Infectious Diseases Flashcards
What is malaria?
Infectious disease caused by Plasmodium of protozoan parasites (single-celled organisms)
What is the most severe and dangerous type of malaria?
Plasmodium falciparum- Accounts for 80% of malaria causes in the UK
How is malaria transmitted?
Through bites from female Anopheles mosquitoes that carry the disease
Not transmitted in the UK- Is associated with travel to areas where malaria is present
List types of malaria
Plasmodium falciparum (most common and severe form)
Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium ovale
Plasmodium malariae
Plasmodium knowlesi
Outline the life cycle of malaria
Usually spread at night
Feeding mosquito sucks up infected blood- Parasites reproduce in mosquito’s gut, producing sporozoites
Mosquito bites someone, sporozoites are injected- Travel to liver of newly infected person- P. vivax and P. ovale can lie dormant for months or years before reactivating
Parasites mature in liver into merozoites- Enter blood and infect RBCs- Merozoites reproduce, RBCs rupture, releasing merozoites into blood and causing haemolytic anaemia
In P. vivax and P. ovale- Rupture and release of merozoites occurs every 48h, causing fever spike every other day
P. falciparum- Fever spikes more frequently
P. malariae- Fever spikes every 72h
Outline presentation of malaria
Fever (up to 41 degrees C) with sweats and rigors
Myalgia (muscle aches and pains)
What are the signs of malaria on examination?
Pallor due to anaemia
Jaundice (bilirubin released during rupture of RBCs)
What is the most characteristic symptom of malaria?
Fever which spikes very high every 48h
Exposure can be from several years ago
How is malaria diagnosed?
Malaria blood film- Sent in EDTA bottle
3 negative samples taken over 3 consecutive days required to exclude malaria
Outline management of falciparum malaria
Outline oral management of uncomplicated malaria
Artemether with lumefantrine (Riamet)- 1st choice
Quinine plus doxycycline
Quinine plus clindamycin
Quinine plus clindamycin
Proguanil with atovaquone (Malarone)
Chloroquine (increasing rates of resistance to chloroquine)
Primaquine (can cause severe haemolysis in patients with G6PD deficiency)
Outline IV management of severe or complicated malaria
Admission to HDU or ICU
Artesunate 1st choice (haemolysis common SE)
Quinine dihydrochloride
List complications of P. falciparum malaria
Cerebral malaria
Reduced consciousness
Pulmonary oedema
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC)
Severe haemolytic anaemia
Multi-organ failure and death
Outline prophylaxis for preventing malaria when travelling to endemic areas
No method 100% effective alone
Use mosquito spray (eg: 50% DEET spray)
Use mosquito nets and barriers in sleeping areas
Seek medical advice if symptoms develop
Take antimalarial medication as recommended
What are the main antimalarial medication options?
Not 100% effective
Proguanil with atovaquone (malarone)- Take from 2d before until 7d after travel to endemic area
Doxycycline- Taken 2d before until 4wks after travel to endemic area
Mefloquine (risk of psychiatric SEs)- Taken wkly from 2wks before to 4wks after travel to endemic area
Chloroquine with proguanil (less often used due to high resistance)
Outline HIV
RNA retrovirus
HIV-1 is most common type
HIV2 mainly found in West Africa
Virus enters and destroys CD4 T-helper cells
Initial seroconversion flu-like illness occurs within few wks of infection- Then asymptomatic until condition progresses to immunodeficiency- May occur yrs after initial infection
Outline transmission of HIV
Unprotected anal, vaginal or oral sexual activity
Mother to child- At any stage of pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding- Vertical transmission
Mucous membrane, blood, or open wound exposure to infected blood/bodily fluids- eg: Sharing needles, needle-stick injuries, blood splashed in eye
List AIDS-defining illnesses
CD4 count dropped to level that allows for unusual opportunistic infections and malignancies
Kaposi’s sarcoma
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP)
Candidiasis (oesophageal or bronchial)
Outline HIV screening
Low threshold for testing
Patients with RFs tested
All patients accessing sexual health/antenatal/substance misuse services offered testing
Verbal consent should be documented
Checks ABs to HIV and p24 antigen
Window period of 45d- Can take up to 45d for +ve test to show
Point of care test- HIV ABs- Give result within mins, have 90d window period
Self-sampling kits- Posted to lab- ABs and p24 antigen
Outline monitoring of HIV
Test CD4 count gives number of CD4 cells in blood- Lower count gives higher risk of infection
500-1200 cells/mm3= Normal
<200 cells/mm3= High risk opportunistic infections
Testing for HIV RNA/ml of blood indicates viral load
Undetectable viral load means level below recordable range (20 copies/ml)
Outline treatment of HIV
Combination of antiretroviral therapy (ART)- Offered to everyone diagnosed with HIV, irrespective of viral load or CD4 count
Genotypic resistance testing- Establish resistance of each HIV strain to different meds to guide treatment
Aims to achieve normal CD4 count and undetectable viral load
List classes of antiretroviral therapy meds
Protease inhibitors (PI)
Integrase inhibitors (II)
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI)
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI)
Entry inhibitors (EI)
What is the usual starting regime for antiretroviral therapy?
