What is the chemical + word equation for respiration? (Aerobic)
C6H12O6 + 6O2–> 6CO2+6H2O
Glucose+ Oxygen—> Carbon dioxide + water (+energy)
What is metabolism?
The sum of all chemical reactions in the body
What is ATP?
•Adenosine triphosphate
•A small molecule used by all cells as an energy ‘currency’
•Required for many processes such as muscle contraction, chemical reactions for large molecules
What type of reaction is respiration?
What are the two types of respiration?
Where does aerobic respiration take place?
When does anaerobic respiration occur?
In the ABSENCE of oxygen
What is the word equation for Anaerobic respiration?
Glucose—> Lactic acid
Where does anaerobic respiration take place?
Why can’t anaerobic respiration be sustained for long periods of time?
• Little energy produced
•Produces toxic chemical (lactic acid) causing muscle cramps
What is oxygen debt?
Extra oxygen required by the liver to deal with accumulated lactic acid
What are the effects of exercise on the body? (AND WHY)
•Increase of heart rate—> More oxygenated blood supplied to cells—> more respiration = more energy
• Ventilation (breathing) rate increases—> supplies more blood with oxygen—> more cells get oxygen—> more respiration = more energy
•Arteries Dilate—> More blood passes through—> more blood sent around the body to be oxygenated and reach cells—> more respiration occurs = more energy
• Glycogen stores broken down into glucose—> more glucose reaches each cell—> more respiration occurs= more energy
Muscle fatigue—> Body anaerobically respires to combat energy loss—> lactic acid produced—> toxic chemical causing cramps and pain
What is the anaerobic respiration equation (in plant + fungi cells)?
•Glucose—> Carbon dioxide + ethanol
What are benefits of fermentation?
Production of important products - Alcohol and bread (+others)
What is the chemical and word equation for photosynthesis?
• 6CO2+ 6H2O—> C6H12O6+ 6O2
• Carbon dioxide+ water —> glucose + oxygen
What type of reaction is photosynthesis?
Endothermic- occurs in chloroplasts (chlorophyll absorbs light)
What are the two main parts to photosynthesis?
1) Light dependant stage- Light energy splits water molecules into H+ ions and O2 gas
2) Light independent stage- H+ ions are added to CO2 to make glucose
What are the main factors affecting photosynthesis?
•Temperature- Too hot denatures enzymes (vice versa) but at most hotter temperatures it speeds up photosynthesis
•Light intensity- higher amount means that more photosynthesis occurs (+ vice versa)
•CO2 concentration- larger conc. means more photosynthesis can occur
What does the inverse square describe in photosynthesis?
•Light intensity= 1/distance2
EG as you increase the distance between a lamp and a green plant the light intensity decreases
IE as one factor increases, the other decreases
How do plants use glucose from photosynthesis?
• Respiration
• Conversion to starch
•Conversion to fat
•Conversion to cellulose
• Production of amino acids
What are plant adaptations allowing a maximum rate of photosynthesis?
• Broad leaves- Maximise surface area
•Thin leaves- short diffusion distance
•chlorophyll present - trap sunlight
• Veins- Transport water to leave via xylem, remove photosynthesis products via phloem
•Air spaces- allow CO2 to enter and O2 to leave
• Guard cells- control opening of stomata for gaseous exchange and prevent water loss
What is a limiting factor?
An environmental which can restrict the rate of photosynthesis eg light intensity
How can farmers use their knowledge of limiting factors for increase their profits?
•Control Temp., light intensity, CO2 conc. to achieve the fastest possible rate of photosynthesis leading to a greater yield
How is lactic acid transported away from the muscles?
Blood flow through the muscles transports lactic acid to the liver, where is is oxidised back to glucose