Infectious And Inflammatory Diseases Flashcards
What are three clinical presentation of infection?
- Fever
- Pain
- Leukocytosis
What do we do if fever is of unknown origin? 3
- History and lab tests important
- Look for organomegaly
- Look for infection because they can progress to an abscess
Itis means what?
Inflammatory process example is hepatitis
What is an abscess?
Localized collection of pus
Abscesses are complications of what?
Who are patients that are at risk for abscesses? Patients with abscesses are at risk for what? 3
- Diabetes, immunosuppressive, cancer patients
- Hematomas
- Post-op patients
What does abscesses present with? (What does it feel like?)
Local tenderness
What does a abscess look like sonographically? 5
- Fluid filed area
- Posterior enhancement
- Thick irregular walls
- Debris
- Possible gas
What is hepatitis?
Inflammation of the liver
What causes hepatitis?
Viruses or toxins
What are S/S of hepatitis? 2
- Fever, chills, N and V
- Possible jaundice
What are the different typed of viral hepatitis?
A, B, C, D
What is the route of entry for hepatitis A?
Fecal- oral route
What is the route of entry for hepatitis B? 2
- Blood and body fluids
- Carrier state
How can someone get hepatitis C?
How does someone get hepatitis D?
Dependent on Hep B/IV drug users
What is the clinical recovery for acute hepatitis (how long it takes for clinical recovery)? How many cases are Hep A?
- Clinical recovery within 4 months
- 99% of cases of Hep A
What is Subfulminant/ fulminant caused by? What causes it? 2
- Due to Hep B or drug toxicity
- Hepatic necrosis ( death occurs if >40% of hepatic parenchyma lost)
What is Chronic hepatitis?
Biochemical ABN > 6 months
What is the sonographic appearance of acute hepatitis? 5
- Hepatomegaly
- Decreased liver echogenicity
- Prominent portal vein walls
- Gallbladder wall thickening
- Most often the liver appears normal
What is the sonographic appearance of chronic hepatitis? 3
- Coarse liver parenchyma
- Increased echogenicity
- Portal hypertension, cirrhosis
What lab values are affected by hepatitis? 3
1. ALT
2. AST
3. Bilirubin
In terms of bacterial liver infection, progenitor bacteria spreads to the liver from what? 4
- Biliary tract
- Portal Venous system
- Hepatic artery
- Trauma
What is the clinical signs of bacterial liver infection? 4
- Fever
- RUQ pain
- Malaise
- Anorexia
What is the sonographic appearance of bacterial infections? 4
- Simple to complex cysts
- Shaggy wall
- Internal septations
- Echogenic foci with posterior reverberation
What is candidiasis?
Yeast infection of the immune compromised
What S/S does candidiasis present with
Fever with WBC count returning to normal
What is the sonographic appearance of fungal disease?5
- Uniformly hypoechoic (most common)
- Hyperechoic
- Bulls eye
- Wheel in wheel
- Liver, kidney and spleen involvement
What is pneumocystis carinii?
Opportunistic infection which affects immunocompromised patients (AIDS)
Which organs are affected by pneumocystis?5
- Liver
- Spleen
- Renal cortex
- Pancreas
- Lymph nodes
What is the sonographic appearence of pneumocystis carinii?
Diffuse tiny, non shadowing echogenic foci which progress to shadowing calcified deposits
What is an example of a parasitic disease?
What is the route of entry for amebiasis?
Fecal-oral route. Travels from colon>PV>liver
Which lobe of the liver is most likely affected by amebiasis?
Right lobe is more commonly affected
What does amebiasis look like sonographically?2
- Rounded/oval/ abscess
- Hypoechoic with fine internal echoes
What are symptoms of amebiasis? 2
- Pain
- +/- Diarrhea
What kind of disease is hydatid diseases? 2
- Echinococcal disease
- Parasitic infection - tapeworm
What animals transports hydatid disease?
Sheep and cattle countries
Which organs do we see hydatid in?5
- Liver
- Spleen
- Ureter
- Bladder
- Kidney
How does hydatid disease travel?
