Industry Study Flashcards
Extended Response
Using an example, outline the purpose of a risk assessment within the multimedia industry.
(5 Marks)
Sample answer 1:
The purpose of risk assessment within the multimedia industry is to identify, eliminate, remove or minimise hazards for workers in the industry.
For example, an employer in the multimedia industry will conduct risk assessments on materials used such as printer toner to ensure ongoing safety. This will identify the hazards of the chemicals, assisting in eliminating or minimising potential chemicals dangerous to workers. Risk assessment of these chemicals significantly reduces the hazards to workers in the multimedia industry.
Sample answer 2:
A risk assessment involves measuring the degree of harm that could be inflicted on someone who is exposed to a hazard.
WorkCover (NSW) — action plan for risk assessment:
- Work out how severe the harm could be
- Work out how hazards may cause harm
- Work out likelihood of harm occurring
The purpose of risk assessment is to determine the harm that could happen to a worker in the multimedia industry. Completing a risk assessment indicates that risks have been identified, and the severity and likelihood of the harm to a worker have been effectively considered.
Once a risk assessment is done, various hazard controls can be adopted.
A risk assessment allows workers in the multimedia industry to work safely due to the identity, measurement of severity of harm, and control of hazards. This not only means fewer injuries, but also fewer days sick leave which means a more efficient industry in both costing and time.
Extended Response
Explain how restructuring a business can affect quality control.
(5 Marks)
Sample Answer:
Restructuring can involve personnel, systems, processes, physical environment
Effects can be both positive and negative:
- Restructuring can cause stress/anxiety on workers, causing a lowering of the quality of the product/services
- Workers moved during a restructure may initially lack the skills to perform new tasks, retraining must be under taken to provide knowledge to overcome lack of experience. This can lead to a short drop in quality of the product/services.
- New workers can provide a fresh attitude and show less complacency, possibly improving the quality of product/services
- The introduction of new machinery can improve the quality of products through increased accuracy, precision and output Restructuring personnel into specific teams with designated roles can help to improve product quality through skill specialisation
Extended Response
Explain how particular historical developments have influenced the multimedia industry.
(10 Marks)
Sample answer:
The development from traditional analogue film cameras to digital cameras has had a significant impact on the multimedia industry. Digital cameras allow for on-screen editing using various software programs to manipulate the image and make corrections, thus making it easier and quicker to deliver a high quality product to the customer.
The introduction of digital cameras and then the evolution to digital video allows for a range of different publishing media, such as being easier to put onto the world wide web. Significantly decreased production costs associated with photography changes traditional jobs in the media sector as fewer people are required to produce print media such as newspapers and magazines, with the introduction of more online media.
The widespread availability of digital cameras, at an accessible price, and combined with other digital technology such as the mobile phone has increased the speed of publishing, which has changed traditional media models. For example photos can be taken and put online instantaneously with one device, changing the scope of activities like news reporting to a more personal level.
The industry has seen improvements in printing technology from offset printing, dot matrix, laser and 3D printing. This has allowed short-run production of digital printing. This makes it easier for small businesses to access the market. Prior to the introduction of digital short run printing, companies would have to invest in printing plate production, which made the printing of small runs very expensive. In addition, errors that happened in the plate production would mean that plates had to be recut prior to the reproduction of the print run. However, in digital printing, modifications can be made quickly and cheaply, thus allowing a prototyping process for multimedia developers.
Extended Response
Describe the impact of government legislation on work practices.
(6 Marks)
Sample answer:
Government legislation, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, has had significant impacts on work practices. For example, when advertising, interviewing, and appointing someone to a position in an organisation, care and diligence is required to ensure everybody has an opportunity to apply, get interviewed and appointed, regardless of gender, disability, race, beliefs etc.
This may mean that equal access requires facilities such as ramps, elevators and disabled toilets be made available in all workplaces to cater for people with a disability who happen to be working in the organisation. It is a regulation that these types of facilities are made available for people with a disability in order for them to perform their duties like anyone else in an organisation. This Government legislation impact may also have a cost involved to ensure these types facilities are made available.
Extended Response
Describe a range of emerging and web-based technologies a company could use to market and sell its goods and/or services when considering to expand its operations
Sample Answers could include discussions on:
- YouTube lead in ads
- ECommerce technology
- Advert links to online store
- PayPal
- Cloud, iCloud
- Banners and Pop ups
- Social media marketing
- Online Store
- Apps
- Ebay
- Website/Shopping cart
Extended Response
Assess the effect that new technology has on the production and efficiency in the multimedia industry.
(10 Marks)
Sample Answer:
There are ways to determine the value of new technology improving production and efficiency.
- CAD drawings have allowed faster production due to reduced time in planning and drawing. These drawings are able to have elements such as a library of parts, which can be reused and save time for the business, therefore increasing efficiency in the production of drawings.
For example, if you consistently use one component of a drawing, (like a particular cog), then you can save complex drawings and reuse and edit them.
CAD drawings allow for electronic distribution of drawings around the world via the internet (even attached to emails). This could previously not have been done with hand drawings, as the drawings would have to be physically sent. This fast method of distribution is a significant cost saving, which is more efficient due to the time and cost saved by not having down time when waiting for delivery. With electronic distribution, there are no postal costs and no flying workers around the world with drawings/plans to attend meetings. In addition, if you were sending physical drawings, these may be lost.
CAD allows for multiple backups to be made so the work will be able to be sent again reducing duplication of effort. As this globalisation has been made so much easier by the introduction of new technologies, you also have access to a global work force, and companies can get more qualified and experienced staff which are then likely to work more efficiently, thus increasing the amount of drawings produced in a set time.
- 3D printing allows rapid prototyping in the early stages of production. It allows concept sketches to be produced quickly, and then tested as a physical prototype to scale. This physical prototype is faster to generate than previous methods such as creating cardboard models thus reducing money the company may have spent on labour costs and freeing up this capital for re-investment.
This model can then be shown to clients and feedback given which is then applied to the model. The time within the design process in preparing for production is then minimised, as changes can be made quickly and easily to the model based on feedback. This is a more efficient process, as previously, feedback would be received, drawing would have to be modified then new drawings printed, or perhaps new models created. This can all be done in the one process now with the model that is used for the prototype can then be repurposed and sent out for production, thus saving time in making a separate prototype and product, therefore being more efficient.
Some 3D printers also print in different resins that can be used for things such as moulding and casting of multiple copies of objects. This is time and cost efficient and allows smaller businesses that do not have access to large budgets to be competitive in the market.
Extended Response
Describe a range of web-based technologies a company could use to market and sell its goods and/or services, when considering to expand its operations.
(5 Marks)
Answers could include discussions on:
- YouTube lead in ads
- ECommerce technology
- Advert links to online store
- PayPal
- Cloud, iCloud
- Banners and Pop ups
- Social media marketing
- Online Store
- Apps
- Ebay
- Website/Shopping Cart
Extended Response
Explain the importance of training opportunities for a worker in the multimedia industry. In your answer, use an industry example.
(5 Marks)
Sample answer:
If a worker engages in training opportunities this will present positive future opportunities:
- Training opportunities are increasingly available for the focus industry worker. Training opportunities may include a small onsite two-hour demonstration, a full day workshop, a TAFE course or an online university course.
- These training opportunities allow workers to accelerate themselves in a leadership and management position, which provides them with an increased salary that would allow a greater amount on the leisure spending.
- For example: if a multimedia worker was given the opportunity to train in software design by the employee, this would indicate a positive opportunity for a number of reasons. First of all such an opportunity would allow the worker free training and possibly some work time to study in. Secondly it would suggest that if the worker completed the training, the employer would wish to retrain the worker adding security to their position. Training in software design is valuable in the multimedia industry and therefore the effect would suggest higher salary as well.
Extended Response
Analyse factors, other than personnel issues, that could affect the viability of a company that is expanding its operations by establishing an interstate facility.
(10 Marks)
Sample Answer may include:
Factors other than personnel issues that could affetct the viability include::
- location
- near to market for products (outlets, material, transport)
- near to labour supply – skilled and unskilled, local or transferred old site
- near to supply of raw/input materials
- suitable geographic conditions considering heat/humidity/flood/fire/snow etc
- positioned well to compete with opposition companies
- positioned well for storage, logistics, distribution and waste management
- state and local legislation and their effect on operations, hours, zone etc
- ensure that same quality of production as at parent company plant
- need for company to be able to act with some autonomy and not have to constantly seek approval of decision from ‘head office’
- competition, market share, opportunities for growth
- marketing of new facility
- need for new equipment and/or technology
- ability to act with autonomy rather than constantly seek approval from ‘head office’.
