Incident Command And Monitoring Officer Flashcards
Define incident commander?
The nominated responsible person.
However the most senior officer present holds organisational accountability.
When will a support officer take over?
Immediate concerns over safety
Incident beyond the capability of the incident commander
Competent to do so or more senior rank
No other suitable officer.
Who is responsible when the land appliances and fireboat are in attendance?
The most senior land-based appliance commander.
What is the colour of the incident commander surcoat?
White yoke And yellow body marks with incident commander.
When will a sub officer for station officer take over?
First attending sub or station officer will take incident commander and remain in charge until four pumps are in attendance.
When will a station commander take over?
A station officer will take command of incidents that exceed four pumps until the station commander arrives.
Who takes control when a substantive and temporary sub officer are in attendance?
If a station officer is mobilised but not in attendance, can a stop message be sent?
What must be said when taking over?
I am taking over.
A message then sent to control with new OIC name.
What is the colour of the monitoring officer surcoat?
White yoke and yellow lower body with monitoring officer inserts.
List duties of a monitoring officer station commander and above.
Undertake remote monitoring of the incident
Gather information of operational performance
Provide support and guidance
Take command if required or necessary.
What should the monitoring officer not do?
Make command decisions on behalf of the incident commander unless risk critical
Where can the monitoring officer provide feedback?
What is the purpose of ORT?
Provide assurance for the incident ground when in attendance.