342 - Dynamic Risk Assessment Flashcards
What are the 3 types of RA?
Generic - Nationally produced RA.
Local - Locally produced RA produced by local fire authority.
Dynamic RA done by an I.C.
What are the 5 steps to a DRA?
- Evaluation of the situation, task and person at risk.
- Select safe systems of work.
- Assess the chosen system of work.
- Introduce additional control measures.
- Reassess systems of work and additional control measures.
What is operational discretion?
This is to achieve specific objectives, operational discretion empowers individuals to adapt or move away from operational policy, if it is justifiable in terms or Risk Vs Benefit.
What two things are Risk Assessments used to consider impacts on within the Brigade?
Public expectation.
What is a hazard?
Something with the potential to cause harm.
What is a risk?
The measure of the likelihood that harm from a particular hazard will occur and the possible severity of the harm.
What is a Risk Assessment?
The process of identifying hazards and who/what is at risk from those hazards and the likely severity of that risk, and what control measures are required to minimise or eliminate the risk.
What is risk/benefit analysis?
A comparison between the risk assessment and the potential benefits from a course of action.
What is SSOW?
Safe systems of work.
A method of working designed to eliminate or reduce risk.
What is decision logging?
A means to record decisions and the rationale behind them at incidents.
What is a professional judgement?
Intelligent application of relevant training, knowledge and experience within the context of operational experience, training to make calculated decisions.
What is the safe person concept?
The right person doing the right job with the right equipment at the right time.
What 5 things are the responsibility crew members have with regards to DRA?
Identifying hazards. Evaluate risk. Select SSOW. Implement action to eliminate or control risk. Evaluate how effective that action is.
Where may use of operational discretion be used?
Rescue saveable life, where following policy would lead to a delay and greater injury or life being lost.
Tackle a known small fire through pre emotive strike, where policy would lead to a delay and create higher levels of risk.
Where no action by Brigade may cause the public to place themselves at risk and escalate the incident.
When using operational discretion where must this be recorded?
On the key decision log.