Infectious Disease Flashcards
With cryptococcus think what 4 things
HIV CD4 less 100
Pigeon droppings
Pulmonary CNS sxs
What signs are often absent in cryptoccosis neoformans
Meningeal signs
What is the positive lab testing in cryptoccosis neoformans
Positive India ink = round encapsulated yeast
Because crytopcoccosis neoformans is yeast how can you think of treating it
With cryptoccoal meningitis think what txm
Location of histoplasmosis
Ohio and Mississippi River valley = inhaled SOIL or FECES
Describe histoplasmosis sxs
Flu sxs // headache // cough // night sweats
Histoplasmosis think what transmission
Bird droppings
Histo treatment
Itraconazole and severe = AMPHOTERICIN
Chlamydia can cause what 3 etiologies
Cervicitis / urethritis
Lymphogranuloma Venereum
What type of discharge do you think with chlamydia
Watery in men // some to none in women — cervical mucopurulent discharge common
Chlamydia treatment // preg?
Azithro in pregnancy
presumptive treatment of partners
With gonorrhea you’re thinking what kind of infections // 4
Edpidymitis .. prostatitis
Lab staining for gonorrhea
Gram negative EXTRACELLULAR diplococci
Gonorrhea treatment
IM Ceftriaxone single dose
Lab findings in MRSA
Gram positive cocci in CLUSTERS
What drugs can treat MRSA
Rheumatic fever often presents in what age and how
5-14 years old
S/p untreated strep infection = INFLAMMATORY RXN in heart brain joints skin
Name the skin lesion associated with rheumatic fever
Erythema marginatum
What is spared in the rash of rheumatic fever
The face
What is the major criteria of rheumatic fever and how many do you need
1 and 2 minors or 2 majors alone.
Sydenham Chorea
Eyrthema marginatum
Subq Nodules
Recent scarlet fever is indication of what
Recent strep infection
What valve is most effected in rheumatic heart disease
The mitral valve
Management of rheumatic fever
Penc G or Amox
What type of tick is involved in Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Dog tick
Wood tick
Describe Rocky Mountain spotted fever rash
Starts on palms and soles spreads towards the trunk
Blanching erythematous rash with macula and petechia
DOC for Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Doxy empirically
Lyme disease is caused by and lesion looks like ; must be attached for how long
Borrelia Burgodorferi
“Target” Bullseye lesion
24 hours or DONT TREAT
4 clinical manifestations of Lyme disease
Bilateral Bell’s palsy
Heart blocks
Erythema migrans
Talk about testing for Lyme Disease in the lab
IgG for western blot if LESS 30 DAYS OF SXS
IgG and IgM western blot if GREATER 30 DAYS OF SXS
Lyme disease treatment ; if pregnant
Amoxicillin if pregnant
When is doxy given prophylactically
Within 72 hours of tick REMOVAL
Syphillis primarily affects what heart structure
The aorta
Talk about serological testing for syphillis
Screen = RPR and VLDRL
Confirmatory = FTA -ABS ;; if positive this will remain positive for life.
you can also order direct visualization of T. Pallidum
Syphillis treatment and back up
Penc G ;; can even sensitize pregnant patients
All Others— with allergy = Doxy or Ceftriaxone
What rash is associated with rheumatic fever?
Erythema marginatum
What are the two ways of syphilis transmission?
Sexual contact
And vertical transmission
Describe the syphillis lesion
Chancre papule painless ; 1-2 cm ulcer with raised undurated edges
Where does syphillis have a predilection for on the body
Palms and soles
What type of STI really effects the aorta
What is the difference between syphilis lesion and H. Ducryei lesion
H. Ducreyi hurts; multiple painful inguinal Bubo
Syphilis is painless … that’s why its on the RIZE
Patient presents with syphilis like lesion and treated with antibiotics and gets a ridiculous reaction ; what are you thinking?
Jarisch Herxhiemer Reaction
High cyclical fever and what is the worst genus
Malaria falciparum
Best lab studies for malaria
Thick and thin Geimsa stain
What do you see on CT for toxoplasmosis
Ring enhancing lesions
3 combo of medications to treat toxoplasmosis if a patient is immunocompromised
Sulfadiazine + Pyrimethamine + Leucovorin
EBV affects what two types of cells?
B cells
Pharyngeal Epithelial cells
Classic triad of EBV
Sore throat
Cervical LAD
If MONO is treated with amoxicillin what happens>
Get a RASH
Peripheral blood smears positive in MONO
Atypical lymphocytes
Why do you avoid contact sports in EBV
Splenic rupture!
What is the smear for HSV and what does it show?
Tzanck Smear and Multi Nucleated Giant Cells
We give antivirals for what in HSV
Primary infection and suppressive therapy
Describe the timeline and stages of sxs in
HIV infection
Infected and then asxs for 8-10 years
Sxs = weight loss ; high infection ; uncommon fungal infections
“Kaposi Sarcoma”
“Hairy Leukoplakia”
What usually follows opportunistic diseases in HIV patients
What is the time frame that western blot will be positive in HIV
31 days
Treatment for HIV is what class of medications?
2 NRTI’s = Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
1 NNRTI = Non Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
3 diseases with any CD4 count in HIV
Herpes Zoster
CD4 count in HIV less than 100 what are 3 common diseases
Cerebral toxoplasmosis
Military Tuberculosis
HIV encephalopathy
What is the only type of animal that transmits rabies
Rabies effects what part of the body
Encephalitis of gray matter
What is the name of the finding in postpartum tissue in a rabies infected patient
Negri bodies
What are two severe sxs that often lead to death in Rabies
Respiratory depression
Ascending paralysis
What is the post exposure prophylaxis for rabies in an unvaccinated individual
Rabies vaccine 4 doses 0, 3, 7, 14.
And a single does of RSIG.
Describe the lesions in chicken pox on a child
Crops of vesicles in various stages of healing
When are you contagious with chicken pox
2 days before lesions
And 5 days after vesicle appears.
What cranial nerve is affected in Ramsey hunt syndrome
CN 7
What is Hutchinson sign in reference to shingles
Eye Shingles
With bumps near the tip of the nose.
3 parts of Ramsay hunt syndrome
Facial paralysis on one side
Ear pain
Vesicles in the auditory canal and auricle
What is the reason most should not have chicken pox parties anymore (3)
Secondary skin infections
Viral PNA
When do kids get the chicken pos vaccine
1 and 4 yrs old
When do adults eat the chicken pox vaccine
Over 50 yrs old they should
Rotavirus is transmitted how
Infected food contaminated by feces
What two viral infections cause fever vomiting and diarrhea
Norovirus = #1