Atomic structure and the periodic table- paper 1 Flashcards
What is the Nucleus?
1)It contains protons and neutrons.
2)It has a positive charge because of the protons
3)most whole mass atom is concentrated in nucleus.
What are Electrons? 3
1)Move around the nucleus in electron shells.
2)negatively charged and tiny.
3)Electrons have virtually no mass
What charge do atoms have and why?
1)Atoms are neutral (no charge overall)=same number of protons as electrons.=charge electrons is the opposite charge on the protons=charges cancel out.
What charge does a ion have and why?
.number of protons doesn’t equal the number of electrons. Postive
What are the relative masses of electrons, protons and neutrons and the charge?
.proton=+1, 1. Neutrons=0, 1. Electrons= -1, very small
What does the Atomic Number and Mass Number Describe?
What do Elements Consist of Atoms and what makes each element different?
1)number of protons in the nucleus that decides what type of atom it is.
2)all the atoms of a particular element=same number protons
3)different elements have atoms with different numbers of protons.
What are Isotopes?
1)different forms of the same element
-same number of protons different number of neutrons.
-different mass numbers.
What is relative atomic mass?
-different masses and amounts isotopes make up the element.
1)What is a compound?
2)Why do Atoms Join Together to Make Compounds?
3) how do you break up a compound?
4) do properties change when a compound is formed?
1)Compounds are substances formed from two or more elements, held together by chemical bonds.
2)Making bonds involves atoms giving away, taking or sharing electrons.
3)chemical reaction is needed to separate
4)The properties of a compound are different from original elements.
What happens when a metal and a non metal form a compound?
.metal atoms lose electrons to form positive ions
.non-metal atoms gain electrons to form negative ions.
What is ionic bonding?
-opposite charges of the ions mean that they’re strongly attracted to each other.
Covalent bonding what are two examples?
.Compounds only from non-metals
.Each atom shares an electron with another atom -
-hydrogen and water.
What does a Formula Show?
What does a bracket mean?
1) formulas made up of elemental symbols same proportions elements can be found in the compound.
2) brackets in a formula= little number outside the bracket applies to everything inside the brackets.
How are Chemical Changes are Shown Using Chemical Equations?
-word equation.
. molecules on the left-hand side of the equation are called=reactants
.molecules on the right-hand side are called the products
How to balance Symbol Equations?
- always be the same number of atoms on both sides -
1) Find an element that doesn’t balance and pencil in a number to try and sort it out. (Draw line between reactants products to see what’s missing)
2) See where it gets you. It may create another imbalance, but if so, pencil in another number and see where that gets you.
3) Carry on chasing unbalanced elements and it’ll sort itself out pretty quickly.
Why are Mixtures are Easily Separated?
How do the properties change?
1)no chemical bond between the different parts of a mixture. E,g air crude oil
2) elements or compounds, separated out by filtration, crystallisation
3)properties of a mixture are just a mixture of the properties of the separate parts
How to Do Paper Chromatography?
1) separating substances in a mixture (used to separate different dyes in an ink)
2)Draw a line near the bottom of a sheet of filter paper. ( pencil to do this - insoluble)
2) Add a spot of the ink to the line and place the sheet in a beaker of solvent, e.g water.
3) solvent used depends on what’s being tested.What they dissolve well in.
4) Make sure the ink isn’t touching the solvent- otherwise it will dissolve
5) Place a lid on top of the container to stop the solvent evaporating
6) solvent seeps up the paper, carrying the ink with it.
7)any of the dyes in the ink are insoluble stay on baseline.
8) solvent has nearly reached the top of the paper, take paper out of the beaker and leave it to dry.
9) end result is a pattern of spots called a chromatogram
What does insoluble, soluble mean?
1)Insoluble means the solid can’t be dissolved in the liquid.
2)solid can be dissolved it’s described as being soluble
How to use Filtration Separates Insoluble Solids from Liquids?
1)Filtration can be used if your product is an insoluble solid needs to be separated from a liquid reaction mixture.
2)used in purification as well. For example, solid impurities
What Two Ways to Separate Soluble salt Solids from Solutions?
.separate soluble salt from a solution evaporation and crystallisation.
How to use Evaporation?
1) Pour the solution into an evaporating dish.
2)Slowly heat the solution. solvent will evaporate and the solution will get more concentrated. crystals will start to form.
3) Keep heating the evaporating dish until all you have left are dry crystals.
4) you can only use it if the salt doesn’t decompose (break down) when it’s heated.
How to use Crystallisation?
1)Pour the solution into an evaporating dish and gently heat the solution.
2)Some of the solvent will evaporate and the solution will get more concentrated.
