Why do Plants affected with TMV have a stunted growth?
•TMV affects chlorophyll production
•Less chlorophyll = Less sunlight absorbed
• Photosynthesis occurs at a slower rate and produces less glucose for the plant
• Plant cannot respite enough to use proteins to build new cells
What is a communicable disease
A disease caused by a pathogen that can be spread through individuals
What is a non-communicable disease
A disease that cannot be spread through organisms
How can communicable diseases be spread?
•Direct contact
How do bacteria multiply?
•Binary Fission
• Ie split in two
How do viruses reproduce
•Inject viral dna into host cell(s)
• host cell produces lots of new viruses
• viruses burst out of host cell as it destroys it
• Process repeats as each new virus goes to other cells
What is Measles ( Pathogen type+ symptoms)
• Fever and a skin rash
How are measles spread
• Inhalation of droplets from sneezes and/or coughs
What is HIV (pathogen type+ symptoms)
•Initially flu like symptoms, attacks body’s immune system
• causes aids
How is HIV spread
Exchange of bodily fluids (Sexual fluids, blood, etc
What is salmonella (pathogen type+ symptoms)
• Fever, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhoea
How is salmonella spread
Contaminated food
What is gonorrhoea (pathogen type+ symptoms)
• Thick yellow discharge from Vagina/Penis, Pain when urinating
How is gonorrhoea spread?
Sexual contact
What is athletes foot (Pathogen type+ symptoms)
•Scaly rash often between toes
How is athletes foot spread?
Direct contact or contact with contaminated surfaces
What is malaria?(pathogen type+ symptoms)
• Fever, tiredness, vomiting, headaches
How is Malaria spread
Mosquitoes (Vector)
What are non-specific defences of the body?
•Stomach acid
•Enzymes (in tears)
•ear wax
•Allow other
How do Platelets/Thrombocytes form clots (scabs) at the site of a wound?
•Platelets release chemicals at the site of the wound
• Fibrinogen (soluble) becomes the insoluble Fibrin that form a mesh around the wound
•Red blood cells get stuck in the mesh causing a clot
•This develops into a scab that protects the wound as it heals
What are the two MAIN types of WBC
How do Lymphocytes work?
•Release antitoxins to neutralise toxins produced by pathogens
•Produce specific antibodies that cause pathogens to stick together to aid phagocytosis
What do Phagocytes do?
Engulf and digest Pathogens
What is an antigen?
A SPECIFIC protein coating on the outside of every cell
Pathogens can be identified as foreign by WBCs by their antigens