Gastroenterology Flashcards
What is liver cirrhosis?
Chronic inflammation and damage
Cells replaced with scar tissue
Nodules of scar tissue form
Affects structure an blood flow through liver, increasing resistance- Portal HTN
What are the 4 most common causes of liver cirrhosis?
Alcoholic liver disease
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
Hep B
Hep C
What are the rarer causes of liver cirrhosis?
AI hep
Wilson’s disease
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
Amiodarone, methotrexate, sodium valproate
List examination findings of liver disease
Cachexia- Wasting of body and muscles
Jaundice- Raised bilirubin
Small nodular liver
Splenomegaly- Due to portal HTN
Spider naevi- Telangiectasia with central arteriole and small vessels radiating away
Palmar erythema- Elevated oestrogen
Gynaecomastia and testicular atrophy- Endocrine dysfunction
Bruising- Abnormal clottingExcoriations
Caput medusae- Distended paraumbilical veins due to portal HTN
Leukonychia (white fingernails)- associated with hypoalbuminaemia
Asterixis- Flapping tremor- Decompensated liver disease
Outline a non-invasive liver screen
Done following abnormal LFTs without a clear cause
US liver- Fatty liver
Hep B and C serology
Autoantibodies- AI hep, PBC and PSC
Immunoglobulins- AI hepatitis and PBC
Caeruloplasmin- Wilsons disease
Alpha-1 antitrypsin levels
Ferritin and transferrin (hereditary haemochromatosis)
Which autoantibodies are relevant to liver disease?
Smooth muscle antibodies
Antimitochondrial antibodies
Antibodies to liver kidney microsome type 1 (LKM-1)
What happens to LFTs in decompensated cirrhosis?
(Can be normal if not decompensated)
Deranged bilirubin, ALT, AST, and ALP
Which other bloods should be done for liver cirrhosis other than LFTs?
Low albumin- Due to reduced synthetic function of liver
Increased prothrombin time- Due to reduced synthetic function of liver (decreased production of clotting factors)
Thrombocytopenia (low platelets)- Indicates more advanced disease
Hyponatremia (low sodium)- Occurs with fluid retention in severe liver disease
Urea and creatinine- Deranged in hepatorenal syndrome
Alpha-fetoprotein- Tumour marker for hepatocellular carcinoma
What is the 1st line investigation for assessing fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?
Enhanced liver fibrosis (ELF) blood test
Measures HA, PIIINP, TIMP-1
>10.51 - Advanced fibrosis
Recheck every 3y
How does liver cirrhosis present on US?
Nodularity on surface of liver
Corkscrew appearance to hepatic arteries with increased flow to compensate for reduced portal flow
Enlarged portal vein with reduced flow
What are the screening tools used for hepatocellular carcinoma?
How does non-alcoholic fatty liver disease present on US?
Increased echogenicity
What is a transient elastography?
Assesses stiffness of liver using high-frequency sound waves
Determines degree of fibrosis to test for liver cirrhosis
What can happen to the oesophagus in portal HTN?
Oesophageal varices
When is the MELD score used?
Model for End-Stage Liver Disease
Used every 6 mths in compensated cirrhosis
Bilirubin, creatinine, INR, sodium, and whether they require dialysis
Gives an estimated 3mth mortality %
What is the Child-Pugh Score?
Assesses severity of liver disease and prognosis
Minimum score 5, maximum 15- Each scored 1-3
A- Albumin
B- Bilirubin
C- Clotting (INR)
D- Dilation (ascites)
E- Encephalopathy
Which underlying causes need to be addressed for liver cirrhosis?
Stop drinking alcohol
Lifestyle changes for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Antiviral drugs for Hep C
Endoscopy every 3y for oesophageal varices
How do you monitor for complications of liver cirrhosis?
MELD score every 6mths
US and AFP every 6mths for hepatocellular carcinoma
Endoscopy every 3y for oesophageal varices
When is a liver transplant considered in liver cirrhosis?
In decompensated liver disease
A- Ascites
H- Hepatic encephalopathy
O- Oesophageal varices bleeding
Y- Yellow (jaundice)
What is the prognosis of liver cirrhosis?
5y survival about 50% once cirrhosis developed
List complications of cirrhosis
Malnutrition and muscle wasting
Portal HTN, oesophageal varices, bleeding varices
Ascites and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
Hepatorenal syndrome
Hepatic encephalopathy
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Why does cirrhosis lead to malnutrition?
Loss of appetite due to reduced intake
Cirrhosis affects protein metabolism in liver and reduces amount of protein liver produces
Disrupts ability of liver to store glucose as glycogen and release it when required
What is the management of malnutrition in cirrhosis?