3) solvent has evaporated, or when you see crystals start remove the dish heat, leave the solution to cool.
4) salt should start to form crystals as it becomes insoluble in the cold.
5) Filter crystals out of the solution, and leave them in a warm place to dry.
How can Filtration and Crystallisation can be Used to Separate Rock Salt? 4
=Rock salt is simply a mixture of salt and sand= both compounds - salt dissolves in water and sand doesn’t.
1)Grind mixture salt crystals are small, dissolve easily.
2) mixture in water and stir. salt will dissolve, sand won’t
3) Filter mixture. grains of sand collect on the paper instead. salt passes through filter paper part solution.
4) Evaporate water from the salt=forms dry crystals.
How to use Simple Distillation is Used to Separate Out Solutions and an example?
. separating out liquid from a solution.
1) solution is heated. Part solution lowest boiling point evaporates first.
3)vapour cooled, condenses (liquid) collected.
4)rest of the solution left behind in the flask.
5) pure water from seawater.
What is the problem with distillation?
.only use it to separate things with very different boiling points -if the temperature goes higher than the boiling point of the substance with the higher boiling point, they will mix again.
How to use Fractional Distillation, what is it used for? 6
.mixture of liquids you can separate it using e.g crude oil
1) put your mixture in a flask, fractionating column on top. heat it.
3) different liquids different boiling points - evaporate different temperatures.
4) liquid lowest boiling point evaporates first. temperature thermometer matches boiling point liquid, it will reach the top of the column.
5) Liquids with higher boiling points might also start to evaporate. cooler towards the top.
condensing and running back down towards the flask.
6)first liquid collected, you raise the temperature until the next one reaches the top.
Atomic structure history: John Dalton?
.19th century John Dalton described atoms as solid spheres, said that different spheres made up the different elements.
Atomic structure history: JJ Thomson?
1897 J J atoms
-measurements charge and mass showed that an atom contain smaller negatively charged particles
-electrons. ‘plum pudding model’.= atom as a ball of positive charge with electrons stuck in it
Atomic structure history: Ernest Rutherford?
1) alpha particle scattering experiments.
2)fired positively charged alpha particles extremely thin sheet of gold.
-Some alpha particles were deflected (as expected)
-most alpha particles went straight through/ were not deflected
-most of the mass of the atom is concentrated in a small area with space around
-(called) the nucleus
Why was the cloud of electrons not true?
.-electrons in a cloud’ around the nucleus of an atom, attracted nucleus, causing atom to collapse.
Atomic structure history: Neil Borh?
electrons were contained in shells.
1)electrons orbit nucleus in fixed shells and aren’t anywhere in between.
2)Each shell fixed distance from the nucleus.
Atomic structure history: Further Experiments Showed the Existence of Protons, how?
.nucleus divided smaller particles, which each have the same charge as a hydrogen nucleus= protons
Atomic structure history: James Chadwick?
-evidence for neutral particles nucleus=neutrons
(Currently accepted model is the nuclear model)
What are the Electron Shell Rules?
.Electrons always occupy shells/energy levels. first: 2 second+: 8
How were atoms arranged in 1800s and why, what was bad about the old periodic table?
.Atomic Weight
=no idea atomic structure or protons, neutrons, electrons, atomic number. only measure atomic weight
.not complete, elements were placed in the wrong group=properties not taken into account.
How are atoms arranged now?: 2
1) physical and chemical properties.
2) atomic weight.
Who is Dmitri Mendeleev and how was his periodic table different? 3
1)order of atomic weight
2)did switch order if the properties meant it should be changed
3) Gaps were left in the table to make sure that elements with similar properties stayed same groups.
undiscovered elements predict properties found and they fitted the pattern
What proved they shouldn’t be in order of atomic weight?
.discovery of isotopes take in account of their properties.
.Isotopes same element have different masses but have the same atomic mass
Describe the structure of the periodic table? 4
1)order of increasing atomic (proton) number
2)Metals are found to left and non-metals are on right, transition metals centre
3)Elements similar properties form columns.= groups, rows= periods.
4)Each new period represents another full shell of electrons.
What does the group number tell you is there an exceptions, why is it useful?
.how many electrons there are in the outer shell. exception group 0=irregular number of electrons
.Useful= atoms react depends upon the number of electrons in their outer shell.
.elements in the same group are likely to react in a similar way.
.you know properties one element you predict the rest in that group
Trends in reactivity: periodic table, an example?
.predictions about trends in reactivity. E.g. in Group 1, the elements react more vigorously as you go down the group.
Placement of Metals and what do they form when they react?
1)Metals ALWAYS form positive ions when they react. 2)towards the bottom and to the left of the periodic table
Placement of non metals and what do they form when they react?
