Impaired Memory & Treatment Flashcards
The most common deficit observed in patients in acquired cognitive communication disorders, regardless of severity
Impaired memory
Aphasia &
Memory Impairments
- Remember: memory deficits may or may NOT co-occur with aphasia
- Difference between:
- difficulty naming a loved one
- vs. forgetting a loved one
- Do your best to tease out language vs. memory
& Memory Impairment
- Persisting memory & learning problems -
- reported at 1,2, and 6 years post injury in moderate to severe TBI
- impaired verbal memory has been strongly related to unemployment
Memory Impairment
- Early to middle stages of dementia
- episodic & semantic memory may be impaired
- will change as process continues to deteriorate to end stage
- may want to consider more compensatory methods rather than rehabilitative
Treatment of Memory
Suggestions for retraining memory
- shorten length of instructions/directions
- provide training that stimulates real-world processing
- avoid a fast speaking rate
- use a part-whole learning strategy
- consider hierarchy
- rehearsal will proceed working memory training
Treatment of Memory Approaches
- Restorative/Rehabilitative
- Includes
- rehearsal
- retrieval cues
- awareness training or metamemory
- theory - repeated exposure & repetition of stimulation through experience results in neuronal growth & synaptogenesis
- Includes
- Compensatory
- function cannot be recovered completely = use of strategies to improve functional performance
- Memory notebook
- calendar or smartphone (important dates, appointment reminders)
- Written aids
- pill organizers
- alarms
- function cannot be recovered completely = use of strategies to improve functional performance
Types of Restorative/Rehabilitive Approaches
treatment of memory
- Rehearsal
- Retrieval Cues
- Awareness training, or metamemory
- Memory notebooks
- calendar/smartphone to remember important dates & appointments
- Written aids
- Pill organizers
- alarms
are examples of _______ approach to treatment of memory
Types of Rehearsal
- Interference Rehearsal
- SLP shows patient a card from a deck; patient says aloud the number and suit of the card. SLP draws a second card and patient says it aloud. Patient then must recall first card.
Correct cards go in a stack. Measure of performance is how many cards in patient’s stack once deck is exhausted.
- Spatial Rehearsal
- Similar to the Memory Game, where cards are turned over to try and find a match. Patient must remember the card’s position.
- Rehearsing Numbers
- Read then have patient repeat address numbers, phone numbers, etc.
- Rehearsing Instructions
- “Write your name, age, and date of birth.” Patient repeats aloud before doing it. Measure of accuracy is how many commands patient completes correctly.
- Spaced Retrieval
- Prompts at spaced intervals for extended recall
Mnemonic Device for Rehearsal Types
Think: Calling drs. office and following automated directions -
* Rehearse instructions (repeat aloud before doing it)
> rehearse numbers (repeat #’s)
> interference ( recall first #)
> spatial (recall which number on keypad = option/dr. location)
> spaced (prompts at intervals for extended recall = “choose the number of the dr you wish to reach”
SLP shows patient a card from a deck; patient says aloud the number and suit of the card. SLP draws a second card and patient says it aloud. Patient then must recall first card.
Correct cards go in a stack. Measure of performance is how many cards in patient’s stack once deck is exhausted.
This is a example of _________ _______
Interference rehearsal
Similar to the Memory Game, where cards are turned over to try and find a match. Patient must remember the card’s position.
this is example of ______ ______
spatial rehearsal
Read then have patient repeat address numbers, phone numbers, etc.
This is example of _____ _____
Rehearsing numbers
“Write your name, age, and date of birth.” Patient repeats aloud before doing it. Measure of accuracy is how many commands patient completes correctly.
Example of ________ ________
Rehearsing Instructions
Prompts at spaced intervals for extended recall
is an example of ______ _____
spaced retrieval
Characteristics that affect ability to retreive information
Strength - or intensity of Memory
- create a vivid image using WH questions
Attributes - stored with the memory
- recall a portion of the larger memory
- might not recall a loved ones phone number but can recall it is half-way down the page of numbers
Associations - with other memories
- with whom is person associated? When did we meet?
- Ability to Reconstruct from other memories
- Mental rehearsal or retracing steps
Other retrieval technique examples
- Alphabet search
- i think her name began with A?B?C?
- Returning to the scene
- walking into a room, store, neighborhood to trigger memory
- advise patients to take test in same room where they studied to cue recall
- Learning about the nature of their memory issues & how specific strategies improve functioning
- May not be appropriate for all patients:
- Depends on overall executive function & frontal lobe networks
- May not be appropriate for all patients: