advertising/judicial rules Flashcards
False Advertising
M.R. 7.1: L shall not make a: False or Misleading Communication about L or L’s services.
M.R. 7.1: A communication is false & misleading if it contains: Material misrepresentation of fact or law, or Omits a fact necessary to make statement not materially misleading.
Advertising areas of law
M.R. 7.4(a): L may communicate that L practices in a particular field of law.
M.R. 7.4 (b): If admitted before United States Patent & Trademark Office, L may use designation “Patent Attorney.”
CPA’s may include designation of CPA on business cards, letterhead & directory listing.
Specialization on advertising
M.R. 7.4(d): L shall not imply L is certified as a specialist, unless:
(1) L has been certified as a specialist by organization:
Approved by state authority, or
Accredited by ABA; &
(2) Name of organization is clearly identified
First names and letterhead
M.R. 7.5(a): L shall not use a:
Firm name or
That is misleading
Trade Names
Trade name o.k. if no confusion with:
Government agency, or
Public legal services organization, &
Is not misleading.
multi state names
M.R. 7.5 (b): Firm with offices in more than one state may use same name, but must:
Indicate jurisdictional limitations of lawyers
Not licensed in state where office located.
Partnership advertising
M.R. 7.5 (d): Lawyers may:
Imply they practice in a partnership or other organization
Only when that is the fact
In person Solicitation
M.R. 7.3 (a): L shall not: In-person, or by Real-time communication Solicit for economic gain, unless the person is another lawyer, family, close personal friend, or a prior client.
M.R. 7.3 (b): L shall not solicit a person even when permitted by 7.3(a) if:Person expressed desire not to be solicited; or Solicitation involves coercion, duress or harassment.
Recommending services
M.R. 7.2(b): L shall not give anything of: Value to a person for Recommending L’s services. Except that a lawyer may pay reasonable cost of advertisements or for a lawyer referall service approved by the regulatory authority.
solicitation by mail
First amendment prohibits total ban on:
Truthful & non-deceptive letters,
Targeted to people facing
Specific legal problems.
judicial appearance
J shall avoid even appearance of impropriety in all activities.
Would a reasonable person think Judge’s actions impair ability to act with:
Impartiality &
Judicial actions
Judges must be patient, dignified and courteous.
Judicial recusal
A judge must recuse themselves when the judge or their family members have a economic or other interest in the case that could be substantially effected by the case.
Judges economic interest
J must keep informed about his/her economic interests and they must not engage in Financial dealings that involve: Frequent transactions, or Dealings with persons Likely to come before J in court
judge was a lawyer
Disqualification required in a case judge formerly served as a lawyer.
Lawyer if former colleague
Recusal only required if L worked on case while J still practicing law with L.
Judicial Ex parte communications
J may not have ex parte communications on merits of pending case. Canon 3A(4).
J may have ex parte contacts on:
Non-substantive matters; &
With consent, meet ex parte in settlement talks. Cannon 3(B)(7).
J may not make:
Public comments that might reasonably affect outcome of case, or
Nonpublic comments that might substantially interfere with fair trial.