Extended Response
A company is considering expanding its operations to take advantage of new and emerging web-based technologies.
Describe the possible impact on both the work practices and the organisation of the company if web-based technologies were implemented.
(10 Marks)
Answers could include extended discussions on the following:
Possible Impacts on the Organisation if the company implemented web-based technologies may include:
- In-house versus external support for setup and ongoing maintenance
- Location of the building
- Warehouse/factory versus shop front and costs involved
- Cheaper location
- The need for Management with expertise in technology
- Support services available to the business
- For example: - transport, couriers, postal services
- The addition of a web-based marketing, sales and delivery team
Possible Impacts on the Work Practices if the company implemented web-based technologies:
- Staff would have to be retrained to use the technology
- extra costs for training
- Hours of operation to cater for different time zones around the country/globe
- Possible shift work for employees
- Payment conversion rates
- Change in administrative practices to accommodate for ordering through to dispatch processes
- Extend range of duties/multiskilling
- Employees may have multiple roles within the business
- Staff changes to ensure accuracy of online information
- Staff employed specifially to ensure company wibsite and social media is updated regularly and has accurate information
- Awareness of current regulations/web-related legislation/security issues
- Employees knowlege on such issues need to be kept up-to-date to ensure breaches of regulations and security does not happen.
Extended Response
Evaluate the effect of new and emerging technologies on work practices in industry.
(9 Marks)
Answers could include:
The internet has now allowed people to do some of their work from home as they can access the company’s software and data from home.
Advantages of this include:
- Travel time is reduced. This means the worker can spend more time with his/her family which has positive effects for the happiness of the worker.
- Fewer people travelling on roads to and from work means less traffic. Less traffic means faster travelling and less frustration before getting to work.
- More work can be done as working alone at home means no distractions from co-worker unnecessary interruptions or unimportant meetings.
- Flexibility. Being able to have the flexibility to determine your own work hours. This also includes the environment you are working in at home, the noise/lighting and the temperature that suits your needs to make the most of your productivity.
Disadvantages of this include:
- Isolation. Employees may tend to feel isolated due to not having normal face-to-face conversations or interactions with other people in a workplace.
- Distractions. Although office distractions are avoided by working from home, different distractions may arise in place of an office environment. Interruptions from children, neighbours, friends and family may be very disruptive. Extra effort needs to be made to ensure the people around you know that you are actually working and unavailable for interruptions within work hours, despite being present at home.
- Separating work from home. The temptation to engage in household matters such as cleaning, cooking, shopping, childcare, etc, is often stronger when working from home. It is essential to draw a line between home life and work life.
- Being overlooked for promotion. Things can change from day to day in a company and you may find yourself being overlooked for promotions and career developments if you tend to be away from the office more often. The more more visible employees may stand a better chance for promotion in the company. It’s critical that regular visits to the office and having an open line of communication with management, will help to prove your dedication and commitment to your career and prevent this from occurring.
Extended Response
Analyse how technical factors affect the efficiency of production in the multimedia industry.
(10 Marks)
This question requires the candidate to draw out and relate how components of technical factors affect, or have, implications for the efficiency of production.
Answers could include discussion about:
- CAM (Computer Aided Machinery)
- Waste minimisation
- Minimise effects on the environment
- Robots
- Healthier workforce / Less sick leave
- Mass production
- Labour Costs
- 24/7 production without any overtime costs
- Mechanism (mechanical engineering)
- Production Rate / Quality Control
- More units per hour / All at required minimum standard
- Mechanisation
- Automation
- Specialisation
- New emerging technologies.
Extended Response
Explain why a company should comply with safety standards.
