incompetance/malpractice Flashcards
1) MR 1.1
a) Competent representation requires
i) (1)Knowledge, (2) Skill, (3) Thoroughness and (4) Preparation: reasonably necessary for the representation.
new case requirements
1) MR 1.1 comment 2
Most cases require analysis of (1) precedent, (2) Facts, & (3) Legal Drafting
reasonable preparation for a case
2) MR 1.1 comment 2 & 4
a) Lawyer may accept a new case or novel issue where competence can be achieved by reasonable preparation
i) Factors:
One. Complexity of the case
Two. Specialized nature of the case
Three. Lawyers general experience
Four. Training and experience in the field
Five. Preparation and Study
Is it feasible to refer or consult with another Lawyer
experience satisfaction alternative
3) MR 1.1 Comment 2
Competence can be satisfied by associating with experienced lawyer
Maintaining competancy
1) MR 1.1 Comment 6
a) Lawyer should keep up on changes in law and Practice by continuing their legal education.
2) Utah Rule 14-404
a) Lawyer shall complete every two years: 24 hours of CLE which includes 3 hours of ethics and 1 hour on civility.
3) Utah Rule 14-808
Mandatory 12 month mentoring program for new bar members
Waiver of Competence
1) MR 1.2 comment 7
a) A client may not waive a lawyers duty of competence,
b) However
A Lawyer may limit their liability for malpractice if the client is independently represented in making the agreement
Dilligence v. Neglect
1) (Diligence) MR 1.3:
a) A lawyer shall act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a client
2) (Neglect) ABA opinion 1973
Consistent failure to carry out obligations or conscious disregard for responsibility owed to a client.
Dilligence for your clients
1) MR 1.3 Comment 1
a) A Lawyer must act with commitment, dedication and zeal and pursue matters despite, (1) opposition, (2) Obstruction, or (3) Personal Inconvenience.
2) MR 1.3 Comment 3
A lawyer may agree to a reasonable request for postponement that will not prejudice the clients case, even over the objection of the client.
Areas of communication
1) MR 1.4 (a) 1-5
The five specific areas where a lawyer must consult with the client are (1) Informed Consent, (2) Means (3) Status of the case, (4) Requests for Information and (5) Unethical conduct.
1) MR 1.4 (a)1
a) A lawyer shall promtly inform the client of any decision in which the clients informed consent is required
2) MR 1.4 (a) Comment 2
a) When Consent is required a lawyer must promtly consult & obtain the clients consent before taking action
3) MR 1.4 (b)
A lawyer shall explain a matter to the extent reasonably necessary to permit the client to make an informed decision.
strategy and means
1) MR 1.4 (a)(2)
a) A lawyer shall reasonably consult with a client about the means by which the clients objectives are to be acomplished
i) Rule 1.2
One. A client decides objectives and a lawyer decides the means
2) MR 1.4 Comment 5
a) A lawyer must discuss strategies with the client but need not discuss trial or negotiation strategy in detail
A lawyer should discuss tactics likely to result in (1) Significant expense or (2) injury or coercion to others
Communicating status of hte case
1) MR 1.4 (a)(3)
A lawyer shall keep the client reasonably informed about the status of the case.
Requests for info
1) MR 1.4(a)(4)
A lawyer shall promptly comply with reasonable request for information
client expectation of unethical conduct
1) MR 1.4 (a)(5)
A lawyer shall consult with the client about any limitations on the lawyers conduct when the client expects assistance (unethical) not permitted by the model rules.
Responsibilities of a partner
1) MR 5.1 (a)
a) A partner shall make reasonable efforts to ensure the firm has measures giving reasonable assurances that lawyers in the firm will conform to ethics rules.
b) Applies to any lawyer with managerial authority
2) Comment 2
Supervision of inexperienced lawyers
Responsabilities of a supervisor
1) MR 5.1(b)
a) A lawyer that has direct supervisory authority over another lawyer and shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the other lawyer complies with ethics rules.
2) Comment 5
a) Applies to all lawyers not just partners:
Must intervene to prevent avoidable misconduct if the supervisor knows that misconduct occurred.
Responsibility for another Lawyers Conduct
1) MR 5.1 (c) (1)
a) A Lawyer is responsible for another’s lawyers conduct if the lawyer orders or, with knowledge of misconduct ratifies it (the lawyer is complicit with another attorney)
2) MR 5.1 (c) (2)
A lawyer is responsible for another lawyer if they are a partner or supervisor and knows of conduct at a time when consequences can be mitigated and fails to take reasonable remedial action.
Subordinate lawyer duties
1) MR 5.2 (a)
a) Lawyer bound by the rules even though a lawyer acted at the direction of another person
2) MR 5.2 (a) (2)
a) Subordinate lawyer does not violate the rules if the lawyer acts in accordance with supervisory lawyer’s so long as there is a reasonable resolution of an arguable question of professional duty.
3) Case
Lawyer obligated to inform client of MP if the firm refuses to.
wrongful discharge for compliance with ethics
Employee may have been wrongful terminated if fired for complying with ethical duties.
Attorneys duties to legal staff
1) MR 5.3 (a)
a) A partner shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the firm has measures that give reasonable assurance that conduct of non-lawyer employees compatible with ethical obligations
2) MR 5.3 (b) A Lawyer who has direct supervisory authority over a non-lawyer shall make reasonable efforts to ensure a persons conduct is compatible with ethical obligations
MR 5.3 (c) Lawyer is responsible for non-lawyer employee’s conduct if the lawyer orders or with knowledge ratifies conduct, or knows of conduct when consequences can be avoided or mitigated but fails to take reasonable remedial action.
Duty to Report Misconduct
1) MR 8.3 (a)
a) If a lawyer knows that another lawyer has committed ethical violation, that raises a substantial question as to, honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness, The lawyer has a duty to inform professional authorities (the bar)
2) MR 8.3 (C)
Disclosure is not required if information otherwise protected by rule 1.6. (confidentiality provision)
Duty to report drug use (utah Rule)
i. Utah Rule
1) A lawyer must report possession or use of drugs by another lawyer if the lawyer has actual knowledge of use and the lawyer has a reasonable, good-faith belief that use raises substantial question as to Lawyers honesty, trustworthiness or fitness.
ii. Exception
1) Lawyer learns of use through bona fide attorney client privilege; or
Lawyer becomes aware of use by providing services to an attorney under lawyers helping lawyers program of Bar.