Infant developmental milestones Flashcards
Newborn motor
Ventral suspension: head drops, hips flexed, limbs hang
Moro + palmar + plantar reflex present
Marked head lag
Newborn fine motor/vision
Hands fisted
Closed eyes to bright light
Newborn hearing and speech
Stills to sound
Startles to sudden loud sounds
Newborn social/personal
Alternate drowsy and alert
Newborn warning signs
Asymmetrical reflexes
++head lag
Poor sucking
6 weeks motor
Some head control
Prone: head to side, buttocks mod high
Moro reflex
Ventral suspension: head in midline with body and hips, hips semi-extended
6 weeks fine motor/vision
Follows horizontally to 90 degrees places hand in mouth
6 weeks hearing and speech
Startle response
Coos to mother
Turns to look at sound
6 weeks social
Smiles at mother
6 weeks red flags
No visual fixation/following Asymmetry of tone Floppy \++head lag Failure to smile No response to sound
3 month motor
Pulls to sit: little or no head lag Prone: support on forearms, lifts head, buttocks flat Reflex standing when held Rolls over Moro begins to disappear
3 month fine motor/vision
Follows through to 180
Holds rattle
watches own hand
Pulls up clothes
3 month hearing and speech
Coos and chuckles
Quieting with familiar sound
3 month personal/social
Gets excited when fed
Reacts to familiar situations
3 month red flags
As for earlier
++startling to visual stimuli- does not hear well
Absent vocalisation
6 month motor
Pull to sit: braces shoulder. Support sit
Prone: Lifts head and chest wall
Supports on extended arms
Can support with one arm while grabbing with the other
Supine: lifts legs->plays with feet, feet to mouth
6 month fine motor/vision
Reaches for object with palm and grasps with all fingers
Can transfer between hands
Radical approach to toys
Shadow reaction in opposite hand
6 month hearing and speech
Babbling begins about 4 months
Vowel, repetitive
Turn to mother voice across room
Laughs aloud
6 month personal/social
Takes everything to mouth
Responds to mirror image
Starts holding bottles
6 month red flags
Floppiness Failure to use both hands Squint Xresponding to sound Poor response to people Meagre vocalisation
9 month motor
Sits without support Can move body without losing balance Rolls Attempts to crawl Rocks on all fours Pulls to stand
9 month fine motor/vision
Immediately reached out
Grab cube in each hand, flexed finger approach
Removes peg man
9 month hearing and speech
Vocalises purposely
Babbles, imitates sound
Understands bye bye and no
9 month personal/social
Stranger anxiety
Holds bottle or cup
9 month red flag
Unable to sit Hand preference Fisting Squint Persistence of primitive reflexes Monotonous vocalisations
10 month motor
Pulls to stand Lifts one foot Walks with both hands held May cruise furniture Sitting: begin protective backward extension of arms
10 month fine motor and vision
Picks up small objects with thumb and index finger
Voluntary release begins
10 month hearing and speech
Shakes head for no
Waves bye bye
10 month personal and social
Paces peek a boo with mother
10 month red flags
As for others
12 month motor
Bear walks
Lifts one foot sideways
Walks around furniture
12 month fine motor and vision
Pincer grasp
Releases objects on request
Over releases
Looks for toys when out of sight
12 month hearing and speech
Knows own name
2-3 word with meaning
Comprehends simple instructions
12 month personal and social
Finger feeds
Pushes arm into sleeve
Drinks from a cup
Plays games
12 month red flags
Unable to sit and weight bear
Abnormal grasp
Xresponding to sound
No speech
15 month motor
Walks alone with uneven steps Steps with arms out of balance Collapses backwards Creeps upstairs Goes downstairs backward
15 month fine motor and vision
2 cube tower
15 month hearing and speech
Jabbers with expression
2-6 spoken words
Points at objects on request
15 month personal and social
Holds and drinks from cups
Attempts feeding with spoon and spills most
15 month red flag
As for previous months
18 month motor
Walks well Stop and start Cannot turn unless still Pulls a toy Throws a ball Climbs onto chair Rocks into small chair
18 month fine motor and vision
3 cube tower
May show hand preference
18 month hearing and speech
Uses 6-20+ recognisable words
Begins to put 2 words together
18 month personal and social
Handles spoon and cup
Indicates wet nappy
Enjoys picture books
18 month red flag
Failure to walk No pincer grip Inability to understand simple commands No spontaneous vocalisations Mouthing Drooling
24 month motor
Runs Up and down steps Kick a ball Squats and rises without hands Plan movement, under and over.
24 month fine motor and vision
6 cube tower Train with cubes Imitates vertical line Hand preference usually obvious 24 month hearing and speech
24 month hearing and speech
Short phrases
Uses 50+ words
Puts 2-3 words together
24 month personal and social
Spoon feeds without spilling
Clean and dry by day
Pretend play
24 month red flag
Unable to understand simple commmands. Tremor
Severe clumsiness
36 month motor
Rides a tricycle Up steps one foot per step Down step two feet Climbs Walk on tiptoe Throws and kicks a ball
36 month fine motor and vision
9 cube tower Builds bridge with cubes Copies a circle Cuts with scissors 2 piece jigsaw Threads large beads
36 month hearing and speech
Knows name and sex Uses pronouns Talks incessantly Large vocabulary Intelligible to strangers
36 month personal and social
Toilet trained
Dresses with supervision
Eats with forl
36 month red flag
Using single words only
48 month motor
Up and down stairs with one foot
Stand on one leg
48 month fine motor and vision
Copies cross
3 piece jigsaw
48 month hearing and speech
Know name, address and age
Speech is grammatically correct and intelligible
Recognise colours
48 month personal and social
Eat with a spoon and fork Make believe play Ask questions Dress and undress Wash and dry their hands
48 month red flag
Speech unintelligible, omit consonants
60 month motor
Hop on each leg separately
Can easily follow narrow line
60 month fine motor and vision
Draws square and triangle
Draws man with all features
Can print a few letters
Good control with writing and drawing
60 month hearing and speech
Knows name, address, birthday
Fluent speech
Use of conjunctions
60 month personal and social
Dresses and undresses self
Picks own freidns
Uses knife and fork competently
60 month red flags
Emotional immaturity
Clumsiness and poor motor skills
72 month motor
Can walk 10 paces backwards
72 month fine motor and vision
72 month hearing and speech
Learns irregular forms of nouns and verbs
Learns comparatives
72 month personal and social
Coperative play- leader role and division of labour
72 month red flag
Poor posture
Poor pencil grip
Overview gross motor development components
Prone position
Pull to sit
Standing and walking
Overview fine motor and vision
Grasping and reaching
Building blocks
Pencil skills
Essential milestones to remember
4-6 weeks: Fixes to face, smiles
6-7 months: Sits up unsupported
9 months: Gets to sitting position
10 months: Pincer grip, waves bye bye
12 months: Walks unsupported, 2-3 words with meaning
18 months: Feeds self with spoon, points to things, tower of 3-4 cubes, throws a ball without falling
24 months: Sentences of 2-3 words, running, kicks a ball
Developmental warning signs
Any age: Maternal concern, regression
10 weeks: No smiling
6 months: persistent primitive, persistent squint, hand preference, little interest in people/toys
10-12 months: no sitting, no double syllable babble, no pincer, not chewing
18 months: Not walking independently,