Inclusive Environments Flashcards
What are inclusive environments?
Environment that can be used safely, easily and with dignity by all.
Does not segregate or isolate and welcomes all needs
What building regs relate to inclusive environments?
M - access and use of buildings
How does part M relate to property management?
Ease of access and use of all buildings for all users
Has guidance on safe design of ramps and building dimensions for wheelchair accessibility
What are examples of inclusive design?
- Ramps
- Wide enough doors and lifts
- Low hand rails
- Using contrasting colours for those who are partially sighted
What does the NPPF say on inclusive environments?
Section 8 - Provision of Healthy, inclusive and safe spaces
What does the Equalities Act say about inclusive design?
S20 - disabled individuals should not face barriers to access. If a barrier exists, the service provider is obliged to make reasonable adjustmnets to help access
What are the 6 principles to inclusive design?
1) Appointment of an inclusive environmental champion
2) Evidence inclusive design strategy has been incorporated into project brief/budget
3) Example how procurement process has addressed inclusive design
4) Evidence of use of access and inclusive design expertise and consultation with diverse users
5) Evidence monitoring and appraisal
6) List any constraints that prevent implementation of inclusive design
What is the Equality Act?
Equality Act 2010
Legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and wider society
Tell me a key principle of the Equality Act?
Provides protection against 4 types of discrimnation
Provides 9 protected characteristic types
What are the minimum accessibility requirements?
At lease 1 entrance accessible by wheelchair
At least 1 toilet accessible to a wheelchair user on each floor (depends on building and provider)
Left doors able to fit wheelchair
Ramps used where required
What are the main penalties under the Equality Act 2010?
Employer breach (found to discrimnate) -> no limit in compensation awardedto employee
Not complying with requirements could face civil enforcement procedures or be liable for criminal offence > fine up to £5k
What are the penalties under Part M of the building regulations ?
Local authority to prosecute:
Unlimited fine if magistrates court (up to two years after completion of offending work. Taken against main contractor or potentially owner)
Enforcement notice requiring alteration or removal of breached regulations