Inclusive Environments Flashcards
What is an inclusive Environment?
Construction Industry Council (CIC) define an inclusive environment as
One that can be accessed and used safely, easily and with dignity by everyone
Does not physically or socially segregate, discriminate or isolate’ and ‘is well designed, functional, efficient and sustainable, and delivers an enhanced user experience’.
What is the importance of inclusive environments?
It enables everyone to participate equally, confidently and independently in everyday activities.
What impacts inclusive environments?
Awareness of inclusive environments
Not consulting with users
What is Inclusive Design?
Inclusive design makes places usable by everyone, regardless of age, ability and circumstance.
‘Making places everyone can use’
Who is responsible for inclusive design?
We all are.
Surveyors are involved in all aspects of the property lifecycle. Providing inclusive environments should be integral to what we do.
This should not just be to comply with minimum legislation and regulations, but further. Moral and ethical standards should come into play here.
What should an inclusive environment facilitate?
Enable everyone to access the opportunities an environment presents regardless of characteristics
It enables everyone to participate equally, confidently and independently in everyday activities
Improves Usability, meet peoples needs and offer choice
Convenience and independence
What are the key principles of inclusive design?
CIC 5 Key Principles
Placing people at the heart of the design process
Acknowledging diversity and difference
Offering choice where a single solution cannot accommodate all users
Providing flexibility in use
Creating an environment that is convenient and enjoyable for all to use
How can inclusive design be achieved?
Following statutory guidance
Consulting users etc.
What legal frameworks are in place to facilitate inclusive design?
Equality Act 2010
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
Approved Document M
British Standard BS8300
Changing Places Campaign
What does the Equality Act 2010 state to facilitate inclusive environments?
Section 20 - individuals must not face barriers to access premises. Reasonable adjustments to facilitate access.
Not just physical i.e hearing loops or visual aids.
Under the Equality Act 2010, what parties have duties?
Service Providers - Section 20 in anticipation of the needs of disabled people at large
Employers - Section 20 Reactive not anticipatory
Are there penalties under the Equality Act 2010?
Yes - Can face civil proceedings (i.e RBS vs Allen awarded £6500.00 for injury to feelings
Criminal Offence - Fine up to £5k
What are reasonable adjustments
Adjustments only have to be made if it’s reasonable to do so.
your disability
how practicable the changes are
if the change you ask for would overcome the disadvantage you and other disabled people experience
the size of the organisation
how much money and resources are available
the cost of making the changes
if any changes have already been made.
When are reasonable adjustments required?
The equality act requires adjustments to be made for people to have access to the following:
Goods and services like shops, banks, cinemas, hospitals, council offices, leisure centres
Associations and private clubs like the Scouts and Guides, private golf clubs and working men clubs.
What is BS8300?
2 parts
Part 1 provides guidance relating to the accessible and inclusive design of new public spaces. Part 2 relates to internal design to meet all user requirements. It does not apply to individual residential dwellings.
What is Changing Places?
Toilet facilities which are safe, comfortable and accessible for those who cannot use standard toilets.
Adequate space and facilities, changing benches, hoists etc.
lighting external areas,
ramp gradients and rises,
accessible viewing for audience seating,
sanitary facilities,
WC layout and Baby change facilities.
What does the NPPF say about inclusive environments?
Section 8 of the NPPF relates to the provision of healthy inclusive and safe places. These should promote health and well-being with a high standard of amenity for existing and future users.
What is Royal Bank of Scotland Vs Allen 2009
The claimant was a wheelchair user. He had an account at RBS’s main branch in Sheffield. This branch was in a 19th century listed building accessed by stone steps, meaning he could not get in.
He argued it would be a reasonable adjustment for the bank to install a lift to give wheelchair access.
The County Court held there was a breach of the reasonable adjustment duty.
It awarded damages of £6,500 for injury to feelings, and granted an injunction requiring the bank to install a lift for wheelchair users.
What is Approved Document M?
Practical Guidance on meeting the Building Regulation in England to ensure people are able to access buildings/ facilities in England.
What are the different volumes of Approved Document M?
Volume 1 - Dwellings
Volume 2 - Buildings Other than Dwellings
What requirements might Approved Document M place on design?
Access to Buildings
Access into Buildings
Horizontal and Vertical Circulation
Sanitary Accommodation
What can service providers or employers do to make buildings more accessible?
Physical i.e ramp, internal alterations, lighting, signage etc.
Aids - i.e hearing induction loop
What is approved document K?
Practical guidance on meeting the Building regulation protecting users from falling, Collison and impact in and around a building.
How would you ensure your projects meet Inclusive Design Standards?
Meet the regulations
Moral and Ethical Standards
Organisational Guidance
Case Study Examples
Consulting users/ user groups
What policies facilitate inclusive environments within your workplace?
Corporate design guide
Equality Plan 2020-2024
How did COVID-19 Impacting on Inclusive Environments?
Changed the way things were done, moved to a more online or blended approach