Health and Safety Flashcards
What is the HSE?
Health & Safety Executive.
Independent govt agency responsible for work related h&s and illness.
How do the HSE improve H&S?
By ensuring risks in the workplace are controlled
Helps businesses to adapt to changes in occupational h&s law and practice.
What is the construction phase H&S plan?
A plan developed through the construction phase, its purpose is to demonstrate how the building will be built from a safety perspective.
What are the principles of COSHH?
Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health.
Requires employers to prevent or reduce employees exposed to substances such as; chemicals, fumes, dusts and biological hazards.
What is corporate manslaughter?
When gross breach of duty of care owed by an organisation occurs and this leads to a person’s death.
What is the considerate constructor’s scheme?
Non profit organisation that encourages contractors and their suppliers to implement best practice such as cleanliness of site, diversity, pollution.
What are the 5 assessment categories in CCS?
- Care about appearance
- Respect the community
- Protect the environment
- Care about safety
- Value their workforce
What is the biggest cause of long term health issues in construction?
Breathing in hazardous dust/fumes
Which type of accident kills most construction workers?
Falls from height
What is the minimum height of a guard rail on scaffolding?
When are visitors or workers most likely to have an accident ?
When they first start on a new site
What considerations did you give to H&S last time you visited a site?
- Preparing a risk assessment prior to visiting
- Informing colleague where and when you will be
- Ensuring I have correct PPE
- Ensuring I have had a site induction
- Reporting any issues to site management
Name some H&S hazards?
- Site traffic
- Poor lighting
- Slips, trips and falls
- Working at height
- Manual handling
- Noise
What is a CSCS card?
Construction Skills Certification Scheme
- Proof that individuals working on site have the appropriate training and qualifications to do so
Examples of PPE?
- Hard hat
- Steel toe cap boots
- Gloves
- Hi vis
- Eye and hearing protection
What does it mean when a site is issued with a prohibition notice?
Requires a site to stop a particular activity straight away. Must not resume until action has been taken to control or remove the risk.
What should you do if you find an injured person on site?
- Assess the situation, do not put yourself in harm
- Raise the alarm and call for help
What is an AED and when should it be used?
Automated External Defibrillator
- Used when someone is in cardiac arrest and their heart stops beating.
What is a RAMS?
Risk and Method Statement
What is a method statement?
A statement/methodology that outlines how work will be completed, it oulines hazards involved and a step by step guide on how to execute safely
What are the 5 steps of a risk assessment as outlined by HSE?
1) Identify the hazard
2) Decide who might be harmed and how
3) Evaluate the risk and decide on precautions
4) Record findings and implement
5) Review and update if necessary
What is the hierarchy of H&S risk control?
Eliminate - remove hazard
Substitute - replace the hazard
Engineering - isolate people from the hazard
Admin - change the way people work
PPE - protect
What do you do if you find asbestos on site?
- Stop work and ensure the area is safe
- Report to site manager, there may be a requirement to notify HSE
- Asbestos needs to be tested by a competent contractor
Which regulations are applicable to asbestos?
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
RICS Asbestos guidance?
Asbestos: legal requirements and best practice for property professionals and clients.
Three types of asbestos?
Crocidolite - most lethal
Amosite - aka brown asbestos
Chrysotile - most common type
Different types of asbestos survey?
Management survey - to determine the management of and managing asbestos containing materials during the normal occupation of a building
Refurb/demo survey - required when premises require refurb or demo (i.e., asbestos needs removing)
What is an asbestos management plan?
A document designed to register and detail how asbestos will be managed in a property and what activities will be engaged to ensure people remain safe from asbestos exposure
What is included in an asbestos management plan?
- Party responsible for management
- Register identifying types and locations
- Plans for work on ACMs
- Schedule to monitor condition
How can asbestos be managed?
- Removed
- Encapsulated
- Managed
What are the main risks to somebody exposed to asbestos?
- Asbestosis - chronic disease caused by permanent lung damage
- Lung cancer
- Mesothelioma - a cancer of the membranes that line the chest/absomen.
What are the main risks to somebody exposed to asbestos?
- Asbestosis - chronic disease caused by permanent lung damage
- Lung cancer
- Mesothelioma - a cancer of the membranes that line the chest/abdomen.
When is an employer required to have a written H&S policy in the uk?
When they have more than 5 employees
What is Health and Safety at Work act 1974?
- Employers must ensure the H&S and wellbeing of employees and others is not at risk, so far as reasonably practicable
- Employers have a duty to maintain equipment, safe systems of work and safe premises
What happens if an employer breaches HASAWA?
- Unlimited fine + 2 years imprisonment
- Manslaughter charges if someone dies, can lead to more severe custodial sentences
What is RIDDOR?
Reporting of Incidents Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
- Puts duty on ‘responsible persons’ to report workplace accidents, diseases and near misses
What is the purpose of surveying safely?
Sets out basic good practice principles for the management of H&S for RICS regulated firms and members.
What type of document is surveying safely?
Guidance note
What is a ‘safe person’ as outlined in surveying safely?
Each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues and others H&S at work.
What are they key points of the CDM regulations 2015?
- To ensure clients, designers, contractors and others consider H&S of those constructing, maintaining and demolishing the works.
- Places statutory duties on clients, principle designer, designers and contractors to plan, manage and coordinate H&S throughout the project.
- Improves safety on site through design, planning and management.
Who are the key duty holders under CDM?
Principle Designer
Principle Contractor
CDM domestic vs commercial clients?
Domestic - people who have work carried out on their own or family members home, not done as part of a business
Commercial - work carried out as part of a business.
Under CDM who must make suitable arrangements for managing a project, including allocation of sufficient time and resources?
The client
How does CDM apply to domestic clients with no contractors?
CDM applies if someone carries out the work on their behalf If they do it themselves it is considered DIY.
Who are designers under CDM?
Organisations or individuals who as part of a business prepare or modify designs for a building, product or system related to a construction project.
What is the role of the principal designer?
Designers appointed by the client in projects involving more than 1 contractor. They have control over CDM compliance and plan, manage, monitor and coordinate H&S in the preconstruction phase.
What is the role of the principal contractor?
Contractor appointed by the client to coordinate the construction phase of a project where it involves more than one contractor. They plan manage, monitor and coordinate H&S in the construction phase.
What is an F10 notification?
The form which is sent to HSE to notify them of a relevant construction project
When is a project notifiable under CDM?
- If work lasts longer than 30 working days and has more than 20 workers working at the same time at any point of the project
or - Exceeds 500 person days
Who issues the F10?
It is the client’s responsibility, however it is often delegated to the principal designer.
What is the preconstruction information?
- Tender document used to inform prospective tenderers about a projects H&S and welfare requirements.
What’s included in PCI?
- Description of works
- Client considerations and management requirements
- Environmental restrictions and existing site risks
- Significant design and construction hazards
- H&S file
What is the H&S file?
Prepared following completion of works to provide information needed during future construction work safely.
- PD prepares
What’s included in the H&S file?
- Brief description
- Any hazards not eliminated through design and construction
- Hazardous materials
- Info regarding removal/dismantling
- Nature, location of significant services
Who is the audience of the H&S file?
The employer and the end user