Greek civic study guide Flashcards
What is the difference between an epic and a fable
Epic- long story about brave heroes and adventures, thought to be true, written down, and describes brave deeds.
Fable- Short story that usually has talking animals that show human qualities, often funny, told out loud, and end with morals
What is a myth
A traditional story that explains a cultures beliefs or part of the natural world
How did ancient Greeks honor their gods
Rituals, or religious ceremonies, festivals, celebrations, feasts, and athletic events such as the Olympic games
What is the Iliad ?
Epic story of a war between the Greeks and the people of Troy; showed the anger of the Greek god, Achilles
What is the Odyssey ?
Story of the hero Odysseus and his adventures going home from the Trojan war
What is a very famous fable still told today?
The boy who cried wolf
What is a drama
A story told by people who act out events (actors)
What is the difference between a tragedy and a comedy?
Tragedy- Characters struggle to overcome problems, but fail
Comedy- Tells a humorous story
Pillars, designs of myths, clay made.
What is philosophy
“love of wisdom”. Greek philosophers were great thinkers.
Why were temples built
Temples were built dedicated to gods and goddesses
GREEK PHILOSOPHERS: Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates
Why were people threatened by Socrates and what happened to him
Leaders thought he was dangerous because he encouraged people to question their leaders
What did Plato believe about the government
Believed that wise philosophers kings should rule, brave warriors should defend society, and the common people should do all the work
Whos ideas about the government influenced the founders of the United States
Who was Phillip ll of Macedonia
King of Macedonia and father of Alexander the great. Led Macedonia to become a great power with a great army. Controlled Greece at one point.
What was the dream of Phillip ll and Alexander
To defeat and take over the Persian empire
How old was Alexander when he fully took over his fathers army
20 years old
What was one of Alexander’s army’s biggest assets
His calvary
What was the giant empire that Alexander the Great finally took over after after defeating
Persian Empire
What are some reasons Alexander was known as “great”
Great military leader, brave commander, cared for his men, hero, ect.
How old was Alexander when he died
32 years old
What is the Hellenistic Era
The time period after Alexander died when Greek culture spread to all the lands in his empire
What happened to Alexanders empire after he died
It broke into four separate kingdoms
What are examples of Hellenistic art
Statues showed people more realistically, dramas, architecture, rebuilt cities
What is the difference between Epicureanism and Stoicism
Epicureanism- Purpose of life is to find happiness and peace
Stoicism- People should use reason, not emotion
Different aspects of Hellenistic math and science
Herodotus (father of history), Hippocrates (father of medicine), Hippocratic oath
What were some inventions of the Hellenistic era
Catapults, different ways to study stars
What are some astronomy discoveries that were made in the Hellenistic era
Aristarchus- Sun is in the center of the universe
Eratosthenes- Earth is round
What was the empire that eventually took over Greece after Alexander died