Important peeps Flashcards
Carl Rogers
Person-Centered Therapy
Albert Ellis
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
Aaron Beck
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
John Bowlby
Attachment Theory
Melanie Klien
Object Relations Theory
-depressive positions
Donald Winnicott
Object Relations Theory
-good enough mother
-transitional object
-true self
-false self
Ronald Fairburn
Object Relations Theory
Judith Herman
Trauma + Recovery
focuses on effects of trauma and stages of recovery
Urie Bronfenbrenner
ecological systems theory
-understanding multiple layers of the environment (microsystem, mesosystem, ecosystem etc.) and how they effect someone
B.F. Skinner
Ivan Pavlov
Classical Conditioning
-associative learning through conditioned responses
Murray Bowen
Family Systems Theory
Salvador Minichuin
Structural Family Therapy
-altering family structure to address dysfunction
Michael White and David Epston
Narrative Therapy
Person-Centered Therapy
Carl Rogers
-unconditional positive regard, empathy, therapeutic relationship
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
Focus on changing irrational beliefs to emprove emotional wellbeing *
Type of CBT focused on changing irrational beliefs which then effect behavior
ABC Model
Attachment Theory
Emphasizes early attachments and their impact on emotional development
Paranoid-Schizoid Position
Margaret Klien (object relations)
-splitting people/experiences into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ parts , blaming outside things. helps you deal with big feelings but not see things for what they are
depressive position
Margaret Klien (object relations)
-growing up, you realize things aren’t black and white and that you are responsible for some things in your life, making you feel guilty/sad. This is more realistic, but also probably feels worse
good enough mother
Winnicott - a mom doesn’t need to be perfect, just good enough to meet the baby’s needs
true self
-essence of someone’s personality
false self
-who someone pretends to be for others or to protect themselves from emotional pain
Judith Herman’s Stages of Trauma recovery
-establishing safety in a survivor’s life
-rememberance and mourning - remembering traumatic events and experiencing the grief/pain/loss
-reconnection - reestablishing connection with self and others
Urie Bronfenbrenner (ecological systems theory)
settings you don’t interact with and still effect your life ex. parent’s workplace, government policies