Travels via portal Venou system to liver
Where is hydatid disease most commonly found? (in the body)
Right lobe of the liver
What does a hydatid disease embryo look like? What are the three layers?
- Slow growing cyst
- Three layers: Ectocyst, Pericyst, endocyst
What is the ectocyst? How thick is it?
- External membrane
- ~1 mm thick
What is a pericyst?
Dense connective tissue capsule around cyst
What is endocyst?
Inner germinal layer
What is treatment options for hydatid disease?
What are S/S of hydatid disease?4
- Pain/ discomfort
- Jaundice
- Vascular thrombosis/ infarction
- Anaphylactic shock (rare - from cyst repari)
What kind of infection is schistosomiasis?
Parasitic infection
How does schistosomiasis travel?2
- Worms penetrate the skin
- Travel to the mesenteric veins
What organs are affected by schistosomiasis?4
- Liver
- Spleen
- Bowel
- Bladder
Schistosomiasis ova can migrate where/how?
Up portal vein
What is the pathway of schistosomiasis?
PV wall penetrated>granulomtous, periportal fibrosis
Over time what does schistosomiasis cause? 2 (conditions)
Over time
1. Portal hypertension
2. Cirrhosis
What is the sonographic appearance of schistosomiasis?5 (Initially, chronic)
- Thickening and increased echogenicity of periportal walls
- Initially > Liver enlarged
- Chronic > liver shrinks/ portal hypertension
- SPlenomegaly
- Thickened bladder wall
What kind of infection is tuberculosis?
Where does tuberculosis start from?
What organs may tuberculosis affect?3
- Spleen
- Adrenal glands
- UT
What is the sonographic appearance of TB spleen?2
- Tiny echogenic foci
- +/- Posterior shadow
What is the sonographic apeparance of TB adrenal glands?3 (acute/ chronic, what it leads to)
- Acute - bilateral diffuse enlargement
- Chronic - atrophied and calcified
- Adrenal insufficiency
What is peritonitis?
Inflammation of peritoneum
What are some infectious factors of peritonitis?4 (How can someone get it)
- Bacterial
- Viruses
- Fungi
- Parasites
What are some non infectious s/s of peritonitis?3
- Pancreatitis complications
- Reaction to foreign bodies
- Severe pain
Which disease individuals does tuberculous peritonitis affect? And what are two things we see with them?
- Immunocompromised (AIDS, Alcoholics, Cirrhosis)
- Exudative fluid
- Lymphadenopathy
What is acute cholecystitis most commonly caused by?
Most often due to impacted stones
What happens to blood supply with acute cholecystitis?2
- Blood supply interfered with > inflammatory
- Predisposed to infection
Which demographic is affected to by predisposed choleystosis ?
What ares some s/s of acute cholecystitis?5
- Fever
- Leukocytosis
- N and V
- Jaundice
What do we look for sonographically with acute cholecystitis?7
- GB wall >3mm3
- Hyperaemia
- Gallstones
- Impaction at neck
- GB hydrops
- Pericholecystitc fluid
- +/- acute cholecystitis
What are some lab values that are affected by acute cholecystitis? 5
- Serum bilirubin
- Leukocytosis
What are some complications of acute cholecystitis? 5
- Empyema
- Gangrenous cholecystitis
- Emphysematous cholecystitis
- Perforation
- Abscess
What is gangrenous cholecystits?
Necrosis of the gallbladder which appear with no pain
What does gangrenous cholecystitis appear like sonographically?
Non- layering bands of echogenic tissue within the lumen
Where does perforation occur?
What does Perforation of GB look like on u/s?4
- Free fluid in peritoneal cavity
- Low level collection adjacent to GB
- Ill - defined, hyperechoic mass surrounding GB
- May identify perforation in wall
How common is emphysematous?
What is emphysematous caused by?
Gas forming bacteria
What is the progression of emphysematous in diabetic men vs women?
Rapid progression in diabetic men>women
What is the sonographic appearance of a acalculus cholecystitis?
Similar to acute cholecystitis but without stones
What is the most common form of symptomatic GB disease?
Chronic cholecystits?
What is some symptoms of chronic cholecystitis?4 (s/s)
- Intolerance to fatty food s
- Belching/ indigestion
- Postprandial RUQ
- N and V
What does this image represent?
