India. Flashcards
What is a seasonal wind, especially in the indian ocean and southern Asia
What is a group of similar languages called
Language family
What was the first written language of India
What is another name for and indian prince
What is the indian social class system whose members are restricted in the jobs they can take and who they can marry
Caste system
What is another name for a teacher when referring to india
What is hinduism
Major religion that developed in ancient india where they believe that all souls are part of one universal soul
What is the universal spirit worshipped by the hindus
What is the idea of reincarnation
The soul is reborn in many different ways
What is a person’s personal duty, based on the individual’s place in society?
What is the idea of karma?
A good or bad force created by a persons actions; it determines whether a persons soul will be reborn into a higher or lower form of life
What is Buddhism?
Religion founded by Siddhartha Guatama; main belief was that inner peace comes from ending desire
What is a state of perfect happiness that is achieved after giving up all desires?
What is Jainism?
Religion that does not beliebe in a supreme being; it emphasizes nonviolence and respect for all libing thinfs
What is a special dome-shaped building meant to honor the Buddha?
Who is a pilgrim when referring to the chapter on Ancient India?
a person who travels to places of religious importance
What are some positives and negatives to monsoons in India?
monsoons can be very important for irrigation and keeping livestock from thirst; monsoons can also cause extreme damage similar to a hurricane
What is the name of the civilization that later became India?
The Indus River Valley
Who were the Aryans
people from central Asia who settled the river valley and started off as nomads before setting roots there, developing a language and started farming
Why did the Aryans develop a written language?
to make it easier to communicate and keep records of their history
How did the Aryans change their way of life after settling in India?
they went from nomads who had no written language and traveled nonstop to being rooted in India with a written language and a started civilization
What was considered sacred in Aryan society?
What was the caste system?
the social class of Ancient India that technically recognized 4 of the 5 levels
What was it like for families in ancient India?
men had more rights than women; family was the center of life; social class status was permanent; marriage had strict regulations
What are the steps of Hinduism?
do your duty to your caste→ follow dharma→ create good karma→ be reborn into a better life/ caste level
Who became known as the Buddha?
Prince Siddhartha Gautama
What was the Buddha?
a great teacher but not a god
What were the two types of Buddhism?
Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism
What began in 321 BC
The Mauryan Dynasty (Empire)
Who was Ashoka?
the grandson of the founder of that dynasty and one of the greatest rulers of that time who helped the empire thrive (He led them to a golden age)
Which leader did more to help his people, Chandra Gupta or Ashoka?
technically your opinion but Ashoka seemed to make things better and less stressful for his people
How far did India’s trade network reach?
all the way to the Mediterranean Sea
What happened after Ashoka died?
his family’s empire fell apart from the inside and was split into 2 separate kingdoms
What was founded in 320 AD?
The Gupta Dynasty (Empire)
What are big aspects in Indian culture based on art and science?
music, religion, and art became huge aspects of the daily lives of Indian culture; many advancements in math and science happened during the Gupta Empire
qWhat lasting achievement did Indian mathematicians make?
they created Arabic Numerals that later replaced Roman Numerals