Infectious Diseases Flashcards
What is sepsis?
SIRS +suspected or proven infection
What is severe sepsis and what is septic shock?
Severe sepsis=sepsis + organ dysfunction
Septic shock=sepsis + CVS dysfunction
What >2 of categories is needed for SIRS to be present?
- Temp
- Tachycardia
- Tachypnoea
Why should you not focus too much on looking for hypotension in paediatrics when it comes to sepsis?
Incredibly late sign in children and only drop BP when in decompensated shock
Why do we worry specifically about infants <3 months in age?
- Increased risk of bacterial infection, sepsis, meningitis
- May have minimal signs and symptoms
- Presentation often non-specific
- May not mount a febrile response
- Deteriorate quickly
What risk factors would make you think of infection in an infant <3 months?
- Prematurity (<37/40)
- Maternal pyrexia/chorioamnionitis
- Maternal GBS or previous child with GBS
- Maternal STI
What is the management of sepsis?
ABC (C=fluid bolus (20ml/kg 0.9%NaCl)
DEFG (Don’t ever forget Glc)=2ml/kg 10% dextrose
- 3rd generation cephalosporin (e.g. Cefotaxime/Ceftriaxone)
- Add IV amoxicillin if <1month old (Listeria not covered - most common cause of sepsis meningitis in this age)
What bloods are done in sepsis?
FBC (leukocytosis, thrombocytopaenia)
Coagulation screen (DIC)
Blood gas (metabolic acidosis, raised lactate)-capillary or venous
Blood culture
What cultures are taken in sepsis?
CSF (including send to virology)
+/-stool (micro + virology)
If a child is presenting with sepsis with an unclear source what can a CXR be helpful for excluding?
Focal Pneumonia
What different organisms are responsible for sepsis in neonates <1 month compared to older infants & children?
- Group B strep
- E.coli
- Listeria monocytogenes
Older infants & children:
- Strep pneumoniae
- Neisseria meningitidis
- Group A strep
- Staph aureus
If any child <3 months with … unless its immediately post immunisation paediatricians want to see them
What is meningitis and what is meningism?
Meningitis=A disease caused by inflam of the meninges
Meningism=The clinical signs & symptoms suggestive of meningeal irritation
Where does CSF lie?
Between arachnoid and pia mater
What is apnoea?
Pause in breathing lasting for >20 secs-unique to young infants
Sign of significant respiratory distress and reduced resp drive
What are the clinical signs of meningitis?
- Nuchal rigidity (Neck stiffness)=Palpable resistance to neck flexion
- Brudzinski’s sign=Hips and knees flex on passive flexion of the neck
- Kernig’s sign=Pain on passive extension of the knee
What are the causes of childhood meningitis?
- Bacterial
- Viral (mainly enterovirus)
- Fungal-neonates/immunocompromised
- Unknown/aseptic
What are the organisms cause bacterial meningitis?
Neonates (<1month)
- Group B strep
- E.coli
- Listeria
Older infants and children
- Strep pneumoniae
- Neisseria meningitidis
- Hemophilus influenzae type B (HiB)