characteristics of stress Flashcards
types of stress?
- acute
- episodic
- chronic
acute stress?
most common type of stress experienced, stress is immediate and short term.
- exam deadline, work deadline and exam
episodic stress?
repeated instances of short term stress. stress usually comes apart of their lifestyle
- nurse job
chronic stress?
persistent stress over a long period of time such as poverty, relationship problems. can feel like there is no escape, difficult to treat and manage
stress as a physiological response?
when we’re stressed our nervous system is activated and we produce hormones that help us deal
- adrenaline is released in sudden shock situations preparing our body for action trigged by the SAM pathway
- cortisol is an important long term stress hormone this is regulated via HPA
supporting research for physiological effects ?
Hans seyle - first person to investigate the physiological effects of long term stress by studying rats, he subjected them to physical stressor such as noice, heat and cold. He found that the the rats response to stress is universal and names it the general adaptation syndrome GAS
stages of GAS?
- alarm reaction - fight or flight
- resistance stage - coping but resources depleting
- exhaustion stage - physical or mental breakdown may occur
physical effects of stress ?
short term - increased blood pressure, sweaty palms, headaches
chronic or episodic - long term effects leading to physical illness such as issues with digestive systems, immune systems and heart disease
psychological effects of stress?
stress can lead to feelings of isolation and low self esteem. can lead to mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression.
can also lead to lifestyle changes such as increased smoking and drinking. less exercise and unhealthy diet.