(6 Marks)
Sample answer:
It is important for a company to comply with safety standards for a number of reasons. Firstly, they are legally responsible for the safety of their employees and can be both financially and even criminally liable should the company be at fault for the injury or death of an employee. Another reason to comply with safety standards is to ensure that production is not disrupted. An industrial accident can cause a stop in production, which in turn will result in financial losses on top of the financial losses to paying worker’s compensation for an injured worker. Injured employees may also have to be replaced and this will also add to the cost of workplace injuries, as it will be an extra wage to pay out. Morale and productivity could suffer as employees do not feel safe in the workplace and can even reach a point of production being stopped by employees until their right to a safe work environment is met.
Answers could also include discussions about:
- Duty of care
- Government legislation
- Financial security
- Marketability of a product
- Good will of company
- Ethical issue
Extended Response
A small family-owned company is operating successfully in a local market. The company is assessing the feasibility of relocating to a larger facility in order to expand production.
(B) - Analyse the structural, technical and personnel issues to be considered prior to relocating and expanding.
(12 Marks)
Sample Answer could include:
A small business must assess what stage the business is currently in (establishment, growth, maturity or post maturity phase) and what business plan they have for the next five years and/or succession planning. The business is relocating to enable expansion.
Structural Issues:
- Relocating will enable the adoption of new strategies in production layout, storage, prototype and development work
- The outsourcing of some production would permit demand and reduction in staff numbers or multi-skilling
- Promote multi-skilling, as job skill enlargement and/or job enrichment. It brings about better management structure with employees getting more responsibility, more job satisfaction, and probably more pay
Technical Issues:
- Opportunities to adopt new technologies both in production and administration
- Better production flow
- Better quality control measures can be introduced
- Introduce newest and latest means of production
- Enable a true comparison with competitors
- Where some jobs may become redundant, other new jobs will be established
- Gives opportunities for retraining/ multi-skilling
Personnel Issues:
- Trained, experienced and loyal staff members are a business’s greatest asset.
- Any change must be ‘sold’ to staff emphasising the improvement and advantages they will be part of
- Change in technology and structure will infringe on staff and therefore care should be taken not to alienate key staff
- Key staff are identified by using a personnel skills audit process looking at an individual’s experience, skills and personal qualities
- A change is also a chance to ‘cull’ personnel that fail to contribute
- Retrained, up-skilled, multi-skilled and loyal employees should be recognised publicly and rewarded
Extended Response
A company is expanding its operations by establishing an interstate facility.
Describe personnel issues the company needs to consider when staffing the new facility.
(5 Marks)
Sample Answer could include:
Personal issues the company should consider when staffing the new interstate facility should include:
- a core of experienced staff, particularly in Human Resources management
- someone who fully understands the company’s policies, ethos and procedures
- someone who has the authority to make decisions
- recruit locals to build local profile and teamwork
- employment
- local employees or transferred from old site/parent company
- travel interstate – cost, family, emotional/financial considerations
- training, multiskilling of employees
- facilities, provisions, rooms, toilets, showers etc
- Governemnt legislation such as EEO, Anti-Disctimination, etc
- Low morale issue that could cause distress or concern to employees
- change in staff dynamics
- communication between management and staff about the expansion.
Extended Response
Assess strategies that a company could implement to establish and maintain a safe work culture.
(9 Marks)
Sample answer:
A range of methods could implement to establish and maintain a safe work culture are; establish a WHS committee, erect clear signage, and train employees.
Establishing a WHS committee ensures that all members of the work place are represented and participate in risk assessments, site maintenance and site inspections. This method is very effective in ensuring communication of WHS requirements is clearly spread between all levels of the work force. It provides the opportunity for different perspectives on work place safety to be considered. A WHS committee also spreads responsibility for workplace safety across the entire company, which ensures everyone applies a consistent approach to safe work practices and management practices and fosters a positive and safe work place culture.
Erecting clear signage that utilises graphical information, over complex written policies, allows for both a reminder of safe work practices in hazardous areas and clear communication of safe work practices to workers with limited literacy. Signage is an excellent method to maintain a safe workplace culture as they are quick to recognise and serve as constant reminders of safe work practices and hazards to people who may not have any training eg visitors to the workplace. Signage is particularly useful in the event of new safety requirement or hazard. It is far quicker to erect a slippery floor sign over a spill than send a memo out to all staff.
