Incorrect Questions- Paper 2 Flashcards
Fossil fuels are burned in car engines.
Explain how reducing the amount of sulfur in fossil fuels reduces the erosion of limestone.?
sulfur reacts with oxygen to form sulfur dioxide
(so) less sulfur dioxide emitted
(so) less acid rain
(so less) limestone reacts with acid rain
Liquid effluent and solid sewage sludge?
Liquid effluent= aerobic biological treatment
solid sewage sludge= anaerobic digestion
Suggest one reason why only two spots are seen when there could multiple?
Some spots could be colourless
Starch and cellulose
Nitrogen and ammonia
incomplete / partial ionisation
(because) reaction is reversible
(0.01 mol/dm3) methanoic acid has a lower pH
(so 0.01 mol/dm3) methanoic acid has a higher concentration of hydrogen ions
(therefore) more collisions per unit time
ethyl ethanoate
two polymer chains
four (different) monomers / nucleotides
(double) helix
becomes (more) red
(because the position of)
equilibrium moves to the right
(so that) the (increase in the) concentration of thiocyanate (ions) is reduced
Structure and bonding
• both are hydrocarbons
• ethane contains six hydrogen atoms (per molecule)
• (but) ethene contains four hydrogen atoms (per molecule)
• both have covalent bonds
• ethane contains a single C C bond
• (but) ethene contains a double bond
• both react with oxygen in complete combustion reactions
• to produce water and carbon dioxide
• both react with oxygen in incomplete combustion reactions
• to produce water, carbon monoxide and carbon
• incomplete combustion is more likely with ethene
• ethene decolourises bromine water
• (but) ethane does not decolourise bromine water
• ethene is more reactive (than ethane)
• ethene can react with hydrogen (to produce ethane)
• ethene can react with water (to produce ethanol)
• ethene can react with halogens (to produce halogenoalkanes)
• ethene can undergo addition reactions
• ethene can polymerise (to produce poly(ethene))
Mg to g?
Stainless steal with corrosion?
-stainless steal is resistant to corrosion (nickel and chromium)
no effect (on yield of hydrogen)
(methane) allows short(er)
wavelength radiation to pass
through (from the sun)
(which is) re-emitted from the
surface as long(er) wavelength
(which is) absorbed (by
methane in the atmosphere)
weigh (evaporating) basin / dish
• add measured volume of water
• weigh (evaporating) basin / dish and water
• heat to evaporate water
• reweigh
• repeat heating until constant mass obtained
• subtract mass of (evaporating) basin / dish from mass
• repeat and calculate a mean, discarding anomalous results
• calculate the mass in 100 cm° water if necessary
(polyester is) thermosoftening
(polyester has) no cross-links
wood is renewable or
(natural) gas is finite
(burning) wood produces the same amount of carbon dioxide as the trees absorbed or
(burning natural) gas increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
(rate) decreases
(rate decreases) more slowly as time increases
(rate) becomes zero at 60 s
• (too) viscous
• not (very) flammable
• boiling point (too) high
.sunshine is unreliable
• increased demand for energy
• lack of space
the boiling point is lower than 0 (°C)
• draw (pencil) start line on (chromatography) paper
• place spot of food colouring on start line
• use of suitable solvent
• place solvent in beaker / container
• place (chromatography) paper in beaker / container
• so (chromatography) paper is in solvent
• but solvent is below start line
• use a lid
• wait for solvent to travel up the (chromatography) paper (until near top)
• mark solvent front
• dry the (chromatography) paper
• measure distance between start line and centre of spot
• measure distance between start line and solvent front
• use of measurements to determine R value
(in HDPE) polymer chains are closer together
(so) more atoms per unit volume
ammonium phosphate
potassium nitrate
(nitric acid) calcium nitrate
(phosphoric acid)
(calcium) triple superphosphate
(industrial process)
(is) large(er) scale
(is) quicker
(is a) continuous process
reasoned judgement
grow plants (on land containing copper ores)
allow named plant
plants are burnt (to produce ash)
ash dissolved in acid (to produce a solution of a copper compound)
electrolysis of solution (containing a copper compound)
• higher temperature gives higher rate
• because more frequent collisions
• higher pressure gives higher rate
• because more frequent collisions
• a catalyst can be used to give a higher rate
• because the activation energy is reduced
• higher temperature gives lower yield
• because the reaction is exothermic
• higher pressure gives higher yield
• because there are more molecules on left hand side
Other factors
• higher temperatures use more energy so costs increase
• higher pressures use more energy so costs increase
• higher pressures require stronger reaction vessels so costs increase
• chosen temperature is a compromise between rate and yield
• chosen temperature is a compromise between rate and cost (of energy used)
• chosen pressure is a compromise between rate and cost (of energy used)
• chosen pressure is a compromise between yield and cost (of energy used)