Indian Polity Flashcards
Which of the following exercised the most profound influence in framing the Indian constitution?
The government of India Act, 1935
The first attempt to introduce a representative and popular element in the governance of India was made through
Indian Council Act, 1861
Which of the following acts introduced communal electorate in India?
Indian Council Act, 1909
The government of India Act of 1858 transferred the governance of India from the East India Company to the Crown
By virtue of which Act, dyarchy was introduced in India?
Government of India Act, 1919
The instrument of instructions contained in the Government of India Act, 1935 has been incorporated in the Constitution of India in the year 1950s
Directive principles of the State Policy
The Government of India Act, 1935 was based on
the principle of federation and parliamentary system
The Monopoly of Indian trade of the East India Company was abolished by the
Charter Act, 1813
Consider the following Acts in chronological order
- The Regulating Act
- Pitt’s India Act
- The Charter Act
- Indian council Act
The objective of the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919 was
- to establish dyarchy in the provinces
- The extension of provincial government
Which all were embodied in the Government of India Act 1935?
- Establishment of an all-Indian Federation
- Provincial autonomy, with a government reponsible to an elected legislature
With reference to the colonial period of India, the trade monopoly of the East India Company was ended by
The Charter Act of 1813
Consider the following statements with reference to the provision of Morley-Minto Reform Act in the Colonial India
- The Morley - Minto Reform Act raised the number of additional number of the Central legislature
- It introduced the principle of communal representation in the Legislature
- It empowered the Legislation to discuss the budget and to move resolutions on it
Two independent states of India and Pakistan were created by
The Indian Independence Act
Assertion : The Government of India Act, 1919 was passed by the British Parliament to introduce Diarchy in the provincial governement
Montague-Chelmford Reforms Committee has recommended the introduction of Diarchy in the provincial government
The Regulating Act of 1773 was passed by the British Parliament in order to
- Establish parliamentary control over the administration of the East India Company’s territories in India
- Make the governor of Bengal as the Governor general of bengal
- End of dual system of administration in India
The first definite step to provide parliamentary control over East India Company was taken by
The Regulating Act, 1773
The Montague-Chelmsford Report formed the basis of
The government of India Act, 1919
Assertion :
The government of India Act, 1935 and the Constitution of India are both lengthy document
The Government of India Act, 1935 was taken as a model and substantially incorporated int eh Constitution of India
Through which one of the following were commercial activities of the East India Company finally put to an end?
The Charter Act of 1833
Which of the following vested the Secretary of State for India with Supreme control over the government of India?
government of India Act, 1858
Diarchy was first introduced under
Mont - ford reforms
Which of the following was/were the main feature(s) of the government of India Act 1919
- Devolution of legislative authority by the centre
- Expansion and reconstitution of Central and Provincial Legislatures
In the federation under the Act of 1935 residuary powers were given to the ?
governor General