Infectious Diseases Flashcards
Organinism? pneumonia, Green sputum + cold sore
CAP organisms
Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) may be caused by the following infectious agents:
Streptococcus pneumoniae (accounts for around 80% of cases)
Haemophilus influenzae
Staphylococcus aureus: commonly after influenza infection
atypical pneumonias (e.g. Due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae)
Tetanus toxin MoA
Tetanus toxin (tetanospasmin) blocks the release of the inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and glycine resulting in continuous motor neuron activity
ABx choice for meningococcal menigitis in penicillin allergy
Chloramphenicol is the antibiotic of choice for treating meningococcal infection in patients with a known penicillin allergy,
Katayama fever
Katayama fever, an acute manifestation of acute schistosomiasis.
The intermediate snail host of the parasitic flatworm which causes schistosomiasis is commonly found in the waters of Lake Malawi. Katayama fever typically presented with fever, urticarial rash, hepatosplenomegaly and bronchospasm.
acute schistosomiasis syndrome (Katayama fever)
most common bacterial cause of pharyngitis (sore throat)
Streptococcus pyogenes. This organism, also known as Group A Streptococcus (GAS), is the most common bacterial cause of pharyngitis (sore throat) in children and young adults.
Which vaccinations is contraindicated in egg allergy
Yellow fever
(yellow like egg yolk)
Camylobacter ABx
4 viral heamorrhagic fevers
Yellow fever, Ebola, Lassa fever & Dengue
Yellow fever typical presentation
Yellow fever typically presents with flu like illness → brief remission→ followed by jaundice and haematemesis
Zoonotic inection - spread my mosquitos
classic description involves sudden onset of high fever, rigors, nausea & vomiting. Bradycardia may develop. A brief remission is followed by jaundice, haematemesis, oliguria
if severe jaundice, haematemesis may occur
Councilman bodies (inclusion bodies) may be seen in the hepatocytes
Fish tank granuloma organism
Mycobacterium marinum
The most common causes of viral meningitis in adults
enteroviruses e.g. coxsackie
Borrelia burgdorferi
Lyme disease
Burger with a lyme.
Bartonella henselae
Cat scratch fever
Bart has a cat.
A cat will try to scratch Barton’s Hens
Black Eschars in ID questions
think Anthrax or Rickettsia or Scrub typhus
Animal bites organism in cultures
Pasteurella multocida is a gram-negative coccobacillus which is the most likely organism to be isolated after a dog bite.
Send the animal out to pasture
Chancriod presentation
ChanCRIED in pain
Painful ulcer with ragged borders
SyphiLESS (painless)
LGV mix (starts with lymph so this is the painful bit)
ChanCRIED in pain
Syphilis ulcer presentation
Painless genital ulcer & painless IL
SyphiLESS (painless)
LGV mix (starts with lymph so this is the painful bit)
ChanCRIED in pain
LGV ulcer presentation
Painless ulcer painful IL
SyphiLESS (painless)
LGV mix (starts with lymph so this is the painful bit)
ChanCRIED in pain
Dapsone used for what?
Dapsone is an antimicrobial most commonly used in the treatment of leprosy and dermatitis herpetiformis. It has anti-inflammatory properties helpful in managing these conditions
all helminths rx = bendazoles
(excepts schisto + clonorchis = praziquantel
loa + wuchereria + toxocara canis = di-ethyl-carbamazine
river blindness + strongyloides = ivermectin)
all helminths rx = bendazoles
(excepts schisto + clonorchis = praziquantel
loa + wuchereria + toxocara canis = di-ethyl-carbamazine
river blindness + strongyloides = ivermectin)
TB meningitis CSF signs
can present with lymphocytic predominance, TB meningitis typically has a much higher protein level (>1 g/L), very low CSF glucose, and often has an opening pressure >25 cmCSF
In case of lynphocytosis of CSF, glucose must be checked. If higher than half of serum glucose, viral cause should be considered, otherwise TB Meningitis.
Normal CSF:serum glucose
> 0.6 is normal
Ratio less than this is bacterial or TB
South america + flulike illnes + periorbital oedema?
Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis)
(siminal organism to african sleeping sickness)
Organism: Trypanosoma cruzi (Penelope cruz is from south america (not really shes from spain but for the purposes of remembering)
‘Americans drive Mercedes-BENZ’ (Benznidazole used in Chagas’ disease/American trypanosomiasis)
makes catalase: Staphylococci
does not make catalase: Streptococci
makes coagulase: S. aureus
does not make coagulase: S. epidermidis (novobiocin sensitive), S. saprophyticus (novobiocin resistant)
makes catalase: Staphylococci
does not make catalase: Streptococci
makes coagulase: S. aureus
does not make coagulase: S. epidermidis (novobiocin sensitive), S. saprophyticus (novobiocin resistant)
Abx for cholerra
I think of Love in the Time of Cholera, and with love comes Chlamydia.. and with Chlamydia comes doxycycline
A grey dense pseudomembrane covering the tonsils is classically seen in
anthrax Mx
Anthrax caused by Bacillis and treated by Cipro
Leismanisis characeteristics
presents with fever, weight loss, massive splenomegaly and pancytopenia. The additional clinical feature of ‘dark and ashen’ skin suggests visceral leishmaniasis as the cause
HIV: Mycobacterium avium complex management
rifampicin + ethambutol + clarithromycin
MAC=REC ( both 3 letters)
Fite’s Faraco is a stain used to identify
mycobacterium leprae.
Ziehl-Neelsen stain (AKA Acid fast stain) reveals red cysts in the stool of infected individuals
Cryptosporidium (parasite)
Pruritic rash on the buttocks or soles + eosinophilia
Pruritic rash on the buttocks or soles ?Strongyloides stercoralis
Strongyloides stercoralis gains access to the body by penetrating the skin
This typically occurs via the soles of the feet but autoinfection in the perianal area may also occur.
Haemophilus ducreyi.
Chancroid : a tropical disease caused by Haemophilus ducreyi. It causes painful genital ulcers associated with unilateral, painful inguinal lymph node enlargement. The ulcers typically have a sharply defined, ragged, undermined border.
1st line option for immunocompromised patients requiring treatment for cerebral toxoplasmosis
Parasitic infection
Immunocompromised patients with toxoplasmosis are treated with pyrimethamine plus sulphadiazine
HIV, neuro symptoms, widespread demyelination + neuro Sx cause?
Pogressive myltufocal leukoencephalopathy
due to infection of oligodendrocytes by JC virus (a polyoma DNA virus)
Lymphogranuloma venereum organism
Chamydia Trachomatis