Individualistic theories influencing policies Flashcards
How many times a week did Freud see his patients
5 times a week, usually for years
What does his sessions involve
bringing these unconscious conflicts and repressed emotions into the conscious mind so they can be resolved.
How did Freud access the unconscious mind
Freud used Hypnosis and free association, where the analyst gives the patient a word and they respond with the first word that comes into their mind
Who applied Psychoanalytic ideas to policies for treating young offenders at the institution he supervised
What did Aichhorn reject
the harsh environments of young offenders’ institutions at the time (1920s) and treated the children by providing a happy and pleasant environment that would make development of the superego possible
Is psychoanalysis effective?
does not seem very effective.`
What did Eysenck find out
44% of psychoanalysis patients treated for neurosis showed improvement, as against 72% of patients treated by hospitals or GPs
If psychoanalysis doesnt work for neurosis, what does Eysenck argue will happen with criminals
it seems unlikely to work with criminals , as eyesenck argued that criminals are liekly to be neurotics
What is a limitation of psychoanalysis
costly and time-consuming, so neber been used at a large scale
How does abuse affect psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis gives analysts the power to define what is normal or abnormal.
How does a token economy work
The institution draws up a list of desirable behaviours, eg. obeying the rules, interacting with staff
When the offender behaves in the desired way, they earn a token
Tokens may be exchanged for rewards, sweets, phone calls
Through this selective reinforcement, good behaviour becomes more likely.
What have some studies shown about the token economy
shown an improvement in behaviour, but once the reinforcement stops (when they leave prison) the behaviour tends to disappear
What do token economies tend to do within prisons
Makes prisoners more manageable
In the US, what have critics said are a human right for prisoners
In the US, there has been cases of food and drink being withheld as a ‘reward’, critics have now said that it is a human right rather than a privilege
What other theory does Aversion therapy apply to
Eysenck’s personality theory to the treatment of sex offenders