Why do Plants affected with TMV have a stunted growth?
•TMV affects chlorophyll production
•Less chlorophyll = Less sunlight absorbed
• Photosynthesis occurs at a slower rate and produces less glucose for the plant
• Plant cannot respite enough to use proteins to build new cells
What is a communicable disease
A disease caused by a pathogen that can be spread through individuals
What is a non-communicable disease
A disease that cannot be spread through organisms
How can communicable diseases be spread?
•Direct contact
How do bacteria multiply?
•Binary Fission
• Ie split in two
How do viruses reproduce
•Inject viral dna into host cell(s)
• host cell produces lots of new viruses
• viruses burst out of host cell as it destroys it
• Process repeats as each new virus goes to other cells
What is Measles ( Pathogen type+ symptoms)
• Fever and a skin rash
How are measles spread
• Inhalation of droplets from sneezes and/or coughs
What is HIV (pathogen type+ symptoms)
•Initially flu like symptoms, attacks body’s immune system
• causes aids
How is HIV spread
Exchange of bodily fluids (Sexual fluids, blood, etc
What is salmonella (pathogen type+ symptoms)
• Fever, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhoea
How is salmonella spread
Contaminated food
What is gonorrhoea (pathogen type+ symptoms)
• Thick yellow discharge from Vagina/Penis, Pain when urinating
How is gonorrhoea spread?
Sexual contact
What is athletes foot (Pathogen type+ symptoms)
•Scaly rash often between toes
How is athletes foot spread?
Direct contact or contact with contaminated surfaces
What is malaria?(pathogen type+ symptoms)
• Fever, tiredness, vomiting, headaches
How is Malaria spread
Mosquitoes (Vector)
What are non-specific defences of the body?
•Stomach acid
•Enzymes (in tears)
•ear wax
•Allow other
How do Platelets/Thrombocytes form clots (scabs) at the site of a wound?
•Platelets release chemicals at the site of the wound
• Fibrinogen (soluble) becomes the insoluble Fibrin that form a mesh around the wound
•Red blood cells get stuck in the mesh causing a clot
•This develops into a scab that protects the wound as it heals