Regular meals
High protein and calorie intake
Reduced sodium intake to minimise fluid retention
Avoid alcohol
Why does cirrhosis lead to portal HTN and varices?
Portal vein comes from Sup. mesenteric and splenic veins and delivers blood to liver
Liver cirrhosis increases resistance to blood flow in liver= Increased back pressure- Results in splenomegaly
Causes swollen and tortuous vessels at sites where collaterals form between portal and systemic venous systems- Distal oesophagus (oesophageal varices) and anterior abdo wall (caput medusae)
Outline management of varices in cirrhosis
Asymptomatic until start bleeding
High blood flow= Can exsanguinate quickly
Prophylaxis: Propanolol 1st line, variceal band ligation if BB CI
How are bleeding oesophageal varices managed?
Immediate senior help
Consider blood transfusion
Treat coagulopathy- FFP
Vasopressin analogues (terlipressin or somatostatin)- Cause vasoconstriction and slow bleeding
Prophylactic broad-spectrum ABs
Urgent endoscopy with variceal band ligation
Consider intubation and intensive care
Sengstaken-Blakemore tube (inflatable tube in oesophagus to tamponade bleeding varices)
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)
What is a Sengstaken-Blakemore Tube?
Used to stop oesophageal variceal bleeds
Inflatable tube in oesophagus to tamponade bleeding varices
What is Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS)?
Used to stop bleeding oesophageal varices or refractory ascites
Interventional radiologist inserts wire via xray guidance into jugular vein, down vena cava into liver via hepatic vein
Connection made through liver between hepatic vein and portal vein and stent inserted
Allows blood to flow directly from portal vein to hepatic vein, relieving pressure in portal system
Why does cirrhosis lead to ascites?
Fluid in peritoneal cavity
Increased pressure in portal system causes fluid to leak out of capillaries in liver and other abdominal organs in peritoneal cavity
Drop in circulating volume caused by fluid loss into peritoneal cavity = Reduced BP in kidneys = Release renin = Increased aldosterone secretion via renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system = Reabsorption of fluid and sodium in kidneys = Fluid and sodium retention
Causes TRANSUDATIVE ascites (low protein)
Outline management of ascites in liver cirrhosis
Low sodium diet
Aldosterone antagonists (spironolactone)
Paracentesis (ascitic tap/drain)
Prophylactic ABs (ciprofloxacin) when <15g/l protein in ascitic fluid
TIPS considered in refractory ascites
Liver transplant considered in refractory ascites
Why can cirrhosis lead to spontaneous bacterial peritonitis?
Occurs in 10-20% patients with ascites
Mortality 10-20%
Infection in ascitic fluid and peritoneal lining w/o clear source of infection
What are the symptoms of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis?
Can be asymptomatic
Abdo pain
Deranged blood- Raised WBC, CRP, creatinine, or metabolic acidosis
Ileus (reduced movement in intestine)
What are the most common causative organisms of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis?
E. coli
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Outline management of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
Sample ascitic fluid or culture before giving ABs
IV broad-spectrum ABs (piperacillin with tazobactam)
How can cirrhosis cause hepatorenal syndrome?
Impaired kidney function caused by changes in blood flow to kidneys relating to liver cirrhosis and portal HTN
Portal HTn causes portal vessels to release vasodilators = Significant vasodilation in splanchnic circulation = Reduced BP
Kidneys respond to low BP via RAAS = Vasoconstriction of renal vessels = Kidneys starved of blood
What is the prognosis and management of hepatorenal syndrome?
Poor prognosis unless liver transplant
How can liver cirrhosis cause hepatic encephalopathy?
Build up of neurotoxic substances that affect the brain
AMMONIA- Produced by intestinal bacteria when break down proteins - Absorbed in intestines and builds up
Ammonia build up due to liver cells functional impairment preventing them from metabolising ammonia into harmless waste products and collateral vessels between portal and systemic circulation means ammonia bypasses liver and enters systemic system directly
How does hepatic encephalopathy present?
Reduced consciousness
Chronic- Changes to mood/personality and memory
List factors which can trigger or worsen hepatic encephalopathy
Electrolyte disturbance
GI bleeding
High protein diet
Meds- Sedatives in particular
Outline management of hepatic encephalopathy
Lactulose (need 2-3 soft stools/day)
ABs (eg: Rifaximin)- Reduce number of intestinal bacteria producing producing ammonia
Nutritional support (NG tube)
Outline the step-wise progression of alcohol-related liver disease
- Alcoholic fatty liver- Reversible with abstinence
- Alcoholic hepatitis- Inflammation in liver cells- Binge drinking associated with same effect- Mild usually reversible with permanent abstinence
- Cirrhosis- Functional liver tissue replaced with scar tissue- Irreversible- Stop drinking to prevent further damage- Continued drinking has poor prognosis
What is the recommended alcohol consumption UK?
