Incarnation Flashcards
God taking on the human condition in Jesus. Jesus being fully God but fully Human.
When the angle Gabriel asked Mary to accept the role of the mother of the Son of God.
God’s free gift of his unconditional love to the believer.
Word of God?
The second Person of the trinity, God the Son, who became flesh in Jesus.
Ichthus (fish)?
A symbol of fish based on a Greek acronym that translates as ‘Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour’.
Alpha and Omega?
A symbolmade from the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, which are used to show that God and Jesus are eternal - the beginning and end of all things.
A symbol to represent Jesus, made up of the first two letters of his name in Greek.
Son of Man?
A title that could refer to either just a human being, or a human who is given power by God.
Sacred Heart?
A representation of Jesus that focuses on his burning love for everybody.
A representation of Jesus on the cross on which he died.
Son of God?
Jesus, supreme divine being.
Sermon on the Mount?
Jesus’ teachings found in Matthew 5-7, which give Christians a set of rules and values to apply in their lives.
Rites and rituals through which the believer recieves a special gift of grace. Christians sacraments are ‘outward signs’ of ‘inward grace’.
What is Baptism?
Symbol Action- The pouring of water.
Effect- The cleansing of Sins.
Words- ‘I baptise you in the name of the Farther and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
What is the Eucharist?
Symbol Action- The receiving of the conserated bread and wine, the body and blood of christ.
Effect- Recieving the fullness of christ.
Words- ‘Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.