Indoor Air Quality: Exam 2 Flashcards
- Indoor air quality: The physical, chemical, and biological _____________ of indoor air
- Sick Building Syndrome: A condition in which occupants complain of a set of symptoms that cannot be related to a specific cause but are alleviated when the occupant leaves the building
- characteristics
- Building Related Illness: A specific illness with a known cause that is a result of exposure to an ____________
indoor agent
- Thermal Comfort: A state of mind in which a person feels __________ with the thermal environment includes temp, humidity, air movement and activity
- Ventilation Rate: The amount of outside air that is combined with _______ air that is supplied to the interior space.
- satisfaction
2. return
Sick Building Syndrome And Related Complaints: Factors and sources that affect IAQ:
- Temperature: 72 - 78F
- Humidity: 35% (winter) to 55% (summer) RH
- Carbon Dioxide: from fossil ____
- Carbon monoxide: tobacco smoke, ___ exhaust
- Formaldehyde: name a few
- fuels
- car exhaust
- particle board, glue, carpet
Sick Building Syndrome and Related Complaints: Factors and sources that affect air quality;
- Particulates such as: name a few;
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s): name a few;
- water residue, air inlets, carpets, duct insulation
2. copy machines, cleaning material, perfumes, hair sprays, solvents, computers
Sick Building Syndrome and Related Complaints: Factors and sources that affect indoor air quality;
- Microbial matter such as stagnant water in vac system;
name a few locations where this water may be found.
- humidifiers, cooling towers, drain pans
General Indicators of Pollutant sources: TRUE OR FALSE
- Overcrowding
- Unsanitary conditions
- Dust accumulation (housekeeping)
- moisture problems (visible fungal growth)
- Staining or discolouration of ceiling tile or walls
Airborne particles are extremely ______
A micron is 1/1000th of a _________
The smallest particles seen by the naked eye; about __ microns
A typical human hair is about ___-100 microns
Classes of filters: Mechanical;
2. dry ______
- Impingement
2. dry media
Classes of filters: Electronic;
- Air _______ or ______
- air washers or scrubbers
What is the third class of filter besides mechanical and electrical?
Mechanical adsorption cleanable; material used is metal panels or fine _____ screens or a combo of both
fine mesh
Mechanical adsorption cleanable will have an adhesive coating which is often mineral oil thus the name _______
Dry media filters are class _ fire resistant, as the name suggests this type of filter lacks the tacky coating of ______ impingement filters
Name a few types of dry media filters;
- plain _____
- pleated _____ (increased surface area)
- ___ filter
- _______
- plain panel
- pleated panel
- bag filter
- cartridge
Dry media filters can be impregnated with activated carbon or zeolite for the removal of organic based odours such as; name 3
- cooking
- ozone
- cigarette smoke
- disinfectants
- mould or mildew
Understanding MERV Ratings
- Merv ratings are used to rate the ability of an air conditioning filter to remove ____ from air as it passes through the filter.
- MERV is a standard used to measure the overall efficiency of a _______
- ______ MERV ratings mean fewer dust particles and other airborne contaminants that can pass through the filter
- dust
- filter
- higher
MERV ratings range from 1-__ and measurements are in ______
1-16, microns
Some of the common particles related to MERV ratings are pet dander, insecticide dust, smog, dust, viruses, wood, tobacco, smoke, spore, bacteria, and pollen.
MERV 5-__ rated filters are a better choice and are more commonly found in commercial applications. These filters will collect particles as small as 3 microns and are a good choice for home owners also.
Filters with a MERV rating of 9-12 are used in __________ and ________ applications and will stop particles in the 1-3 micron range
commercial and industrial
The most efficient filters have merv ratings of 13-16 and will stop particles as small as __ microns. These filters are used in hospitals and other super clean.
.3 microns
Electronic filters are used in applications where very _____ air cleaning efficiency is required
Electronic filters remove particles by __________ precipitation (which is the attraction of opposite charged particles)
Warning: care must be taken when servicing electronic filters due to the very high _______
Air washers: Types;
- Water _____
- Wet _______ coils
Note: these are highly effective for removing ______ particulates
- water sprays
- wet cooling coils
Note: These are highly effective for removing liquid particulates
Ultra violet is the most effective for killing bacteria as well as _______
HVAC Heating Systems: Hydronic distribution systems types;
- Air water systems; hot water or steam is supplied to a central air handler or individual fan ____ units
- All water systems; Hot water or steam is supplied to building convection _____
- Normal hot water or low pressure temperature range from _____ to 260F
- coil
- units
- 200-260F
Low temperature water is normally operating at 30psi with a max temp of ___F
Medium temp water normally operates at 130psi and has a max temp of ___F
High temperature water normally operates at 300psi and has a max temp of ____F
Dual temperature water uses both ___ and ______ water
hot and chilled water
Chilled water systems normal operating pressure is 125psi with a water temp of 40-___F
minimum percentage of outside air?
Humidity Control: Humidity levels of 35% to __%
Humidity note: True or False
- When levels vary above or below limits studies have shown that bacteria/viruses/fungi and other organisms become more active (humidity above recommended)
- Dry air tends to draw moisture out of carpets/furniture/woodwork/pants as well as increasing static electricity (humidity below recommended)
Do you want higher or lower temperature in the summer? and why?
higher because the air will be more dry from air conditioning.
Dehumidification: Methods;
- cooling ____
- cooling/_________
- ________ system
- cooling coil
- cooling/reheating
- desiccant system
Humidification Methods; Evaporative type:
- Wetted ____
- Heated ____ (commercial applications)
- wetted drum
2. heated pan
Humidification Methods: Atomizing type;
1. ______ (commercial applications)
Humidification Methods: Steam Type;
- ______ injection
steam injection
Electric steam generation:
- Electric steam injection for ducted or non ducted systems. Uses electricity to generate ______