Assessing the acutely ill child-respiratory failure and arrest Flashcards
Common presentations of acutely unwell child (10)
Acute onset high fever Non-blanching rash (septicemia) Convulsions Altered level of consciousness Anaphylaxis Acute asthma Choking, inhalation of foreign body Drug ingestion Severe dehydration Burns and scalds
What does cardiac arrest usually follow
Circulatory failure or respiratory failure
Division of circulatory failure in children and causes
Fluid loss:
- Blood loss
- Vomiting
- Dehydration
- Burns
Fluid maldistribution
- Septic shock
- Cardiac
- Anaphylaxis
- Nephrotic syndrome
Division of respiratory failure in children and causes
Respiratory distress:
- Asthma
- Bronchiolitis
- Pneumonia
- Croup
- Foreign body
Respiratory depression:
- Opiates
- Poisoning
- Convulsions
Features in ill child to recognise (5)
Specific other features
Features of a low risk child
Normal skin colour
Responding to social cues, smiling, alert/awake, strong cry
Nil respiratory changes
Normal skin, eyes and moist mucus membranes
Nil features of intermediate/high risk
Features of intermediate risk child
Pallor (as reported by carer) Not responding normal, need ++stimulation, decreased activity, not smiling Nasal flaring 6-12 months >50 breaths/min 12 months >40 breaths/min O2 sats 3 seconds, -ve urine output
Fever >5 days
Swollen limb/not weight bearing
New lump >2cm
Features of a high risk child
Not rousable/doesn’t stay awake, appear ill to healthcare, no response to social clues
Grunting, indrawing, tachyP >60
Reduced skin turgor
Age 0-3 months T >38
Age 3-6 months T >39
Non blanching skin rash Bulging fontanelle Neck stiffness Status epilepticus Focal neurological Focal seizures
Bile stained vomiting
Causes of shock
Blood loss Fluid loss- DKA, nephrotic, diarrhea, vomiting Dehydration Septic shock Burns Heart failure Anaphylaxis
Clinical features
TachyC Thready pulse Delayed CRT Mottled Cool extremities Hypotension (very late) TachyP Restlessness -ve urine Metabolic acidosis
Purpuritic rash->meningicoccal
Hepatomegaly-> HF
Focus of infection
Management of circulatory failure
ABC, call for help High flow oxygen, resp support. IVF bolus Consider ionotropic support Antibiotics for sepsis Adrenaline and hydrocortisone for anaphylaxis Complete investigations Admit Regular observations Determine a cause
Causes of respiratory failure
Upper airway:
- Foreign body
- epiglotitis
- croup
- Loss of pharyngeal tone
- Flexion/hyperextension of neck
Lower airway:
- Asthma
- Bronchiolitis
- Pneumonia
- CF
- Neonatal lung disease
- Head injury
- Meningitis
- Muscle weakness
Severe cardiac failure
Drug ingestion
Clinical feature of respiratory failure
Respiratory distress->nasal flare, indrawing, grunting, stridor TachyP Cyanosis Restless Confusion
Neurological weakness
Oxygen saturation
ABC, call for help Assess severity High flow oxygen Intubate and ventilate if +PCO2 Treat underlying cause->antibiotics, bronchoD + steroids, bronchoscopy etc
Define respiratory failure
Inadequate respiration to maintain normal arterial oxygenation and CO2 concentration
If epiglotitis is suspected, what must you not do
Examine the child’s throat
What is the glass test and what to do if positive
Any rash, place glass over to see if blanching. If non-blanching, seek urgent medical attention
When should meningicoccal be suspected
Fever + non blanching rash Child looks ill >2mm purpura Neck is stiff CRT >3 seconds
Presentation of staphylococcal TSS
High fever
Muscle pain
Desquamating rash
Severe circulatory failure
Neurological warning signs
Drowsy, lethargy, ALOC Severe headache (vomiting) Irritability, high pitched cry Bulging fontanelle in infants Neck stiffness Sudden onset of muscle weakness Any new cranial nerve lesion Abnormal movements Convulsions
Importance of irritability
Consider hypoxia or CNS infection