Infant Feeding Flashcards
What leads growth at each stage?
Infants = Nutrition Children = GH Pubertal = Sex Steroids
How much weight should a child gain each week in the 1st yr?
up to 3 month = 200g/week
3-6months = 150g/wk
6-9months = 100g/wk
9-12months = 50-75g/wk
Doubles in 6 months, triples in 1yr and gains 2kg/yr till puberty
How much calories and protein do infants need?
100Kcal & 2g protein /kg/day
Vs only 35Kcl & 1g Protein in adults
What are the advantages of breast milk?
- Less allergenic
- Low renal solute load
- Perfect nutrition
- Improves cognitive development
- Reduces infection
- Promotes active immunity
- Promotes development of gut microbiota
- Suckling promotes bonding
Pros and cons of formula?
- Doesn’t need mum
- Accurate feed volumes
- Provides Vit K
- No jaundice
- No risk of BBV or drug transmission
No anti-infection
High antigen load
What are the 10 steps of the UNICEF “baby friendly” policy?
1) Written breast feeding policy
2) Trainn all staff to implement it
3) Inform pregnant women on benefits of breastfeeding
4) Help mums start breastfeeding within 1/2hr of birth
5) Show mum how to breastfeed and maintain lactation
6) Give infant no food/drink other than breastmilk
7) Practice Rooming-in
8) Encourage breast feeding on-demand
9) Give no teats or dummies
10) Foster breast-feeding support groups and refer new mums
What would a kid with a Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA) look like?
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Abdo pain/distension
- Eczema
Its a delayed hypersensitivity reaction (So non-IgE)
How do you identify a CMPA?
4wk trial exclusion by either using a special formula or a milk-free diet for mum
Then re-introduce at 4wks to be sure
How long does it take kids to outgrow a CMPA?
So re-challenge after 6 months
Can promote earlier tolerance by building up the “milk ladder” (As not all forms of milk are equally allergenic), starting with cookings
What formula would you give a child with CMPA?
Extensively Hydrolysed Protein Feeds e.g. Nutramigen LGG Lipil 1 or 2
If that fails use an Amino Acid Based Feed
What is Lactose Intolerance?
A deficiency in lactase, not an allergy.
It’s usually transient following gastro-enteritis and will self-resolve
We don’t like to use soya milks (esp in <6months) because of high Phytoestrogens, also they are cross-reactive with cow’s milk.
When would we use a Soya Milk formula?
- Milk allergy & Hydrolysed formulae are refused
- Vegan
- Still avoiding cow’s milk >1yr
What kind of feed would we give to a child who’s suffered from some illness e.g. cardiac baby and needs to catch up?
Nutrient Dense Formula
E.g. SMA high energy
What kind of feed do we give pre-term babies?
Pre-term Formulae!
They have higher protein and cal
E.g. SMA Gold Prem
At what age can Cow’s milk replace formulae as the child’s main drink?
Atleast 1 yr old.
If it’s earlier they won’t be getting nutrients from other foods and cow’s milk contains no iron so they get SUPER anaemic
When would we give an infant calcium supplements?
If they are taking <500ml of formula
As they require ~500ml of Ca Fortified “Milk” to meet Ca requirments
When do you start weaning?
Start with smooth purees –> lumps & finger foods
Cup from 7 months
What kids should receive a Vit D supplement?
Breast-fed >1month old
Bottle Fed taking <500ml
All kids 1-4yrs old
what is nutrition need for in babies
- Growth
- Thermogenesis
- Physical activity
- Tissue maintanence