Indo Flashcards
You can go first.
Kamu bisa pergi dulu (before).
What’s the food?
Apa makanan?
I need to shower.
Saya perlu mandi.
Hi, how much does it cost for a ride to here?
Halo, berapa harga untuk (for) naik (ride) ke (to) sini?
Where is the bus stop?
Di mana halte (stop, “hall - tah”) bus?
I need gloves, socks, and boots.
Saya perlu sarung (sarong) tangan (hand), kaus kaki (sweatshirt foot), dan sepatu (shoe) bot.
me or her
saya atau dia
my book, your book, his/her book
bukuku, bukumu, bukunya
I like beef and pork
saya suka daging sapi dan daging babi
Do you like chicken?
Kamu suka ayam?
I will have fish.
Saya akan (will) punya (have) ikan. (Punya = Memiliki, punya is informal, memiliki is formal)
I’ll have the shrimp, please.
Saya akan (will) memiliki (have, formal) udang, silakan. (Tolong can mean “please”, but it more means “help”)
I need a DOCTOR
Saya perlu DOKTER
say out loud!
What’s up/How are you?
Apa kabar?
squid, octopus
cumi, gurita
What is your favorite?
apa favoritMU?
Ask the POLICE OFFICER over there.
Tanya POLISI di sana. (minta is asking for something, tanya is asking about something)
The COOK is really good
KOKI itu benar-benar (truly) baik
You are a good TEACHER
Kamu GURU baik
Here, there.
Di sini, di sana.
Are you going to the beach or the pool?
Kamu pergi ke pantai atau kolam?
I will make the cake.
Saya akan membuat kue.
I laughed.
Saya tertawa
Can I ask for a napkin? Thank you!
BisaKAH saya minta serbet? Terima kasih!
-kah indicates a question!
Go to the island.
Pergi ke pulau.
coffee, beer, tea, wine, water
kopi, bir, teh, anggur, air
Good morning, good (late morning, 11-3), good afternoon (3-6pm), good evening (after dark)
selamat pagi, selamat siang, selamat sore, selamat malam
Yes, the road.
Iya, jalan OR Ya, jalan.
They are from the hotel.
Mereka dari hotel. (r is rolled (like the spanish double r) anytime it shows up in Indo!)
to bring
Their chicken is black.
Ayam mereka hitam.
Thank you. You’re welcome.
Terima kasih. Sama-sama.
Is the park near, or is it far?
Taman (park) itu dekat atau jauh?
We relax at the beach.
Kita bersantai di pantai.
Where is the forest/jungle?
Di mana (where is) hutan (jungle/forest)?
Goodnight and goodbye
Selamat malam dan selamat tinggal.
This is delicious!
Ini enak!