Infection in haematological malignancies Flashcards
what measures can be taken to try and reduce risk of sepsis in patients with haematological malignancies?
protective environment vaccinations prophylaxis growth factors e.g. G-CSF stem cell rescue/transplant IV immunoglobulin replacement
what prophylaxis treatment is given to reduce risk of bacterial, fungal and viral infections in patients with haematological malignancies?
bacterial - ciprofloxacin
fungal - fluconazole
viral - acyclovir
what prophylaxis is given o patient with haematological malignancies to prevent pnuemocystitis jiroveci pneumonia?
at what neutrophil count is someone at high risk of sepsis?
< 0.5 x10 (9) /L
< 0.2 x10(9) /L
for how long is a patient with neutropenia at high risk of sepsis?
neutropenia for > 7 days puts them at high risk
is gram positive or gram negative bacteria most common cause for febrile neutropenia?
gram positive bacteria
what organisms are the most common cause of febrile neutropenia in patients with haematological malignancies?
gram positive;
- staph aureus
- strep viridans
gram negative;
- e.coli
- klebsiella species - ESBL
- pseudomonas
what increases a patients risk of fungal infection?
monocyte dysfunction
what is the presentation of neutropenic sepsis?
fever with no localising signs
(single reading of >38.5 OR >38 on two readings one hour apart)
rigors chest infection/pneumonia skin sepsis - cellulitis UTI septic shock
a patient has neutropenic sepsis. you dont know the cause yet.
how would you treat?
broad spectrum antibiotics (IV)
- tazocin & gentamicin
a patient has neutropenic sepsis. it is identified that MRSA is the causative organism.
how would you treat?
vancomycin or teicoplanin
a patient has neutropenic sepsis. you treat with broad spectrum IV antibiotics as there is no identifiable cause yet.
It has been 72 hours and there is still no improvement .
how would you treat?
add anti fungal (IV)
- caspofungin
what is isolated monocytopenia a sign of?
hairy cell leukaemia
what puts patients with haematological malignancies at risk of infection?
disrupted skin / mucosal surfaces altered flor / antibiotic resistance neutropenia lymphopenia monocytopenia
how would you investigate a fever in a neutropenic patient?
history and examinaion blood cultures - and from hitman line CXR throat swab and other sites of infection sputum culture FBC, U & E, creatinine, LFT's, coagulation screen
what are the main infections patients with severe lymphopenia at risk of?
atypical pneumonia;
- shingles (VZV)
- mouth ulcers (HSV)
- adenovirus
- candida, aspergillus, mucor mycosis
atypical mycobacterium