individual differences of stress Flashcards
2 explanations ?
- hardiness (sidekick)
- Type A and B (superhero)
describe type A personality ?
ambitions, impatient meaning when faced with a stressor they have a stronger physiological response therefore more likely to experience negative health effects.
negative effects of type A personality ?
hostile, workaholic, impulsive, relentless and pressured
describe type B personality?
more laid back and have a relaxed nature of behaviour and when faced with a stressor their physiological responses are lower than type A behaviours include being clams and flexible
how did the type A and B research come about?
two doctors (Friedman and Rosenman) observed patients with heart conditions in their waiting room, they saw many patients were unable to wait and seemed impatient they called these people type A
what are people with type A more likely to experience ?
more likely to experience a fight or flight response therefore more likely to have stress hormones such as adrenaline therefore higher blood pressure and can increase the likelihood of heart disease
Friedman and Rosenman’s research hypothesis ?
type A individuals were more likely to develop coronary heart disease than type B
Friedman and Rosenman’s research sample ?
3200 californian men aged 39-59
Friedman and Rosenman’s type of study ?
longitudinal over 8.5 years started in 1960
how were the men in Friedman and Rosenmans study categorised ?
using an interview task, consisting of 25 questions asking how they responded to daily stressors. observations were carried out when they answered the questions to analyse tone of voice and pace of speech
results of Friedman and Rosenman’s research?
- 70% of 257 PT who developed coronary heart disease were type A
- 13% of type A had experienced a heart attack compared to 6% of type B
- type A has higher levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline and blood pressure than type B
why is type A not always a bad thing?
people with type A tend to be good at achieving their goals and therefore make very good employees as they’re more likely to get things done on time and high standard
2 evaluation points for type A and B ?
- research evidence
- gender and cultural bias
research evidence - type A and B?
Friedman et al asked PT to complete an unsolvable puzzle in a noisy environment offering a reward if the puzzle was completed, type A appeared outwardly more stressed and annoyed compared to type B’s. They also showed higher levels of adrenaline providing support for physiological response to stress from type A.
gender and cultural bias - type A and B
original study carried out on only men and type A traits such as masculinity and competitiveness could be considered to be male centred traits. perhaps women show different characteristics when stressed.
- baker and co workers sound that women did show similar levels of type A personality straits suggesting they would also experience the same negative effects
- helman argues the concept of type A is culture based as it was developed in the US which embodied western ideas and norms
what is a hardy personality?
hardy is used to describe people who survive difficult conditions that can cope with stressors and stop them having a negative impact on their health and lives
what are the 3 traits of a hardy personality?
- commitment - more likely to be involved with what they do
- challenge - see lives as a challenge rather than an obstacle
- control - sees themselves as having control of their lives
how hardy people buffer against stress ?
- use coping strategies effectively
- self care
- social support
effects of having a hardy personality on their health?
experience a lower physiological response, no blood pressure, lower stress. meaning they are less likely to suffer stress related illness
evaluation for hardiness ?
- issue with measuring hardiness
hardiness relies on self report measures which are subject to a number of issues such as social desirability. in addition theres a number of scales used to measure hardiness which could create condition. - funk recommends using a DRS claiming its better as it measures 3 components equally and contains more items