Training is another excellent method to ensure and maintain a safe workplace culture. It directly communicates safe work practices to employees and can ensure each employee is assessed as to how well they understand safety requirements or the correct procedure to work with hazardous materials, machinery or environments. It gives the employees a chance to clarify their understanding of the safe work practices as well as possibly develop their own skills in the use of machinery. When it is registered what an employee is trained to do, it is easier for management to ensure the employees are placed appropriately in a production line to ensure the employees own safety and the safety of others.
Answers may also include discussion about:
- Assess a range of methods that could implement effectively to establish and maintain a safe work culture.
- Establish a WHS committee (Risk assessments / Site maintenance + inspection)
- Improve signage so that people who can’t read can understand what is required
- Train employees
- re: WHS procedures
- evacuation
- Practice evacuation procedures once every 6 months
- Improve communication
- meetings
- posters
- emails
- message boards
- Train employees
- in-service and keep a register of trained personnel to identify training required
- Keep and maintain a register of incidents
- Monitoring
- Maintenance
- Supply PPE
- Site meeting
- Risk assessments
Short Answer Response
A small family-owned company is operating successfully in a local market. The company is assessing the feasibility of relocating to a larger facility in order to expand production.
(A) - Outline environmental considerations that may affect the expansion of the company.
(3 Marks)
Sample Answer could include:
Environmental considerations which may affect a decision to expand a company or to relocate include:
- Change in distance from markets/storage/logistics
- Change in distance from suppliers
- The type of manufacturing process involved in the production
- The opportunities to save or recycle waste
- The greater or lesser demand for utilities such as water, electricity, gas and storage
- The environmental consideration of relocating the staff
Extended Response
Describe the legal and ethical issues that should be considered in developing a multimedia presentation aimed at teenagers for the World Wide Web.
(5 Marks)
Sample answer:
Legal aspects that need to be considered are copyright, security and protection. Copyright refers to the legal protection for people who express ideas and information in a variety of forms. For a company to develop a presentation, using information that was not created by them, the company needs to seek permission. Security and protection – there are also laws designed to protect information systems and to prosecute people who commit computer crime. If the presentation requires payment or for the user to fill out personal information the company needs to make sure that steps are in place to protect that information.
Ethical issues that are to be considered include information presented to the target market, appropriate usage of the information in the presentation and the accuracy of the information. Information for the presentation needs to be directed and appropriate for the teenage market.
Appropriate use of the information is an issue of concern throughout society. Many organisations monitor online activity and there are guidelines that users are expected to follow. The company needs to make sure that they have no offensive or obscene material. The quality of a multimedia presentation will depend significantly on the integrity of the data it contains. It is important for the company to cross-reference any material before adding to the presentation – particularly if it is sourced from the internet.
There are seven categories of safety signs identified by colour and shape. Identify and Explain each of them and provide an example of how each of the signs could be used in Industry.
Prohibition signs are signs that outline things that are not allowed to do. Made up of a red circle with a line through it. An example would be a sign indicating No Smoking in the area.
Mandatory signs are signs that outline what you must do or must wear. Made up of a blue solid circle with a white symbol. An example would be to wear eye protection when using particular machinery.
Restriction signs inform someone of limitations in a particular area. Made up of a red circle, no crossbar and a white background. An example in industry would be a speed sign.
Hazard warning signs inform someone of potential danger or risk to someone’s health. They are mde up of a yellow triangle with a black boarder and a black symbol. An example of this type of sign is a Caution Sign indicating a slip hazard or wet floor.
Danger hazard signs are signs that warn of a particular hazard or hazardous condition that could be life threatening. They are made of a white rectangle background, the word DANGER is in white on a red background, and a black border and black text. An example of this sign being used in industry would be on the door of a storage room where chemicals are stored.
Emergency signs are signs that identify emergency information, directions or storage of first aid equipment. They are made of green solid rectangle with white text or symbols. An example of this in industry would be exit signs above entry doors showing where the nearest exit is in the case of an evacuation or emergency exit.
Fire signs inform someone of where helpful objects are located in the event of a fire. They are made up of a red solid square/rectangle with white text or symbols. An example of this sign being used in industry is the inform someone where a fire extinguisher or fire blanket is located in the event of a fire.