Do not regularly drink more than 14 units/wk spread evenly over 3+ days and not more than 5units in a single day
Binge drinking = 6+ units women, 8+ units men in single session
What can alcohol in pregnancy lead to?
Small for dates
Preterm delivery
Fetal alcohol syndrome
List complications of alcohol
Alcohol-related liver disease
Cirrhosis and its complications (Hepatocellular carcinoma)
Alcohol dependence and withdrawal
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
Alcoholic myopathy, proximal muscle wasting
and weakness
Increased risk CVD
Increased risk cancer- Breast, mouth and throat
List examination signs suggestive of excessive alcohol consumption
Smelling of alcohol
Slurred speech
Bloodshot eyes
Dilated capillaries on face (telangiectasia)
Outline potential blood test results of someone with alcoholic-related liver disease
Raised Mean cell volume (MCV)
Raised ALT and AST
AST:ALS ratio > 1.5
Raised gamma-GT
Raised ALP later in disease
Raised bilirubin in cirrhosis
Low albumin due to reduced synthetic function of liver
Increased PTT due to reduced synthetic function of liver (reduced production of clotting factors)
Deranged U&Es in hepatorenal syndrome
Outline investigations of alcoholic related liver disease other than bloods
Liver US- May show early fatty changes with increased echogenicity, then cirrhosis
Transient elastography (FibroScan)- Assess elasticity of liver using high frequency sound waves- Determines degree of fibrosis
Endoscopy- Assess and treat oesophageal varices when Portal HTN suspected
CT and MRI scans- Look for fatty infiltration of liver, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatosplenomegaly, abnormal blood vessel changes and ascites
Liver biopsy- Confirms diagnosis (esp. if steroid treatment being considered for alcohol-related hep)
Outline the general management of alcohol-related LD
Stop drinking
CBT or motivational interviewing
Detoxication regime
Nutrition- Thiamine (B1) and high protein diet
Corticosteroids- Reduce inflammation in severe alcoholic hepatitis- Improves short-term outcomes
Treat complications
Liver transplant
When are corticosteroids considered in liver disease?
Severe alcoholic hepatitis- Improves short term outcomes by reducing inflammation
What is a requirement for a liver transplant?
6mths abstinence from alcohol
What is alcohol dependence?
Daily alcohol consumption
Strong urges and cravings
Difficulty controlling consumption
Tolerance to effects of alcohol
Withdrawal symptoms when stopping
Outline the CAGE questionnaire
C- Cut down? Do you ever think you should cut down?
A- Annoyed? Do you get annoyed at others commenting on your drinking?
G- Guilty? Do you ever feel guilty about drinking?
E- Eye opener? Do you ever drink in the morning to help your hangover or nerves?
Outline the timeline of alcohol withdrawal
6-12h: Tremor, sweating, headache, craving, anxiety
12-24h: Hallucinations
24-48h: Seizures
24-72h: Delirium tremens
What is the pathophysiology of delirium tremens?
Alcohol is a depressant
Alcohol stimulates GABA receptors in brain which relax brain
Alcohol inhibits glutamate receptors (NMDA receptors) which relaxes brain
Chronic use= GABA system down-regulated, Glutamate system up-regulated- When alcohol removed, GABA system under functions and glutamate system over functions= Extreme excitability of brain and excessive adrenergic activity (adrenaline)
Outline the presentation of delirium tremens
Acute confusion
Severe agitation
Delusions and hallucinations
Ataxia (difficulty coordinating movement)
How is alcohol withdrawal managed?
Chlordiazepoxide (benzo)- Give orally as reducing regime titrated to required dose- Reduce over 5-7d
High dose B vitamins (Pabrinex) given IM/IV followed by long term oral thiamine- Prevents Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
What causes Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome?
Alcohol excess leads to thiamine (B1) deficiency
Thiamine poorly absorbed in presence of alcohol
List features of Wernicke’s encephalopathy
Occulomotor disturbances
Ataxia (difficulty coordinating movement)
Outline features of Korsakoff syndrome
Memory impairment (retro and anterograde)
Behavioural changes
What is the prognosis of delirium tremens w/o treatment?
35% mortality rate
What can non-alcoholic fatty liver disease progress to?
Hepatitis or cirrhosis
Outline the stages of NAFLD
- Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
- Fibrosis
- Cirrhosis
What are the risk factors for NAFLD?
Middle age
Poor diet and low activity levels
High cholesterol
High BP
Which syndrome is NAFLD associated with?
Metabolic syndrome