Infection And Disease Flashcards
What are pathogens
Pathogens are microorganisms that enter the body and cause communicable disease
(Both plants and animals are infected)
How do bacteria(1/100 of body cells)
Make you feel ill
Multiplying by binary fission Producing toxins(poisons) that damage your cells and tissues
Are viruses cells
No they are 1/100th the size of a bacterium
How do viruses make us feel ill
Cell damage
Replicate themselves rapidly/ produce many copies
Causing the cell to burst and viruses enter bloodstream
What are protists
Single celled eukaryotes
How do protists make us feel ill
Some are parasitic and use humans and animals as hosts
Vectors (not infected themselves)
transfer them into the organism
How do fungi make us Feel ill
Some are single celled some have bodies of hyphae-thread like structures
Hyphae can grow and penetrate skin+plant surface
How are pathogens spread
-Water-drinking or bathing in dirty water(eg cholera a bacterial infection diarrhoea in water)
-Air-pathogens carried in air and breathed in(droplet infection) eg flu
-direct contact-touching contaminated surfaces(like skin)
(eg athetes foot caused by a fungus)
Limiting pathogen spread
Improve hygiene
Reducing contact with the infected
Removing vectors
- Symptoms
- How it’s spread
- Pathogen
- Prevention
Symptoms-fever, red skin rash (can lead to pneumonia-lung infection-and brain infection)
Droplet infection
Spread by virus
HIV-can develop into AIDS Symptoms How it’s spread Pathogen Prevention Controlled
Symptoms-flu like at first then none Bodily fluids-breast milk, unprotected sex,sharing needles Virus Condoms,bottle feedings,diaphragm Use antiviral drugs-stop replication
Tobacco mosaic virus(tomatoes) Symptoms How it’s spread Prevention Treatment
Symptoms-discoloration(chlorosis) mosaic pattern(less photosynthesis-can’t grow)
Contact between plants, farmers not washing equipment or hands
Isolate and burn, grow TMV resistant strain
Rose black spot Symptoms How it’s spread Pathogen Treatment
Symptoms-purple/black spots,chlorosis,leaves drop off
Spores in rain or wind
Fungicides and stripping plant of infected leaves and destroying them
Malaria Symptoms How it’s spread Pathogen Prevention
Symptoms-repeating episodes of fever,shaking
Vectors-mosquitoes puncturing skin
Insecticide,anti malerial tablets,mosquito nets and draining water
Salmonella Symptoms How it’s spread Pathogen Prevention Treatment
Unhygienic conditions,undercooked meat and poultry
Chickens are vaccinated,hygiene,prevention cross contamination and cook food thoroughly
Antibacterial drugs
Gonorrhoea Symptoms How it’s spread Pathogen Prevention Treatment
Symptoms-thick yellow/green discharge and pain urinating Unprotected sex Bacteria Condoms Antibacterial drugs
Skin protection
What defense system
Non specific Acts as a barrier Secrete Antimicrobial substances(kill pathogens) Cut scabs over due to platelets Constantly shed skin
What defense system
Non specific
Hairs and mucus trap particles(pathogens)stops entering lungs
Trachea and bronchi
What defense system
Non specific defense system
Mucus traps pathogens and
Cilia(hair like structured)waft mucus up to the back of your throat where it’s swallowed or spat out
What defense system
Non specific defense system
Produced hydrochloric acid which kills pathogens
What defense system
Specific defense system
Phagocytosis-engulf pathogens and ingest them (destroys)
What defense system
Specific defense system
Release antitoxins-neutalise toxins
Produce antibodies(proteins) until they make the specific one that binds to that antigen and clump them, if pathogen returns antigens remain and are produced faster
Monoclonal antibodies are produced from lots of clones of a single white blood cell this means….
One specific protein antigen targeted
Producing monoclonal antibodies
- Mouse injected with chosen antigen
- B-lymphocytes taken from spleen
- fuse with fast dividing tumor cells(myeloma)
- make hybridoma
- produce the monoclonal antibodies quickly