Infections of the heart and circulatory system Flashcards
Bacteria in the blood stream
Presence of clinical symptoms as a result of bacteraemia
Usually due to gram negative bacilli
Catheters often cause septicaemia
Diagnosed by 3 draws of blood and colormetric detection.
Treated with aminoglycoside and B lactam and metronidazole against obligate anaerobes such as bacteroides
Yersinia pestis = enterobacteriaceae, pleomorphic, gram negatve
Transmitted by fleas
New born babies
Susceptible to listeria monocytogenes infection and Group B strep eg S. agalactice
Endotoxic shock
- gram negative bacteria
- Lipid A component leads to vasodilation and heat shock as the blood pressure drops
- Body constricts the peripheral nerves leading to cold shock; disseminated intravascular coagulation takes place and clotting factors are used up.
- Toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 - group A streptococcal infection - presents a super antigen and leads to a cytokine storm
Which valve does endocarditis usually infect? which does it effect in IV drug users?
Mitril valve usually
Tricuspid valve in IV drug users
What leads to the production of a biofilm in endocarditis?
The presence of vegetations, previously damaged valves and fibrinogen
When does early prosthetic endocarditis usually take place?
Within a year of replacement and tends to be by viridans strep, enterococci or coagulase negative staph which form biofilms
S. aureus and IV drug users
Causes native valve endocarditis
Major in diagnosis endocarditis
2 x blood cultures and an endocardiogram
Minors in diagnosis endocarditis
- predisposing factors: IV drug use, heart condition
- fever, vascular embolli or janeways lesion
- immunologic phenomena (Osler’s nodes, Roth’s spots)
- Microbiological evidence
Diagnosis of endocarditis =
- 2 majors
- 1 major and 3 minors
- 5 minors
Mycotic anerysm
inflammatory damage and weakening of the arterial wall and aneurysm
Supprative thrombophlebitis
inflammation of the vein wall, clot formation and common with IV catheterisation