IN-The Divine Image Flashcards
The central doctrine of this poem is one to which Blake was to hold throughout his life, namely, that God has a human form which in other words meant what?
that there is nothing in divinity or in creation of which we need to be scared as the whole of God’s creation is essentially in human shape
In this poem, what does Blake claim that Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love are?
that they are all of human form and portrays the emotions themselves as anthropomorphic
Blake is saying that when we entertain and live by the virtues of “Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love” we are then doing our best to aspire to divinity. In this how does Blake suggest God exists?
that he exists in the everyday acts of kindness and compassion which link us to each other and to the rest of the sentiment world
What could Blake mean in the last stanza where he talks of “heathen, turk of jew”?
that all people, no matter what their beliefs or traditions have a part to play in the manifestations of divinity in everyday life
the personified figures of Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love are listed as the four “”?
“virtues of delight”
The speaker states that all people pray to the personified figures of Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love which are listed as the four “virtues of delight” because they represent what?””
“God, our father dear”
AlthoughThe speaker states that all people pray to the personified figures of Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love which are listed as the four “virtues of delight” because they represent the “God, our father dear” but also are characteristics of Man. How so?
as Mercy is found in the human heart, Pity in the human face; Peace is a garment that envelops humans and Love exists in the human “form” or body
As there are characteristics of man in the four “virtues of delight”, how then are they not only directed to just God but “the human form divine”?
as he suggests that all people must love and respect regardless of their religion and culture
The rhyme and the frequent repetition of words and phrases combines with a spiritual subject matter to create what type of tone/effect?
to create the poem’s simple, hymn-like-quality
How does “The Divine Image” differ from most of the other Songs of Innocene?a
as most deal with the emotional power of conventional Christian faith, and the innocent belief in a supreme, benevolent and protective God, rather than in the Divine Image which parallels between thees transcedanent realm and the realm of man
The Speaker claim that Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love are equivalent to Man as it is in humans that these qualities find a kind of embodiment because their recognisable features are basically _______>
When we think of God we model him after these ideal human qualities of Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love, and in doing so what are we actually worshipping?
the “human form divine”
The implication that God is a mental creation reflects Blakes belief that what? (qupote)
“all deities reside in the human breast”
How does Christ become Blakes mediation between the two human and God?
as Christ is both God and man
Blake himself favours a more direct identification between what is human and what is divine; rather than how the Christian doctrine gives Christ a more abstract rather than human figuration. What is thus the companion poem to this?
“The Human Abstract”
What does “The Human Abstract” go further to expose?
the elaborate institutions of religion as mental confabulations that obscure rather than honour the true identity of God and Man
This poem follows “A Cradle Song” which considers the idea of what?
of God becoming one with human begins through a recognisable human situation
Blake believed that “all ______ reside in the human _____”
How can the phrase “all must love” be interpreted?
this can be interpreted as a declaration about how humans are bound to love the human form, as much as an imperative that they should
What is the tone adopted in this poem?
a didactic tone (teach/moral instruction)
the Divine Image personifies God in human terms (anthropomorphism); and defines him as what?
that god is no-one but the apothesosis of the human ideals and desire
the four virtues of delight for us act as what?
act as a way to relieve ourselves from distress, living in a world of imperfections