Infectious Disease Flashcards
What is the likely cd4 count of an aids patient p/w cryptococcal meningitis?
Pt with history of bird exposure p/w fever, cough, dyspnea. Diagnosis? Tx?
Cryptococcus treat with diflucan for 10+ weeks
Pt with exposure to bats/birds with pulm symptoms and oral ulcers with punctate lesions on X-ray?
Tx of choice for PJP?
How does botulism act?
Inhibits the release of acetylcholine
Rice water stool
Pt with gastroenteritis with fever, and pain and vomiting. Likely which pathogen?
Pea soup floating diarrhea
Blood in diarrhea with fever with punctate lesions on colonoscopy
India ink stain positive
Fever with rash/petechiae, hyponatremia, thrombocytopenia, elevated LFTs. Diagnosis? Treatment?
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, treat with doxy unless pregnant: chloramphenicol
At what temperature fever is irreversible brain damage caused?
> 106.8
What are the diagnostic criteria for fever of unknown origin (3)?
Fever > 101.8, > 3 weeks with at least 1 weeks work up for a cause
What medium does streptococcus grow on in the micro lab?
blood agar
Pt presents with fever, diffuse erythematous rash that blanches and is rough like sandpaper or goose bumps. Her face is flushed with circumoral pallor and strawberry tongue. Diagnosis?
Scarlet fever induced by strep pharyngitis
Thick honey colored crust skin lesions
strep/staph impetigo - must be treated with antibiotics
15 yo patient presents with a lacunar rash with central clearing and strange purposeless movements. Diagnosis? Names for these sypmtoms. What is the greatest mortality risk of this position.
Acute Rheumatic fever - erythema marginatum and sydenham chorea. Mortality risk: carditis leading to death or irreversible valvular injury
What is the treatment for strep pharyngitis for a PCN allergic patient?
Pt presents with severeal lesions that are vesicular with a purple-to-black center which the patient says were just red bumps before. Cultures of the contents of the vesicle yield gram-positive box-shaped rods in chains. Diagnosis?