3%
Fertility rates may take 18 months to normalize after DC
Contraception method - Implantation ?
Levonorgestrel (Nexplanon)
Implant rods
Efficacy good
Effective 3 years
Contraception method - Transdermal ?
Applied once weekly for 3 weeks
Reduced efficacy for women >200lb
Contraception method - Vaginal ring ?
Inserted for 3 weeks and then removed
Will induce menstruation
Best for nulliparous females
Contraception method - Intrauterine devices, very common - general information ?
Believed to produce environment hostile for fertilized ovum
Failure rates 1-5%
Placed during menstruation
Contraception method - Intrauterine devices - considered most for ?
Smokers who do not desire permanent contraception
Contraception method - Intrauterine devices - formulations ?
Levonorgestrel (Mirena) releasing– works for 5 years
Copper T (Para Gard)– works for 10 years
Contraception method - Intrauterine devices - risks ?
Uterine perforation
Ectopic pregnancy
Contraception method - Intrauterine devices - contraindications ?
Current infection
Contraception method - abortion - emergency contraception ?
Progesterone (with possible estrogen) immediately following intercourse
Levonorgestrel common
- Most effective within 72 hours
- Taken twice in 12 hours
Contraception method - sterilization ?
Bilateral salpingoophorectomy
Uterine ablation
Sexual assault (Rape) definition ?
any sexual act performed by one person on another without the person’s consent
Sexual assault (Rape) prevalence ?
Estimated 700k-1 million females yearly in US
Sexual assault (Rape) demographic ?
20% of adult women
15% of college-age women
12% of adolescent girls (increased incidence)
Higher incidence in African American
Sexual assault (Rape) etiologies and RF ?
flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)
gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
Sexual assault (Rape) Hx ?
Often will not admit sexual assault
-Must ask!
May just say “assaulted” or “mugged”
May have concern for STI
May complain of injuries
Psychological disturbance
- “Rape trauma” syndrome
- -Acute phase– usually 2 weeks
- -Delayed phase
Sexual assault (Rape) PE ?
Psychological findings
Evaluate for
- Bite marks
- Scratches
- Pelvic injury
- Bleeding
May not perform complete pelvic exam
- Send to facility with Sexual abuse nurse examiner (SANE)
- -Will collect legal forensic specimens
Sexual assault (Rape) DS ?
GC/chlamydia PCR
Wet mount
Baseline panels
Sexual assault (Rape) DS - baseline panels ?
Sexual assault (Rape) DS - evidence ?
Pap test
Vaginal saline swabs
Acid phosphatase
Pubic hair combings
Fingernail scrapings
Woods lamp
-Dried semen fluoresce under light
Sexual assault (Rape) DS - forensic evidence seen - mobile sperm ?
Vagina 8 hours
Cervical mucous 2-3 days
Sexual assault (Rape) DS - forensic evidence seen - immotile sperm ?
Vagina and Rectum 24 hours
Cervical mucous up to 17 days
Sexual assault (Rape) DS - forensic evidence seen - acid phosphatase ?
High levels in seminal fluid
Sexual assault complications ?
40% have injuries
1% need hospitalization or
major repair
0.1% are fatal
Sexual assault Tx. ?
Treat acute injuries
SANE nurse transfer
STI treatment
Emergency contraceptive, check serum HCG 1st
Gynecology follow up in 2 weeks
Sexual assault Tx. STI treatment ?
Ceftriaxone 125 mg intramuscularly in a single dose, plus
Metronidazole 2 g orally in a single dose, plus
Doxycycline 100 mg orally 2 times a day for 7 days
Hepatitis B immunoglobulin IM ASAP
-3 dose immunization series (if not done previous 0, 1, 6 months)
Consider HIV prophylaxis
Sexual assault Tx. Emergency contraceptive, check serum HCG 1st ?
Levonorgestrel twice 12 hours apart
Sexual assault Tx. Gynecology follow up in 2 weeks ?
Repeat STI tests
Reassess psychological Sx
Sexual assault Tx. physiological counseling ?
Victims internalize fears
Assess for referrals for further counseling
Sexual Assault facts ?
All 50 states require physicians/providers to report child sexual abuse
Nearly half of states require physicians report statutory rape
- Sexual intercourse with female under an age specified by state law (14-18 years of age)
- -Adolescent of this age is unable to con