Infancy 12 months to 6 years old Flashcards
- 12-18 months
Walking stability improves, starts running
Playing with a ball
Stacks 2-4 blocks
Pretend play
- 12-18 months con’t
Develop empathy
Develop concept of ‘mine’
Use 10-25 words
Point to pictures, body parts, and people
Turn book pages
Climbs on and off low furniture
- 19-24 months
Jumping with both feet leaving the ground
Carries large objects
Walks on one foot
Stairs with support
- 19-24 months
Pulls toys while walking
Goes on tiptoes
Kick a ball
50-200 words vocab
2-3 years old
One foot balance for at least 3 seconds
Walk with balance on a balance beam (ft together)
Walks backward
Navigates stairs independently with alternate feet
Pedals tricycle
4-6 years
- 4 y/o
Hops and gallops
4-6 years
- 5 y/o
4-6 years
- 6 y/o
Tandem walking