French - Already Learned Flashcards
What time is it?
Quelle heure est-il (“ate-eel”)?
What day is it?
Quel jour est-il (“ate-eel”)?
This painting is beautiful.
Belle, magnifique
Ce tableau est belle/magnifique.
I’m sorry
Do you speak English?
Parlez-vous anglais? (formal)
Tu parles anglais? (informal)
How’s it going, what’s up, how are you doing?
Comment ça va?
Mademoiselle vs Madame
Mademoiselle refers to young, unmarried women (Miss). Madame refers to older, married women.
You are my love.
Tu es mon amour.
The beach
Where is the beach?
où (“oo”)
La plage (“Plaj”)
Où est la plage?
My body
Mon corps
Your hair is beautiful.
Tu cheveux (“chay-voo”) est belle.
A mouth
Une bouche
You have a beautiful heart.
Tu as (“ah”) un beau coeur (“cure”).
I do not understand.
Je ne comprends pas.
On your head
Sur tu tête (“tet”)
You give me the key.
Tu me donnes la clé (“clee”).
My face is ugly?
Mon visage est moche (“moe-sh”)?
I want to, but I’m busy.
mais (“may”)
Je veux, mais je suis occupé.
How is it?
Comment (“como”)
Comment c’est?
I am dumb, I don’t know many words.
Je suis stupide (“stupeed”), je ne connais pas beaucoup (I do not know a lot) de mots (words).
When is the show?
Quand (informal, and when talking about time, used most in French speaking)
Lorsque (one syllable)
Quand est le spectacle (“spec-tock”)?
You want to dance with me?
Tu veux danser avec moi?
If you go, I’ll go.
Si tu vais, j’vais.
I speak a little French. Do you speak English?
Je parle un peu (“puh”) français. Parlez vous anglais?
Do you want to eat? A crepe, a baguette, some ice cream/gelato?
Tu veux manger? Une crêpe, une baguette, une glace (“glass”)?
I try if you try.
J’essaye si tu essayes.
How to pronounce the French “R”
Keep tongue down, relaxed, behind lower teeth.
I don’t know
Je ne sais pas
Often in spoken French, the “ne” is skipped, so “Je sais pas” is fine.
To drink, to taste
Can I taste?
I drink and I walk.
Boire, Gouter
Je puis gouter?
Je bois (“boo-ah”) et je marche.
that (as in “I think that…”)
It looks like it’s used the same as in Spanish!
There is
There are
There is a dog.
Il y a (“Eel ee ah”)
Il y a un chien.
To know (a fact) I know, you know, and Maria knows. We know, but Bertrand does not know. Do they know?
Savoir Je sais ("say"), tu sais, et Maria sait. Nous savons, mais Bertrand pas sait. Ils savent ("sahv")?
here, there
ici, là
(the difference doesn’t matter in French like in English, so in casual French these 2 can be interchangeable, meaning “the place we’re talking about”. Technically though, ici designates a nearby place, là designates a faraway place)
Used at the end of a sentence/talk to say “that’s it”, “so yeah”, etc
What’s that store?
C’est quoi ce magasin?
C’est quoi = what’s
What is this?
Ç’est quoi cette? or just simply Ç’est quoi?
this, that
this elephant
that elephant
Same words are used for either “this” or “that”.
Cette - feminine
Ce - masculine (“cet” when next word starts with a vowel)
cet éléphant
cet éléphant
“These” and “those”, always use “ces” (s is silent!)!
It is, this is, that is, he is, she is
Also, reminder to speak out loud when doing French flashcards!) :
Il/Elle est (when person/thing is indicated with a adjective)
Il est sympa - He is nice
Elles sont belles - They are beautiful (plural)
It’s pretty - Elle est jolie
ç’est (when person/thing is indicated with a noun)
This is the doctor - C’est le docteur.
I believe (that) this is a good idea. I think (that) this is a good idea.
Je crois que c'est une bonne idée. Je pense ("pawnse") que ("kuh") c'est une bonne ("bon") idée ("ee-day").
I give you the money, you give me the bread.
Je te donne l’argent (“r-jaunt”), tu me donnes le pain.
to help
Can I help you?
Can you help me?
Je peux ("puh, not pwee!") t'aider? Tu peux m'aider? / Pouvez-vous m'aider?
She is busy, so she is not coming.
So what?/And so?
donc (“dough-nk”) or alors (“ah-lor”)
Elle est occupée, alors elle ne vient pas.
Et donc?
Do you think (that) it’s a good idea?
Tu penses (“pawnse”) que c’est une bonne idée?
ear, arm, leg, hand, foot, head
l’oreille, le bras, la jambe, la main, le pied, la tête
(At a restaurant)
I’ll have a coffee, please.
“I’m going to take a coffee”
Je vais (I’m going) prendre (infinitive (to take/drink - like tomar in spanish)) un café, s’il vous plait.
Je vais prendre un café, s’il vous plait.
What is this place? (3 ways to say it)
Que est cet endroit?
Qu’est-ce que cet endroit?
Cet endroit est quoi?
Do you like music?
Do you like walking?
Est’ce que aimes-tu la musique?
Est-ce que aimes-tu marcher?
(It’s a yes or no question, so start with Est’ce que! (“Ess-kuh”))
I am eating because I’m hungry.
Why are you eating?
Parce que
Je mange parce que j’ai faim.
Pourquoi manges-tu?
for me
For me, drawing helps me see the beauty of the world.
pour moi
Pour moi, le dessin m’aide à voir la beauté du monde.
good, bad
The food is good, the music is bad.
bien, pas bien/mauvaise
La nourriture est bonne, la musique est pas bien/mauvaise.