2 NRTIs (eg: Tenofovir plus emtricitabine) plus 3rd agent (eg: Bictegravir)
Outline additional management of HIV
PCP- Prophylactic co-trimoxazole given to all HIV +ve patients with CD4 count<200/mm3
Increased risk developing CVD- Monitor blood lipids and consider statins
Yrly cervical smears- Increased risk HPV and cervical cancer
Vaccinations- Yrly influenza, pneumococcal, HPV, Hep A and B- Avoid live vaccines
Outline reproductive health and HIV
Correct use of condoms
Effective treatment combined with undetectable viral load can prevent spread of HIV
Outline prevention of transmission of HIV during birth
Mother’s viral load determines mode of delivery
<50 copies/ml- Normal vaginal delivery
>50 copies/ml- Consider pre-labour C section
>400 copies/ml- Pre-labour C section
IV zidovudine infusion during labour and delivery if viral load unknown/>1000 copies/ml
Prophylaxis given to baby depending on mother’s viral load:
<50 copies/ml- Zidovudine for 2-4wks
High-risk babies- Zidovudine, lamivudine, nevirapine for 4wks
Outline HIV and breastfeeding
Can be transmitted during breastfeeding
Risk reduced if mother’s viral load undetectable but not eliminated
Outline post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) of HIV
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)- Used after exposure to reduce risk of transmission- Not 100% effective and must be commenced within <72h
Combination of ART therapy- Emtricitabine/tenofovir (Truvada) and raltegravir for 28d
Outline pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) of HIV
Emtricitabine/tenofovir (Truvada)
Outline TB
Caused by mycobacterium TB (rod-shaped acid-fast bacillus)- Require Zeihl-Neelsen stain- Turns bright red against blue background
What type of staining is used to diagnose TB?
Require Zeihl-Neelsen stain- Turns bright red against blue background
Outline the disease course of TB
Mainly spread by inhaling saliva droplets from infected
Several options:
- Immediate clearance (most cases)
- Primary active TB (active infection after exposure)
- Latent TB (Presence of bacteria w/o symptomatic or contagious)
- Secondary TB (reactivation of latent TB to active infection)
What is miliary TB?
When immune system can’t control infection
Disseminated and severe disease
Outline latent TB
When immune system encapsulates the bacteria and stops progression of the disease
No symptoms and can’t spread the bacteria
Can reactivate, usually due to immunosuppression- Secondary TB
Where is the most common site for TB infection?
List sites of extrapulmonary TB
Lymph nodes
GI system
GU system
Bones and joints
Skin (cutaneous TB)
What is a cold abscess?
Firm, painless abscess caused by TB, usually in neck
No inflammation/redness/pain
Outline risk factors for TB
Close contact with active TB
Immigrants from areas with high TB prevalence
People with relatives/close contacts from countries with high rate TB
Immunocompromised (eg: HIV or immunosuppressant meds)
Malnutrition, homelessness, drug users, smokers and alcoholics
Outline the BCG vaccine
Intradermal injection of live attenuated Mycobacterium bovis
Protects against severe and complicated TB, but less against pulmonary TB
Tested with Mantoux before vaccine
Outline presentation of TB
Chronic, gradually worsening symptoms
Most involve pulmonary disease
Fever or night sweats
Weight loss
Erythema nodosum (tender, red nodules on shins caused by inflammation of SC fat)
Spinal pain in spinal TB (Pott’s disease)
Outline investigations of TB
Ziehl-Neelsen stain
2 tests for immune response to TB caused by previous infection/latent TB/active TB- Mantoux test or Interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA)
If disease activity suspected- CXR and cultures
Outline Mantoux test
Inject tuberculin into intradermal space on forearm
Doesn’t contain live bacteria
Creates a bleb under skin- Read after 72h- >5mm is +ve
Outline Interferon-Gamma release Assay (IGRA)
Mixing a blood sample with antigens from M. TB bacteria
After previous contact- WBCs become sensitised to bacteria antigens- Will release interferon-gamma on further contact
Positive- Interferon-gamma is released during test
Outline CXR of TB
Primary TB- Patchy consolidation, pleural effusions and hilar lymphadenopathy
Reactivated TB- Patchy or nodular consolidation with cavitation (gas-filled spaces), typically in upper zones
Disseminated miliary TB- Millet seeds uniformly distributed across lung fields
Outline cultures of TB
Can take several mths
Sputum cultures (3 separate collected)
Mycobacterium blood cultures
Lymph node aspiration or biopsy
If not producing enough sputum:
Sputum induction with nebulised hypertonic saline
Bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage (saline used to wash airways and collect a sample)
Outline Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAAT)
Assesses genetic material of a pathogen
Detects TB DNA
Faster than traditional culture
Used for- Diagnosing TB in patients with HIV or <16y or RFs for multidrug resistance
Outline treatment of latent TB
Isoniazid and rifampicin for 3mths
Isoniazid for 6mths
Outline treatment of active TB
R- Rifampicin for 6mths
I- Isoniazid for 6mths
P- Pyrazinamide for 2mths
E- Ethambutol for 2mths
Co-prescribe pyridoxine (Vit B6) to prevent peripheral neuropathy caused by isoniazid
What is the main SE of isoniazid and how is this managed?
