Inclusive Environments Flashcards
What are inclusive environments?
An environment which facilitates dignified, equal and intuitive use by everyone. It does not physically or socially separate, discriminate or isolate.
Readily welcomes and accommodate diverse user needs.
What is discrimination?
Unjust or prejudiced treatment of different categories of people, on grounds such as race, age, sex or disability.
What building regulations relate to inclusive environments?
Building Regs Part M
How does part M relate to this competency?
- Part M relates to ease of access to and use of buildings including facilities for disabled visitors.
- Covers guidance on ramps, and wheelchair accessibility in relation to circulation in a building.
- Disabled WCs
Can you provide examples of ways in which a building can be inclusive?
- Ramps and lifts for wheelchair users
- Hearing loops
- Accessible parking
- Use of contrasting colours to assist those who are partially sighted
What is inclusive design?
Inclusive design is about making places that everyone can use enabling all users to participate equally, confidently and independently in everyday environments.
What is the NPPF and how does it relate to inclusive design?
National Planning Policy Framework
Section 8 - healthy, inclusive and safe environments should promote health and wellbeing with a high standard of amenity for existing and future users.
What is BS8300?
British standards - best practice guidance that goes beyond Part M in terms of inclusive design.
Part 1 - accessible and inclusive design of new public spaces
Part 2 - relates to ensuring internal design meets all user requirements.
- Lighting, external areas, ramp gradients, WCs and accessible seating.
What is IEQM?
Inclusive Employer Quality Mark
Focuses on changing behaviour of firms to increase inclusivity in the workplace.
What are the four principles of IEQM?
1) Leadership
2) Recruitment
3) Culture
4) Development
6 Principles of design (CIC)?
1) Contribute to building an inclusive society now and in the future
2) Apply professional and responsible judgement and take a leadership role
3) Apply and integrate