What does this image represent?
Acute hepatitis
What does this image represent?
Acute hepatitis
What does these images represent?
Chronic hepatitis
What does this image represent?
Bacterial liver infection
What does this image represent?
Bacterial liver infection
What does this image represent?
Fungal disease
What does this image represent?
Pneumocystis carinii
What does this image represent?
What does this image represent?
Hydatid disease
What does this image represent?
What does this image represent?
TB of spleen and adrenal glands
What does this image represent?
Acute cholecystitis
What does this image represent?
Acute cholecystitis
What does this image represent?
Gangrenous cholecystitis
What does this image represent?
What does this image represent?
GB perforation
What does this image represent?
What does this image represent?
Acalculous cholecystitis
What does chronic cholecystitis disease look like sonographically?4
- Thick heterogenous wall
- Contracted GB
- Gallstones
- WES sign
What are lab values of chronic cholecystitis?4
What are complications of chronic cholecystitis?4
- Bouveret syndrome
- Gallstone ileus
- Mirizzi syndrome
- Associated with the development of GB carcinoma
What is bouveret syndrome?
Gastric outlet obstruction
What is gallstone ileus?
Distal bowel obstruction
How common is miruzzi syndrome?
Rare complication
What is mirizzi syndrome? What happens if there is mirizzi syndrome?
- Impacted stone in the cystic duct, GB neck or Hartmann’s pouch
- Compression of the CHD by stone or inflammatory reaction > Obstructive jaundice
Mirizzi may form what?
Fistulas ( between cystic duct and CHD)
What are clinical symptoms of mirizzi syndrome?3
- Fever
- Pain
- Jaundice
What is the sonographic appearance of mirizzi syndrome?2
- Dilated bile ducts above the level of the obstruction
- CBD normal
What does xanthogranulomatou s cholecystitis look like? What does it represent?
- Hypoechoic nodules/ bands in a thick GB wall
- Represents fatty granulomatous nodules
Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis is a rare form of what?
Chronic inflammation
How common are porcelain gallbladders?
Which demographic of individuals are affected by porcelain gallbladder?
Older females
Porcelain gallbladder has a higher incidence of what?
GB carcinoma
What is the etiology of porcelain gallbladder?
What is porcelain gallbladders associated with?2
- Stones
- Chronic cholecystitis
How common is cholangitis?
What is cholangitis?
Inflammation of bile ducts
What are the five types of cholangitis?5
- Acute (bacterial)
- Recurrent progenitor
- Biliary ascariasis
- Primary sclerosing
What is acute cholangitis caused by? What is related to?
- Bacterial obstruction
- Associated with choledocholithiasis/ obstruction
What does acute cholangitis look like clinically?3 (s/s)
- Fever
- Jaundice
What does cholangitis look like on u/s? 3
- Dilated biliary tree
- Stones
- Liver abscess
What are lab values of acute cholangitis?3
- Bilirubin
Which demographic is affected most by recurrent pyogenic? (not gender related)
SE and east Asia
What is the etiology of recurrent pyogenic?
Etiology unknown
In terms of recurrent pyogenic, chronic obstruction leads to what?
Chronic obstruction>stasis>stone formation
Which lobe of the liver is affected most by recurrent pyogenic?
Lateral left lobe
What are some complications of recurrent pyogenic?2
- Biliary cirrhosis
- Cholangiocarcinoma
What does recurrent pyogenic look like on u/s?
Dilated ducts with stones and sludge in one segment
What is AIDS due to?
Opportunistic infection
What does the bile ducts and GB walls look like with AIDS
Walls thick
What does the CBD look like with AIDS?
What does the focal structures and intra and extrahepatic ducts look like with AIDS?
What Lab values are affected by AIDS and how?2
- ALP elevated
- Bilirubin normal
What is biliary ascariasis caused by?
Roundworm infestation
What does biliary ascariasis look like u/s?2
- Echogenic non-shadowing parallel lines/ tubes in ducts an GB
- Look for worms
What is primary sclerosising cholangitis?2
- Chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause
- Bile ducts fibrosed and inflamed