Peripheral neuropathy
Give pyridoxine (Vit B6)
Other SE- Hepatotoxicity
Outline other management options for TB
Test for other infectious disease (HIV/Hep B/Hep C)
Contact tracing
Isolate patients with active TB (at least 2wks)
Negative pressure rooms in hospitals used to prevent airborne spread
What are the SEs of rifampicin?
Red/orange discolouration of secretions- Urine and tears
Potent inducer of cytochrome P450 enzymes- Reduces effects of drugs metabolised by this system (eg: combined contraceptive)
What are the SEs of Pyrazinamide?
Hyperuricaemia (high uric acid levels)- Results in gout and kidney stones
What are the SEs of Ethambutol?
Colour blindness and reduced visual acuity
What is meningitis?
Inflammation of meninges usually due to infection
Meninges- Lining of brain and spinal cord
CSF is contained within meninges (in subarachnoid space)
List the causes of bacterial meningitis
Neisseria meningitidis
Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus)
Haemophilus influenzae
Group B Streptococcus (GBS)- Particularly in neonates
Listeria monocytogenes- Particularly in neonates
Outline Neisseria meningitidis
Gram-negative diplococcus bacteria
Typically known as meningococcus
Most common cause of bacterial meningitis
Outline Meningococcal meningitis
Bacteria infects meninges and CSF
Outline Meningococcal speticaemia
Meningococcus bacterial infection in bloodstream
Causes non-blanching rash
What are the most common causes of viral meningitis?
Enteroviruses (eg: Coxsackie virus)
Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
Varicella zoster virus (VZV)
How is viral meningitis diagnosed?
Viral PCR testing on CSF sample
How is viral meningitis managed?
Aciclovir- Used to treat HSV and VZV
Outline presentation of meningitis
Neck stiffness
Altered consciousness
Outline presentation of meningitis in neonates and babies
Non-specific signs and symptoms
Poor feeding
Bulging fontanelle
What are the NICE guidelines for investigations of children with suspected sepsis?
Lumbar puncture
Under 1mth, presenting with fever
1-3mths and are unwell/have low or high WBC count
What are the special tests to perform to look for meningeal irritation?
Kernig’s test
Brudzinski’s test
What is Kernig’s test?
Lie patient on back, flex one hip and knee to 90 degrees, slowly straighten knee whilst keeping hip flexed at 90 degrees
Creates stretch in meninges
If meningitis- Produce spinal pain or resistance to movement
What is Brudzinski’s test
Lie patient flat on back and use hands to lift their head and neck off bed, flexing chin to their chest
Positive test for meningitis- Causes patient to flex their hips and knees involuntarily
Outline the lumbar puncture result of bacterial meningitis
High protein
Low glucose
High WCC (neutrophils)
Bacteria on culture
Outline the lumbar puncture result of viral meningitis
Mildly raised/normal protein
Normal glucose
High WCC (lymphocytes)
Negative culture
Outline the procedure of a lumbar puncture
Insert needle into L3-L4 or L4/L5 intervertebral space
Spinal cord ends at L1-L2
Outline management of bacterial meningitis
Children in primary care with suspected meningitis and non-blanching rash- Urgent benzylpenicillin (IM or IV)
Blood cultures and LP before starting ABs- Meningococcal PCR (gives faster result than blood cultures and still positive after treated with ABs)
<3mths- Cefotaxime plus amoxicillin
>3mths- Ceftriaxone
Aciclovir added if viral meningitis suspected
Vancomycin added if risk of penicillin-resistant pneumococcal infection (recent foreign travel or prolonged AB exposure)
Steroids (dexamethasone) in bacterial meningitis- Reduce frequency and severity of hearing loss and neuro complications
What is used to reduce frequency of hearing loss and neurological complications in meningitis?
List complications of hearing loss
Hearing loss
Seizures and epilepsy
Cognitive impairment and learning disability
Memory loss
Focal neurological deficits- Limb weakness or spasticity
Outline post-exposure prophylaxis of meningitis
Risk highest with close prolonged contact within 7d before onset of illness
Single dose of ciprofloxacin given as soon as possible after diagnosis
Outline Clostridium difficile
Gram positive, rod-shaped, anaerobic bacteria
Infection associated with repeated use of ABs/PPIs/healthcare settings
Spores released in faeces
May colonise intestines w/o causing any symptoms or issues
Produces Toxin A (enterotoxin) and Toxin B (cytotoxin)
List ABs most associated with C. difficile
Ciprofloxacin (and other fluoroquinolones)
Carbapenems (eg: Meropenem)
Outline presentation of C. difficile
Colonisation usually asymptomatic
Infection- Diarrhoea, nausea and abdo pain
Severe infection with colitis- Dehydration, systemic symptoms (eg: Fever, tachycardia, hypotension)
Outline diagnosis of C. difficile
Stool tests:
C. difficile antigen (specifically glutamate dehydrogenase)
A and B toxins (by PCR or enzyme immunoassay)