1)Non-metals are at the far right and top of the periodic table.
2)Non-metals ALWAYS form negative ions when they react
How does the Electronic Structure of Atoms Affects How They Will React?
.react to form a full outer shell. via losing, gaining or sharing electrons.
1)bottom of the periodic table=outer electrons alone way from the nucleus so feel a weaker attraction.
-not much energy needed remove electrons
1)non-metals forming positive ions is much more difficult=outer electrons are close to the nucleus=strong attraction Share or gain electrons to get a full outer shell.
What are Metals and Non-Metals Have Different Physical Properties?
ALL metals=metallic bonding=similar basic physical properties.
1)strong, malleable, conducting heat and electricity.
2)high boiling and melting points.
1)dull looking, 2)brittle, 3)aren’t always solids at room temperature, 4)don’t conduct electricity 5)lower density.
.non-metals don’t have metallic bonding, don’t tend to exhibit the same properties as metals.
What are properties of Transition Metals? 8
1) typical metals, good conductors, dense, strong and shiny, coloured, good catalysts
2) Can have more than one ion (CU+ and CU+2),
What are the group 1 elements?
2)What are the properties of Group 1 Elements and why?
3 trends
4 properties
1)alkali metals: lithium, sodium, Potassium, rubidium, caesium, francium.
2)one electron outer shell= Very reactive, soft, low density, white soilds
2)trends alkali metals down Group I include:
.Increasing reactivity= outer electron easily lost attraction from nucleus
.Lower melting and boiling points.
.Higher relative atomic mass.
Why do Alkali Metals Form Ionic Compounds with Non-Metals?
.don’t need much energy to lose their one outer electron=full outer shell
.form 1+ ions. only ever react to form ionic compounds.
What is a metal hydroxide?
compounds that dissolve in water to produce alkaline solutions
Alkali Metals Reaction with water, pattern in group and equation?
.react vigorously= hydrogen gas and metal hydroxides
.more reactive, energy given out increases down group=lower down in the group
Reaction with chlorine, pattern in group and equation?
.react vigorously when heated in chlorine gas to form white metal chloride salts.
.go down the group, reactivity increases so the reaction with chlorine gets more vigorous.
Reaction with oxygen, pattern in group and equation? 3 examples
.Group 1 metals can react with oxygen to form a metal oxide
.Lithium=lithium oxide
.Sodium=mixture of sodium oxide+sodium peroxide
.Potassium= mixture of potassium peroxide+potassium superoxide
How do Group 1 Metals Have Different Properties to Transition Metals? 5
1) Group I metals are more reactive.
2)less dense, strong and hard than the transition metals
3)lower melting points
Are all halogens All Non-Metals or metals, Are they molecules or singular atoms?
What are the Halogens coloured vapours, are they
.non-metals, exist as molecules which are pairs of atoms.
1)Fluorine is a very reactive, poisonous yellow pas.
2)Chlorine is a fairly reactive, poisonous dense green pas.
3)Bromine is a dense, poisonous, red-brown volatile liquid.
4)iodine is a dark grey crystalline solid or a purple vapour.
What are the Trends of Halogens? 43
.DOWN Group 7
1) LESS REACTIVE - harder to gain extra electron outer shell’s further from the nucleus.
.Group 7 react in similar ways all have seven electrons in their outer shell.
Why Halogens can Form Molecular Compounds, what do they form?
-share electrons via covalent bonding with other non-metals so as to achieve a full outer shell.
-all have simple molecular structures
Why do Halogens Form Ionic Bonds with Metals?
1)halogens form 1- ions=halides when they bond with metals (halogen= negative ion, metal-positive ion)
.compounds that form have ionic structures.
Why do More Reactive Halogens Displace Less Reactive Ones?
.displacement reaction can occur between a more reactive halogen and the salt of a less reactive one,
=displace to form it’s own salt.
What are Group 0 properties?
.(noble gases) Colourless Gases (room temp)
1)eight electrons in their outer energy level, apart from helium which has two, full outer-shell=don’t react.
2) monatomic gases= single atoms not bonded to each other
What are the Patterns in the Properties of the Noble Gases? (1 and a reason)
1)boiling points increase as you move down with increasing relative atomic mass.
2)increase boiling point is due to an increase in the number of electrons in each atom=greater intermolecular forces
What is an ion what happens when one is formed?
-charged particle
-only electron number cahnge NOT protons
What are Halide and halogen?
Group 7= halogens (neutral atoms)
Group 7 = Halides (when halogens
become negative ions)
Chlorine is a diatomic molecule formed from two chlorine atoms covalently bonded together
Chloride is a negative ion formed when an atom of chlorine gains an electron